Heindl, L.A., and McClymonds, N.E., 1964, Younger Precambrian formations and the Bolsa(?) Quartzite of Cambrian age, Papago Indian Reservation, Arizona, in Geological Survey research 1964, Chapter C: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 501-C, p. C43-C49.
Sil Nakya Hills
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Younger Precambrian formations and the Bolsa(?) Quartzite of Cambrian age, Papago Indian Reservation, Arizona, in Geological Survey research 1964, Chapter C
Mesozoic formations in the Comobabi and Roskruge Mountains, Papago Indian Reservation, Arizona, Chapter H, in Contributions to stratigraphy
Heindl, L.A., 1965, Mesozoic formations in the Comobabi and Roskruge Mountains, Papago Indian Reservation, Arizona, Chapter H, in Contributions to stratigraphy: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1194-H, p. H1-H15.
Cenozoic geology of the Papago Indian Reservation, Pima, Maricopa, and Pinal Counties, Arizona (a preliminary summary)
Heindl, L.A., 1960, Cenozoic geology of the Papago Indian Reservation, Pima, Maricopa, and Pinal Counties, Arizona (a preliminary summary): Arizona Geological Society Digest, v. 3, p. 31-34.
Reconnaissance geologic map of the Comobabi quadrangle, Pima County, Arizona
Haxel, G.B., Briskey, J.A., Rytuba, J.J., Bergquist, J.R., Blacet, P.M., and Miller, S.T., 1978, Reconnaissance geologic map of the Comobabi quadrangle, Pima County, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-964, 1 sheet, scale 1:62,500.
Reconnaissance petrochemistry of Jurassic igneous rocks, Baboquivari and Comobabi Mountains area, southern Arizona [abs.]
Haxel, G.B., Briskey, J.A., May, D. J., Tosdal, R. M., and Wright, J. E., 1985, Reconnaissance petrochemistry of Jurassic igneous rocks, Baboquivari and Comobabi Mountains area, southern Arizona [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 17, no. 6, p. 361.
Well location map, Pima and Santa Cruz Co., Arizona
Conley, J.N., and Koester, E.A., 1974, Well location map, Pima and Santa Cruz Co., Arizona: Arizona Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, County Well Location Map 7, 1 sheet, scale 1:500,000 [superseded by Conley, J.N., Koester, E.A., and Rauzi, S.L., 1995, Arizona Geological Survey Oil and Gas Publication OG-9].
The Papago country, Arizona; A geographic, geologic, and hydrologic reconnaissance with a guide to desert watering places
Bryan, Kirk, 1925, The Papago country, Arizona; A geographic, geologic, and hydrologic reconnaissance with a guide to desert watering places: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 499, 436 p., scale 1:250,000 and 1:500,000, 4 sheets.
Routes to desert watering places in the Papago country, Arizona
Bryan, Kirk, 1922, Routes to desert watering places in the Papago country, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 490-D, 117 p.
Erosion and sedimentation in the Papago country, Arizona, with a sketch of the geology
Bryan, Kirk, 1922, Erosion and sedimentation in the Papago country, Arizona, with a sketch of the geology: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 730-B, 90 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:500,000.
Geology and physiography of the Papago Country, Arizona [abs.]
Bryan, Kirk, 1920, Geology and physiography of the Papago Country, Arizona [abs.]: Washington Academy of Sciences, Journal, v. 10, no. 2, p. 52-53.