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Redington Pass
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Potassium-argon dating of igneous and metamorphic rocks with applications to the basin ranges of Arizona and Sonora, in Hamilton, E.I., and Farquhar, R.M., eds., Radiometric dating for geologists
Structural evolution of the northeastern Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona: A glimpse of the pre-extension history of the Catalina complex
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Kinematic analysis of deformation at the margin of a regional shear zone, Buehman Canyon area, Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona
Bykerk-Kauffman, Ann, 1983, Kinematic analysis of deformation at the margin of a regional shear zone, Buehman Canyon area, Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona: Tucson, University of Arizona, M.S. thesis, 79 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:6,000.
Kinematics of pre-Miocene ductile deformation in the Santa Catalina core complex and adjacent regions
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Distribution of heat-producing elements in two core complexes, southern Basin and Range Province: Quantitative restraints on regional thermal models [abs.]
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Reply to comment (by C.L.V. Aiken) on 'Crustal structure from three-dimensional gravity modeling of a metamorphic core complex: A model for uplift, Santa Catalina-Rincon Mountains, Arizona' by W.E. Holt, C.G. Chase, and T.C. Wallace
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Comment on 'Crustal structure from three-dimensional gravity modeling of a metamorphic core complex: A model for uplift, Santa Catalina-Rincon Mountains, Arizona' by W.E. Holt, C.G. Chase, and T.C. Wallace
Aiken, C.L.V., 1987, Comment on 'Crustal structure from three-dimensional gravity modeling of a metamorphic core complex: A model for uplift, Santa Catalina-Rincon Mountains, Arizona' by W.E. Holt, C.G. Chase, and T.C. Wallace: Geology, v. 15, no. 10, p. 978-979.
Depletion of streamflow by infiltration in the main channels of the Tucson Basin, southeastern Arizona
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Streamflow in the upper Santa Cruz River Basin, Santa Cruz and Pima Counties, Arizona
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Mines, prospects and mineralized areas of the Rincon wilderness study area, Pima County, Arizona, in Thorman, C.H., Drewes, H.D., and Lane, M.E., Mineral resources of the Rincon wilderness study area, Pima County, Arizona
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