Wilson, R.L., 1956, Stratigraphy and economic geology of the Chinle Formation, northeastern Arizona: Tucson, University of Arizona, Ph.D. dissertation, 257 p., 5 sheets, scales 1:1,200 and 1:370,000.
Segi Mesas
Placename Counties
Placename Includes
Placename Label
Stratigraphy and economic geology of the Chinle Formation, northeastern Arizona
Geologic map of Navajo and Apache Counties, Arizona
Wilson, E.D., Moore, R.T., and O'Haire, R.T., 1960, Geologic map of Navajo and Apache Counties, Arizona: Arizona Bureau of Mines, 1 sheet, scale 1:375,000 [now available as Arizona Geological Survey Map M-3-7].
Vertebrates from the Cutler Group of Monument Valley and vicinity, in James, H.L., ed., Guidebook of Monument Valley and vicinity, Arizona and Utah
Vaughn, P.P., 1973, Vertebrates from the Cutler Group of Monument Valley and vicinity, in James, H.L., ed., Guidebook of Monument Valley and vicinity, Arizona and Utah: New Mexico Geological Society 24th Field Conference Guidebook, p. 99-105.
USAEC airborne radiometric reconnaissance in Arizona, California, Nevada, and New Mexico, 1953 to 1956
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, 1966, USAEC airborne radiometric reconnaissance in Arizona, California, Nevada, and New Mexico, 1953 to 1956: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Report RME-147, 73 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:6,400,000.
Mine operation data report, January 1, 1959
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, 1959, Mine operation data report, January 1, 1959: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Report AEC-PED-1, 363 p.
Uranium exploration on the Colorado Plateau, interim staff report
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, 1951, Uranium exploration on the Colorado Plateau, interim staff report: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Report RMO-1000, 75 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:1,013,760.
Devonian System of the Black Mesa Basin, in Anderson, R.Y., and Harshbarger, J.W., eds., Guidebook of the Black Mesa Basin, northeastern Arizona
Turner, D.S., 1958, Devonian System of the Black Mesa Basin, in Anderson, R.Y., and Harshbarger, J.W., eds., Guidebook of the Black Mesa Basin, northeastern Arizona: New Mexico Geological Society 9th Field Conference Guidebook, p. 71-73.
Stratigraphy, oil and gas possibilities, and exploration economics of the Black Mesa Basin, Arizona
Turner, D.S., 1958, Stratigraphy, oil and gas possibilities, and exploration economics of the Black Mesa Basin, Arizona: Denver, Daniel S. Turner and Associates, 201 p.
Geomorphology of the Navajo country, in James, H.L., ed., Guidebook of Monument Valley and vicinity, Arizona and Utah
Stokes, W.L., 1973, Geomorphology of the Navajo country, in James, H.L., ed., Guidebook of Monument Valley and vicinity, Arizona and Utah: New Mexico Geological Society 24th Field Conference Guidebook, p. 61-67.
Stratigraphy of Triassic and associated formations in part of the Colorado Plateau region, with a section on Sedimentary petrology, by R.A. Cadigan, in Contributions to the geology of uranium
Stewart, J.H., Williams, G.A., Albee, H.F., and Raup, O.B., 1959, Stratigraphy of Triassic and associated formations in part of the Colorado Plateau region, with a section on Sedimentary petrology, by R.A. Cadigan, in Contributions to the geology of uranium: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1046-Q, p. 487-576.