Schur, Chris, 1994, Surveying the fossil fauna of the Redwall Limestone on the Mogollon Rim, in Boaz, Debra, Dornan, Michael, and Bolander, Susan, eds., Proceedings of the Fossils of Arizona Symposium, Volume II, November 19, 1994: Mesa, Ariz., Mesa Southwest Museum, and Southwest Paleontological Society, p. 35-55.
Payson area
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Surveying the fossil fauna of the Redwall Limestone on the Mogollon Rim, in Boaz, Debra, Dornan, Michael, and Bolander, Susan, eds., Proceedings of the Fossils of Arizona Symposium, Volume II, November 19, 1994
Springs along the Mogollon Rim in Arizona, in Weber, R.H., and Peirce, H.W., eds., Guidebook of the Mogollon Rim region, east-central Arizona
Feth, J.H., and Hem, J.D., 1962, Springs along the Mogollon Rim in Arizona, in Weber, R.H., and Peirce, H.W., eds., Guidebook of the Mogollon Rim region, east-central Arizona: New Mexico Geological Society 13th Field Conference Guidebook, p. 129-134.
Devonian conodonts in Arizona, in Weber, R.H., and Peirce, H.W., eds., Guidebook of the Mogollon Rim region, east-central Arizona
Ethington, R.L., 1962, Devonian conodonts in Arizona, in Weber, R.H., and Peirce, H.W., eds., Guidebook of the Mogollon Rim region, east-central Arizona: New Mexico Geological Society 13th Field Conference Guidebook, p. 72-76.
Environmental studies of Fort Apache Member, Supai Formation, east-central Arizona
Gerrard, T.A., 1966, Environmental studies of Fort Apache Member, Supai Formation, east-central Arizona: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 50, no. 11, p. 2434-2463.
Seventh day - Road log from Holbrook to Tempe, Arizona via Painted Desert, Petrified Forest, Meteor Crater, Winslow, Payson, and Scottsdale, in Smith, C.T., ed., Guidebook to Four Corners, Colorado Plateau, Central Rocky Mountain Region,...
Miller, P.T., 1970, Seventh day - Road log from Holbrook to Tempe, Arizona via Painted Desert, Petrified Forest, Meteor Crater, Winslow, Payson, and Scottsdale, in Smith, C.T., ed., Guidebook to Four Corners, Colorado Plateau, Central Rocky Mountain Region, 1970: National Association of Geology Teachers, Southwest Section, p. 150-155.
Globe to Flagstaff, Arizona - Third day -- October 20, 1962, in Weber, R.H., and Peirce, H.W., eds., Guidebook of the Mogollon Rim region, east-central Arizona
Peirce, H.W., Cooley, M.E., Johnson, P.W., and Breed, W.J., 1962, Globe to Flagstaff, Arizona - Third day -- October 20, 1962, in Weber, R.H., and Peirce, H.W., eds., Guidebook of the Mogollon Rim region, east-central Arizona: New Mexico Geological Society 13th Field Conference Guidebook, p. 31-50.
Report on SOM investigations in Arizona (except the Plateau province area)
Hill, J.M., 1946, Report on SOM investigations in Arizona (except the Plateau province area): U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Report RMO-26, 98 p., 20 sheets, various scales.
Preliminary experiences with 222Rn gas in Arizona homes
Kearfott, K.J., 1989, Preliminary experiences with 222Rn gas in Arizona homes: Health Physics, v. 56, no. 2, p. 169-179.
Triassic-Jurassic fluvial systems, northeastern Arizona - Guidebook for SEPM field trip no. 8, SEPM midyear meeting, Golden Colorado, August 15-19, 1985
Middleton, L.T., Blakey, R.C., Kraus, M.J., and Brown, T.M., 1985, Triassic-Jurassic fluvial systems, northeastern Arizona - Guidebook for SEPM field trip no. 8, SEPM midyear meeting, Golden Colorado, August 15-19, 1985: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, 70 p.
Modeling the Payson and Tonto Basins, central Arizona, using gravity data [abs.]
Richards, A.M., and Best, D.M., 1987, Modeling the Payson and Tonto Basins, central Arizona, using gravity data [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 19, no. 7, p. 819.