Hayes, P.T., 1972, Stratigraphic nomenclature of Cambrian and Ordovician rocks of easternmost southern Arizona and adjacent westernmost New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1372-B, 21 p.
Swisshelm Mts.
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Stratigraphic nomenclature of Cambrian and Ordovician rocks of easternmost southern Arizona and adjacent westernmost New Mexico
Oil and gas possibilities in the Pedregosa Basin, in Woodward, L. A., ed., Tyrone-Big Hatchet Mountains-Florida Mountains region
Greenwood, E., 1970, Oil and gas possibilities in the Pedregosa Basin, in Woodward, L. A., ed., Tyrone-Big Hatchet Mountains-Florida Mountains region: New Mexico Geological Society 21st Field Conference Guidebook, p. 105.
Petroleum potential and stratigraphy of Pedregosa Basin: Comparison with Permian and Orogrande basins
Greenwood, E., Kottlowski, F.E., and Thompson, Sam, III, 1977, Petroleum potential and stratigraphy of Pedregosa Basin: Comparison with Permian and Orogrande basins: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 61, no. 9, p. 1448-1469.
Geothermal development plan: Cochise and Santa Cruz Counties
Arizona Geothermal Commercialization Team, 1980, Geothermal development plan: Cochise and Santa Cruz Counties: Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology Open-File Report 80-09, 40 p.
Geology and mineralization of the east-central and southeastern Swisshelm Mountains, Cochise County, Arizona
Gillette, R.S., 1983, Geology and mineralization of the east-central and southeastern Swisshelm Mountains, Cochise County, Arizona: Tucson, University of Arizona, M.S. thesis, 94 p.
Swisshelm district, Chap. III, in Arizona zinc and lead deposits, Part II
Galbraith, F.W., and Loring, W.B., 1951, Swisshelm district, Chap. III, in Arizona zinc and lead deposits, Part II: Arizona Bureau of Mines Bulletin no. 158, p. 30-36.
Upper Devonian Swisshelm Formation of southeastern Arizona
Epis, R.C., Gilbert, C.M., and Langenheim, R.L., 1957, Upper Devonian Swisshelm Formation of southeastern Arizona: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 41, no. 10, p. 2243-2256.
Early Paleozoic strata in southeastern Arizona
Epis, R.C., and Gilbert, C.M., 1957, Early Paleozoic strata in southeastern Arizona: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 41, no. 10, p. 2223-2242.
Tungsten mineralization at the Swisshelm Mountains, Cochise County, Arizona
Dunne, J.A., 1957, Tungsten mineralization at the Swisshelm Mountains, Cochise County, Arizona: New York, Columbia University, M.S. thesis.
Geomorphology of fault scarps on the northwest side of the Swisshelm Mountains, Cochise County, Arizona
Druke, P.A., 1979, Geomorphology of fault scarps on the northwest side of the Swisshelm Mountains, Cochise County, Arizona: Tucson, University of Arizona, M.S. thesis, 86 p.