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Sil Nakya Hills
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Mineral resource potential and related studies of the Papago Indian Reservation, southern Arizona
A paleomagnetic test of the proposed Mohave-Sonora megashear in northwestern Mexico
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Pennsylvanian to Jurassic eolian transportation systems in the western United States
Peterson, Fred, 1988, Pennsylvanian to Jurassic eolian transportation systems in the western United States: Sedimentary Geology, v. 56, nos. 1/4, p. 207-260.
Geologic map of the Tohono O'odham Indian Reservation, southern Arizona
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The Papago terrane: A crustal anomaly in south-central Arizona and north-central Sonora [abs.]
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Paleomagnetic results from Early Jurassic units from the Sil Nakya Hills and the Baboquivari Mountains, south-central Arizona [abs.]
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Geohydrology of the Papago, San Xavier, and Gila Bend Indian Reservations, Arizona - 1978-81
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Mineral resources, with appendix - List of mines and prospects, in Peterson, J.A., ed., Preliminary mineral resource assessment of the Tucson and Nogales 1o by 2o quadrangles, Arizona
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Geophysics - Electrical and seismic methods, in Peterson, J.A., ed., Preliminary mineral resource assessment of the Tucson and Nogales 1o by 2o quadrangles, Arizona
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Geophysics - Remote sensing, in Peterson, J.A., ed., Preliminary mineral resource assessment of the Tucson and Nogales 1o by 2o quadrangles, Arizona
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