Haynes, C.V., Jr., 1968, Preliminary report on the late Quaternary geology of the San Pedro Valley, Arizona, in Titley, S.R., ed., Southern Arizona Guidebook III: Arizona Geological Society, p. 79-96.
Huachuca Mts.
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Preliminary report on the late Quaternary geology of the San Pedro Valley, Arizona, in Titley, S.R., ed., Southern Arizona Guidebook III
Lower Mesozoic extrusive rocks in southeastern Arizona--the Canelo Hills Volcanics, Chapter M, in Contributions to stratigraphy
Hayes, P.T., Simons, F.S., and Raup, R.B., 1965, Lower Mesozoic extrusive rocks in southeastern Arizona--the Canelo Hills Volcanics, Chapter M, in Contributions to stratigraphy: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1194-M, p. M1-M9.
Geologic map of the Huachuca and Mustang Mountains, southeastern Arizona
Hayes, P.T., and Raup, R.B., 1968, Geologic map of the Huachuca and Mustang Mountains, southeastern Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations Map I-509, 1 sheet, scale 1:48,000.
Mesozoic depositional history of southeastern Arizona, in Callender, J.F., Wilt, J.C., and Clemons, R.E., eds., Land of Cochise, southeastern Arizona
Hayes, P.T., and Drewes, H.D., 1978, Mesozoic depositional history of southeastern Arizona, in Callender, J.F., Wilt, J.C., and Clemons, R.E., eds., Land of Cochise, southeastern Arizona: New Mexico Geological Society 29th Field Conference Guidebook, p. 201-207.
Mesozoic sedimentary and volcanic rocks of southeastern Arizona, in Titley, S.R., ed., Southern Arizona Guidebook III
Hayes, P.T., and Drewes, H.D., 1968, Mesozoic sedimentary and volcanic rocks of southeastern Arizona, in Titley, S.R., ed., Southern Arizona Guidebook III: Arizona Geological Society, p. 49-58.
Cambrian and Ordovician rocks of southern Arizona and New Mexico and westernmost Texas
Hayes, P.T., and Cone, G.C., 1975, Cambrian and Ordovician rocks of southern Arizona and New Mexico and westernmost Texas: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 873, 98 p., 1 sheet.
Mesozoic stratigraphy of the Mule and Huachuca Mountains, Arizona
Hayes, P.T., 1970, Mesozoic stratigraphy of the Mule and Huachuca Mountains, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 658-A, 28 p.
Cretaceous paleogeography of southeastern Arizona and adjacent areas
Hayes, P.T., 1970, Cretaceous paleogeography of southeastern Arizona and adjacent areas: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 658-B, 42 p.
Sedimentology, stratigraphy, and paleogeography of the Fort Crittenden Formation (Upper Cretaceous), southeastern Arizona
Hayes, M.J., 1986, Sedimentology, stratigraphy, and paleogeography of the Fort Crittenden Formation (Upper Cretaceous), southeastern Arizona: Tucson, University of Arizona, M.S. thesis, 117 p.
Geothermal development plan: Cochise and Santa Cruz Counties
Arizona Geothermal Commercialization Team, 1980, Geothermal development plan: Cochise and Santa Cruz Counties: Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology Open-File Report 80-09, 40 p.