Bedinger, M.S., Sargent, K.A., and Langer, W.H., 1990, Studies of geology and hydrology in the Basin and Range province, southwestern United States for isolation of high-level radioactive waste - Evaluation of the regions: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1370-H, p. H1-61, 7 plates, scale 1:1,000,000.
Rawhide Mts.
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Studies of geology and hydrology in the Basin and Range province, southwestern United States for isolation of high-level radioactive waste - Evaluation of the regions
Sonoran region, Arizona, in Bedinger, M.S. and others, Studies of geology and hydrology in the Basin and Range province, southwestern United States, for isolation of high-level radioactive waste: Evaluation of the regions
Bedinger, M.S., Sargent, K.A., and Langer, W.H., 1984, Sonoran region, Arizona, in Bedinger, M.S. and others, Studies of geology and hydrology in the Basin and Range province, southwestern United States, for isolation of high-level radioactive waste: Evaluation of the regions: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 84-0745, p. 81-108, 2 sheets, scale 1:300,000.
Ground-water hydrology, in Bedinger, M.S. and others, eds., Studies of geology and hydrology in the Basin and Range province, southwestern United States, for isolation of high-level radioactive waste
Bedinger, M.S., Langer, W.H., and Reed, J.E., 1984, Ground-water hydrology, in Bedinger, M.S. and others, eds., Studies of geology and hydrology in the Basin and Range province, southwestern United States, for isolation of high-level radioactive waste: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 84-0741, p. 98-114, 5 sheets 2, 3, and 4, scale 1:500,000.
Studies of geology and hydrology in the Basin and Range province, southwestern United States for isolation of high-level radioactive waste - Characterization of the Sonoran region, Arizona
Bedinger, M.S., Sargent, K.A., and Langer, W.H., eds., 1990, Studies of geology and hydrology in the Basin and Range province, southwestern United States for isolation of high-level radioactive waste - Characterization of the Sonoran region, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1370-D, p. D1-D40, 6 plates, scales 1:500,000 and 1:1,000,000.
Geologic maps and cross sections of selected areas in the Rawhide and Buckskin Mountains, La Paz and Mohave Counties, Arizona
Preliminary integrated geologic map databases for the United States - western states: California, Nevada, Arizona, and Washington
Ludington, S., Moring, B.C., Miller, R.J., Flynn, K., Hopkins, M.J., Stone, P., Bedford, D.R., and Haxel, G.A., 2005, Preliminary integrated geologic map databases for the United States - western states: California, Nevada, Arizona, and Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1305, Unpaginated, scale 1:1,000,000.
Water withdrawals for irrigation, municipal, mining, thermoelectric-power, and drainage uses in Arizona outside of active management areas, 1991-2000
Tadayon, Saeid, 2005, Water withdrawals for irrigation, municipal, mining, thermoelectric-power, and drainage uses in Arizona outside of active management areas, 1991-2000: U. S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5293, 38p.
Timing and character of deformation along a margin of a metamorphic core complex, west-central Arizona, in Beratan, K.K., ed., Reconstructing the history of Basin and Range extension using sedimentology and stratigraphy
Lucchitta, Ivo, and Suneson, N.H., 1996, Timing and character of deformation along a margin of a metamorphic core complex, west-central Arizona, in Beratan, K.K., ed., Reconstructing the history of Basin and Range extension using sedimentology and stratigraphy: Geological Society of America Special Paper 303, p. 147-170.
An unconventional, multidisciplinary approach to evaluating the magnitude and frequency of flash floods in small desert watersheds
House, P.K., 1997, An unconventional, multidisciplinary approach to evaluating the magnitude and frequency of flash floods in small desert watersheds: Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-09, 61 p.
The Arizona Water Plan, A status report, in Arizona Watershed Symposium, 19th annual, Phoenix, September 24, 1975, Proceedings
Clark, T.C., 1975, The Arizona Water Plan, A status report, in Arizona Watershed Symposium, 19th annual, Phoenix, September 24, 1975, Proceedings: Arizona Water Commission Report no. 7, p. 9-23.