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Payson area
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Geology and hydrology of the Payson-Strawberry-Diamond Rim area, Gila and Coconino Counties, central Arizona
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Map showing ground-water conditions in the Tonto Basin area, Gila County, Arizona - 1979
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Occurrence and distribution of pesticides and volatile organic compounds in ground water and surface water in central Arizona basins, 1996-98, and their relation to land use
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Water quality in the central Arizona basins, Arizona, 1995-98
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Investigations of the geohydrology and hydrology of the Mogollon Highlands of central Arizona: A project of the Arizona Rural Watershed Initiative
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Discrete fracture fluid flow modeling and field applications in fractured rocks
Fire and sediment deposition
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Preliminary integrated geologic map databases for the United States - western states: California, Nevada, Arizona, and Washington
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