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Sacramento Valley
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Crustal extension along a rooted system of imbricate low-angle faults: Colorado River extensional corridor, California and Arizona, in Coward, M.P., Dewey, J.F., and Hancock, P.L., eds., Continental extensional tectonics
Extensional faulting through the upper crust, California-Arizona border [abs.]
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Geology of Mohave County, Arizona
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Precipitation, runoff, and water loss in the lower Colorado River-Salton Sea area
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Lower Colorado River water supply--Its magnitude and distribution
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Zinc mines of the Hualapai district, Arizona
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Reconnaissance geologic strip map from Kingman to south of Bill Williams Mountain, Arizona
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'Wet' geothermal potential of the Kingman-Williams region, Arizona
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Basic hydrologic data of the Hualapai, Sacramento, and Big Sandy Valleys, Mohave County, Arizona
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Crustal structure from the Nevada Test Site to Kingman, Arizona, from seismic and gravity observations
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