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Mesa Redonda area
Placename Counties
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Ground-water flow and uranium in Colorado Plateau
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Generalized hydrogeology and ground-water budget for the C Aquifer, Little Colorado River Basin and parts of the Verde and Salt River basin, Arizona and New Mexico
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Numerical ground-water change model of the C aquifer and effects of ground-water withdrawals on stream depletion in selected reaches of Clear Creek, Chevelon Creek, and the Little Colorado River, northeastern Arizona
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Water withdrawals for irrigation, municipal, mining, thermoelectric-power, and drainage uses in Arizona outside of active management areas, 1991-2000
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Evaporite karst in the western part of the Holbrook Basin, Arizona, in Beck, B.F., and Stephenson, J.B., eds., The Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology of Karst Terranes
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Arizona's Holbrook salt basin holds oil, gas opportunities
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Arizona's Holbrook CO2 area may hold oil, gas reserves
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