Morrison, R.B., 1977, Slope-relief of the western half of the Tucson 2o x 1o area, Arizona: Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology Open-File Report 83-01, 1 sheet, scale 1:120,000.
McClellan Wash area
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Slope-relief of the western half of the Tucson 2o x 1o area, Arizona
Tucson 1o x 2o quadrangle, ease of excavation and potential erodibility, phases 4 and 5
Morrison, R.B., 1975, Tucson 1o x 2o quadrangle, ease of excavation and potential erodibility, phases 4 and 5: Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology Open-File Report 83-03, 3 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
Soil associations of the Tucson-Ajo area 2o x 1o area, Arizona (eastern half)
Morrison, R.B., 1970, Soil associations of the Tucson-Ajo area 2o x 1o area, Arizona (eastern half): Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology Open-File Report 83-17, 2 sheets, scale 1:120,000.
Geomorphic (landform) features of the Tucson-Ajo 2o x 1o area, Arizona (eastern half)
Morrison, R.B., 1970, Geomorphic (landform) features of the Tucson-Ajo 2o x 1o area, Arizona (eastern half): Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology Open-File Report 83-16, 2 sheets, scale 1:120,000.
Maps showing nonmetallic mineral deposits in the Phoenix area, Arizona
Moore, R.T., and Varga, R.J., comps., 1976, Maps showing nonmetallic mineral deposits in the Phoenix area, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-845-J, 1 sheet, scales 1:250,000, 1:500,000.
Maps showing ground-water conditions in the lower Santa Cruz area, Pinal, Pima, and Maricopa Counties, Arizona--1977
Konieczki, A.D., and English, C.S., 1979, Maps showing ground-water conditions in the lower Santa Cruz area, Pinal, Pima, and Maricopa Counties, Arizona--1977: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations 79-0056 Open-File Report, 4 sheets, scale 1:125,000.
Well location map, Pinal County, Arizona
Koester, E.A., and Conley, J.N., 1972, Well location map, Pinal County, Arizona: Arizona Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, County Well Location Map 3, 1 sheet, scale 1:500,000 [superseded by Koester, E.A., Conley, J.N., and Rauzi, S.L., 1995, Arizona Geological Survey Oil and Gas Publication OG-5].
Dissolved-solids content of ground water in the Phoenix area, Arizona
Kister, L.R., 1974, Dissolved-solids content of ground water in the Phoenix area, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-845-G, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
Dissolved-solids content of ground water in the Tucson area, Arizona
Kister, L.R., 1974, Dissolved-solids content of ground water in the Tucson area, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-844-I, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
The relation between ephemeral stream regime and earth fissuring in south-central Arizona
Johnson, Nicholas M., 1980, The relation between ephemeral stream regime and earth fissuring in south-central Arizona: Tucson, University of Arizona, M.S. thesis, 158 p.