Pashley, E.F., 1968, Cenozoic evolution of the northern half of the Tucson basin, Arizona [abs.], in Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section, Program, 64th Annual Meeting, Tucson, Ariz., April 11-13, 1968: Geological Society of America, p. 92.
Rincon Mts.
Placename Counties
Placename Includes
Placename Label
Cenozoic evolution of the northern half of the Tucson basin, Arizona [abs.], in Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section, Program, 64th Annual Meeting, Tucson, Ariz., April 11-13, 1968
Potassium-argon dating of igneous and metamorphic rocks with applications to the basin ranges of Arizona and Sonora, in Hamilton, E.I., and Farquhar, R.M., eds., Radiometric dating for geologists
Damon, P.E., 1968, Potassium-argon dating of igneous and metamorphic rocks with applications to the basin ranges of Arizona and Sonora, in Hamilton, E.I., and Farquhar, R.M., eds., Radiometric dating for geologists: London, Interscience Publishers, p. 1-71.
The Apache Group, Troy Quartzite, and diabase: Middle Proterozoic rocks of central and southern Arizona, in Link, P.K., ed., Middle and Late Proterozoic stratified rocks of the western U.S. Cordillera, Colorado Plateau, and Basin and...
Wrucke, C.T., 1993, The Apache Group, Troy Quartzite, and diabase: Middle Proterozoic rocks of central and southern Arizona, in Link, P.K., ed., Middle and Late Proterozoic stratified rocks of the western U.S. Cordillera, Colorado Plateau, and Basin and Range Province, in Reed, J.C., Jr., and others, eds., Precambrian: Conterminous U.S.: Geological Society of America, The Geology of North America, v. C-2, p. 517-521, refs. p. 575-595.
Timing and tectonic setting of Tertiary low-angle normal faulting and associated magmatism in the southwestern United States
Glazner, A.F., and Bartley, J.M., 1984, Timing and tectonic setting of Tertiary low-angle normal faulting and associated magmatism in the southwestern United States: Tectonics, v. 3, no. 3, p. 385-396.
Geochemistry and geology of the Pinal Schist, Cochise and Pima Counties, Arizona
Copeland, P., 1986, Geochemistry and geology of the Pinal Schist, Cochise and Pima Counties, Arizona: Socorro, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, M.S. thesis, 176 p.
Detailed structural analysis of detachment faulting near Colossal Cave, southern Rincon Mountains, Pima County, Arizona
Krantz, R.W., 1983, Detailed structural analysis of detachment faulting near Colossal Cave, southern Rincon Mountains, Pima County, Arizona: Tucson, University of Arizona, M.S. thesis, 58 p.
Kinematics of pre-Miocene ductile deformation in the Santa Catalina core complex and adjacent regions
Guerin, Gwenael, Brun, Jean-Pierre, and Van Den Dreissche, Jean, 1990, Kinematics of pre-Miocene ductile deformation in the Santa Catalina core complex and adjacent regions: Tectonics, v. 9, no. 6, p. 1305-1326.
Compressional deformation and peraluminous plutonism in the Little Rincon Mountains, southeastern Arizona: A component of the fabric of the Rincon metamorphic core complex
Smith, C.H., 1989, Compressional deformation and peraluminous plutonism in the Little Rincon Mountains, southeastern Arizona: A component of the fabric of the Rincon metamorphic core complex: Tucson, University of Arizona, M.S. prepublication manuscript, 54 p.
Role of crustal thickening and extensional collapse in the tectonic evolution of the Sevier-Laramide orogeny, western United States
Livaccari, R.F., 1991, Role of crustal thickening and extensional collapse in the tectonic evolution of the Sevier-Laramide orogeny, western United States: Geology, v. 19, no. 11, p. 1104-1107.
Distribution of heat-producing elements in two core complexes, southern Basin and Range Province: Quantitative restraints on regional thermal models [abs.]
Ketcham, R.A., 1994, Distribution of heat-producing elements in two core complexes, southern Basin and Range Province: Quantitative restraints on regional thermal models [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 26, no. 7, p. A.473.