Ely, L.L., Enzel, Yehouda, and Cayan, D.R., 1992, Anomalous atmospheric circulation and large winter floods in six subregions of the southwestern United States, in Redmond, K.T., ed., Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Pacific Climate (PACLIM) Workshop, Asilomar, California, March 10-13, 1991: California Department of Water Resources, Interagency Ecological Studies Program Technical Report 31, p. 91-98.
Puerco River area
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Anomalous atmospheric circulation and large winter floods in six subregions of the southwestern United States, in Redmond, K.T., ed., Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Pacific Climate (PACLIM) Workshop, Asilomar, California, March 10-13,...
Quaternary geochronology and distribution of Mammuthus on the Colorado Plateau, in Boaz, Debra, and others, eds., Proceedings of the Third Annual Fossils of Arizona Symposium, November 18, 1995
Agenbroad, L.D., and Mead, J.I., 1995, Quaternary geochronology and distribution of Mammuthus on the Colorado Plateau, in Boaz, Debra, and others, eds., Proceedings of the Third Annual Fossils of Arizona Symposium, November 18, 1995: Mesa, Ariz., Mesa Southwest Museum, and Southwest Paleontological Society, p. 105-111 [reprinted from Geology, v. 17, no. 9, p. 861-864].
Bibliography of geologic reports and maps for Apache County, Arizona, south of Interstate 40 (supersedes Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-20)
Trapp, R.A., 1996, Bibliography of geologic reports and maps for Apache County, Arizona, south of Interstate 40 (supersedes Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-20): Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-16, 27 p.
Geohydrology and water use in southern Apache County, Arizona
Mann, L.J., and Nemecek, E.A., 1983, Geohydrology and water use in southern Apache County, Arizona: Arizona Department of Water Resources Bulletin 1, 86 p., 5 sheets, scales 1:250,000 and 1:500,000.
Correlation of Permian strata between the Mogollon Rim and the southern Defiance Plateau, east-central Arizona [abs.], in Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section, Program, 64th Annual Meeting, Tucson, Ariz., April 11-13, 1968
Peirce, H.W., 1968, Correlation of Permian strata between the Mogollon Rim and the southern Defiance Plateau, east-central Arizona [abs.], in Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section, Program, 64th Annual Meeting, Tucson, Ariz., April 11-13, 1968: Geological Society of America, p. 93.
What's up down there?
Peirce, H.W., 1971, What's up down there?: Fieldnotes [Arizona Bureau of Mines], v. 1, no. 1, p. 1-2.
Floods of November 1978 to March 1979 in Arizona and west-central New Mexico
Aldridge, B.N., and Hale, T.A., 1984, Floods of November 1978 to March 1979 in Arizona and west-central New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2241, 149 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:1,000,000.
Surface features indicative of subsurface evaporite dissolution: Implications for storage and mining
Neal, J.T., 1994, Surface features indicative of subsurface evaporite dissolution: Implications for storage and mining: Woodstock, Ill., Solution Mining Research Institute, 1994 Spring Meeting, Houston, Tex., April 25-27, Meeting Paper, 19 p.
Anomalous He and N2 in natural gas as an indicator of partial melting associated with epeirogenic uplift and the Rio Grande Rift [abs.]
Nelson, J.S., and Simmons, E.C., 1995, Anomalous He and N2 in natural gas as an indicator of partial melting associated with epeirogenic uplift and the Rio Grande Rift [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 76, no. 46, p. F604.
Basement derived He-N2 gases as a heat source for catagenesis [abs.]
Simmons, E.C., and Nelson, J.S., 1995, Basement derived He-N2 gases as a heat source for catagenesis [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 76, no. 46, p. F688.