Haxel, G.B., and Dillon, J.T., 1978, The Pelona-Orocopia Schist and Vincent-Chocolate Mountain thrust system, southern California, in Howell, D.G., and McDougall, K.A., eds., Mesozoic Paleogeography of the western United States - Pacific Coast Paleogeography Symposium 2, Los Angeles, Calif., 1978: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Pacific Section, Los Angeles, Calif., p. 453-469.
Middle Mts.
Placename Counties
Placename Label
The Pelona-Orocopia Schist and Vincent-Chocolate Mountain thrust system, southern California, in Howell, D.G., and McDougall, K.A., eds., Mesozoic Paleogeography of the western United States - Pacific Coast Paleogeography Symposium 2,...
Geochemistry of the protolith of the Orocopia schist, southeastern California; and tectonic inferences, in Dickinson, W. R., and Klute, M. A., eds., Mesozoic geology of southern Arizona and adjacent areas
Haxel, G.B., Budahn, J.R., Fries, T. L., King, B. W., White, L. D., and Aruscavage, P. J., 1987, Geochemistry of the protolith of the Orocopia schist, southeastern California; and tectonic inferences, in Dickinson, W. R., and Klute, M. A., eds., Mesozoic geology of southern Arizona and adjacent areas: Arizona Geological Society Digest, v. 18, p. 49-64.
Significance of the Orocopia Schist and Chocolate Mountains thrust in the late Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the southeastern California-southwestern Arizona region: Extended abstract, in Beatty, B., and Wilkinson, P.A.K., eds.,...
Haxel, G.B., and Tosdal, R.M., 1986, Significance of the Orocopia Schist and Chocolate Mountains thrust in the late Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the southeastern California-southwestern Arizona region: Extended abstract, in Beatty, B., and Wilkinson, P.A.K., eds., Frontiers in geology and ore deposits of Arizona and the Southwest: Arizona Geological Society Digest, v. 16, p. 52-61.
The Orocopia Schist and the Chocolate Mountain thrust, Picacho-Peter Kane Mountain area, southeasternmost California
Haxel, G.B., 1977, The Orocopia Schist and the Chocolate Mountain thrust, Picacho-Peter Kane Mountain area, southeasternmost California: Santa Barbara, University of California, Ph.D. dissertation, 277 p.
Geology and regional setting of the Castle Dome Mountains, southwestern Arizona, in Frost, E.G., and Martin, D.L., eds., Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Colorado River region, California, Arizona, and Nevada - Anderson...
Gutmann, J.T., 1982, Geology and regional setting of the Castle Dome Mountains, southwestern Arizona, in Frost, E.G., and Martin, D.L., eds., Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Colorado River region, California, Arizona, and Nevada - Anderson-Hamilton Volume: San Diego, Cordilleran Publishers, p. 117-122.
Geothermal development plan: Yuma County
Arizona Geothermal Commercialization Team, 1980, Geothermal development plan: Yuma County: Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology Open-File Report 80-08, 22 p.
Structural evidence for northeastward movement on the Chocolate Mountains thrust, southeasternmost California
Dillon, J.T., Haxel, G.B., and Tosdal, R.M., 1987, Structural evidence for northeastward movement on the Chocolate Mountains thrust, southeasternmost California: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 95, no. B12, p. 19,953-19,971.
Mesozoic rocks of southern Arizona and adjacent areas
Dickinson, W.R., and Klute, M.A., eds., 1987, Mesozoic rocks of southern Arizona and adjacent areas: Arizona Geological Society Digest, v. 18, 393 p.
Report on the geothermal potential of Yuma Proving Ground, Luke Air Force Range, Luke Air Force Base, Williams Air Force Base, and Navajo Ordinance Depot - Arizona
Danielson, C., 1977, Report on the geothermal potential of Yuma Proving Ground, Luke Air Force Range, Luke Air Force Base, Williams Air Force Base, and Navajo Ordinance Depot - Arizona: unpublished report, 34 p. [available for inspection at Arizona Geological Survey, 416 W. Congress, Suite 100, Tucson, Ariz.].
Well location map, Yuma County, Arizona [includes La Paz County]
Conley, J.N., and Koester, E.A., 1972, Well location map, Yuma County, Arizona [includes La Paz County]: Arizona Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, County Well Location Map 2, 1 sheet, scale 1:500,000 [superseded by Conley, J.N., Koester, E.A., and Rauzi, S.L., 1995, Arizona Geological Survey Oil and Gas Publication OG-4].