Arizona State Land Department, 1974, Arizona Lower Colorado River Resource Area: Arizona State Land Department, Report to President of Senate and Speaker of House, Pursuant to Senate Bill 1331, Thirty First Legislature, First Regular Session, April 1974, [345] p., 12 sheets, approx. scale 1:25,000.
Paria Plateau
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Arizona Lower Colorado River Resource Area
River-stage data, Colorado River, Glen Canyon Dam to upper Lake Mead, Arizona, 1990-94
Gauger, R.W., 1996, River-stage data, Colorado River, Glen Canyon Dam to upper Lake Mead, Arizona, 1990-94: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-0626, 20 p.
Geophysics of the Colorado Plateau [abs.], in Papers presented to the Conference on Plateau Uplift: Mode and Mechanism, A Lunar and Planetary Institute Topical Conference
Thompson, G.A., and Zoback, M.L., 1978, Geophysics of the Colorado Plateau [abs.], in Papers presented to the Conference on Plateau Uplift: Mode and Mechanism, A Lunar and Planetary Institute Topical Conference: Houston, Lunar and Planetary Institute, LPI Contribution 329, p. 52-54.
Geothermal characteristics of the Colorado Plateau [abs.], in Papers presented to the Conference on Plateau Uplift: Mode and Mechanism, A Lunar and Planetary Institute Topical Conference
Reiter, M., Mansure, A.J., and Shearer, C., 1978, Geothermal characteristics of the Colorado Plateau [abs.], in Papers presented to the Conference on Plateau Uplift: Mode and Mechanism, A Lunar and Planetary Institute Topical Conference: Houston, Lunar and Planetary Institute, LPI Contribution 329, p. 43.
Regional crustal structure of the Colorado Plateau [abs.], in Papers presented to the Conference on Plateau Uplift: Mode and Mechanism, A Lunar and Planetary Institute Topical Conference
Keller, G.R., Braile, L.W., and Morgan, P., 1978, Regional crustal structure of the Colorado Plateau [abs.], in Papers presented to the Conference on Plateau Uplift: Mode and Mechanism, A Lunar and Planetary Institute Topical Conference: Houston, Lunar and Planetary Institute, LPI Contribution 329, p. 26.
Petrologic constraints for upper mantle models of the Colorado Plateau [abs.], in Papers presented to the Conference on Plateau Uplift: Mode and Mechanism, A Lunar and Planetary Institute Topical Conference
Helmstaedt, H., and Schultze, D.J., 1978, Petrologic constraints for upper mantle models of the Colorado Plateau [abs.], in Papers presented to the Conference on Plateau Uplift: Mode and Mechanism, A Lunar and Planetary Institute Topical Conference: Houston, Lunar and Planetary Institute, LPI Contribution 329, p. 16-18.
Geophysical characteristics of the Colorado Plateau and its transition to the Basin and Range province in Utah [abs.], in Papers presented to the Conference on Plateau Uplift: Mode and Mechanism, A Lunar and Planetary Institute Topical...
Chapman, D.S., Furlong, K.P., Smith, R.B., and Wechsler, D.J., 1978, Geophysical characteristics of the Colorado Plateau and its transition to the Basin and Range province in Utah [abs.], in Papers presented to the Conference on Plateau Uplift: Mode and Mechanism, A Lunar and Planetary Institute Topical Conference: Houston, Lunar and Planetary Institute, LPI Contribution 329, p. 10-11.
Groundwater exploration in northeastern Arizona using Landsat imagery, in Harwood, Gerald, ed., Hydrology and water resources in Arizona and the Southwest, V. 10
Foster, K.E., and DeCook, K.J., 1980, Groundwater exploration in northeastern Arizona using Landsat imagery, in Harwood, Gerald, ed., Hydrology and water resources in Arizona and the Southwest, V. 10: American Water Resources Association, Arizona Section, and Arizona Academy of Science, Hydrology Section, Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nev., 1980, Proceedings, p. 187-192.
General hydrogeology of the aquifers of Mesozoic age, upper Colorado River basin - excluding the San Juan Basin - Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, and Arizona
Freethey, G.W., Kimball, B.A., Wilberg, D.E., and Hood, J.W., 1988, General hydrogeology of the aquifers of Mesozoic age, upper Colorado River basin - excluding the San Juan Basin - Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, and Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-0698, 2 sheets, scale 1:2,500,000.
Ground-water flow and uranium in Colorado Plateau
Ortiz, N.V., Ferentchak, J.A., Ethridge, F.G., Granger, H.C., and Sunada, D.K., 1980, Ground-water flow and uranium in Colorado Plateau: Ground Water (Journal of Association of Ground Water Scientists and Engineers), v. 18, no. 6, p. 596-606.