Wong, I.G., Unruh, J.R., Wright, D.H., and Lettis, W.R., 1993, Seismicity evaluation for Parker Dam, Arizona - California, in Anderson, L.W., and O'Connell, D.R., Seismotectonic study of the northern portion of the Lower Colorado River, Arizona, California, and Nevada; For Hoover Dam - Boulder Canyon Project, Davis and Parker Dams - Parker-Davis Project, Palo Verde Diversion Dam - Palo Verde Diversion Project, and Headgate Rock Dam - Bureau of Indian Affairs: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Seismotectonic Report no. 93-4, Appendix A, 73 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:338,000.
Tank Mts.
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Seismicity evaluation for Parker Dam, Arizona - California, in Anderson, L.W., and O'Connell, D.R., Seismotectonic study of the northern portion of the Lower Colorado River, Arizona, California, and Nevada; For Hoover Dam - Boulder...
Geologic map of Quaternary and upper Tertiary alluvium in the Little Horn Mountains 30' x 60' quadrangle, Arizona
Demsey, K.A., 1990, Geologic map of Quaternary and upper Tertiary alluvium in the Little Horn Mountains 30' x 60' quadrangle, Arizona: Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report 90-08, 1 sheet, scale 1:100,000.
Geologic cross-sections, Section 4, in Moore, R.T., and Wilson, E.D., Geologic cross-sections of Arizona
Moore, R.T., 1962, Geologic cross-sections, Section 4, in Moore, R.T., and Wilson, E.D., Geologic cross-sections of Arizona: Arizona Bureau of Mines, 1 sheet [now available as Arizona Geological Survey Map M-7-2].
Tank Mountains obsidian - A newly discovered archaeological obsidian source in east-central Yuma County, Arizona
Shackley, M.S., 1991, Tank Mountains obsidian - A newly discovered archaeological obsidian source in east-central Yuma County, Arizona: Kiva, v. 57, no. 1, p. 17-25.
Arizona lode gold mines and gold mining
Wilson, E.D., Cunningham, J.B., and Butler, G.M., 1934, Arizona lode gold mines and gold mining: Arizona Bureau of Mines Bulletin no. 137, 261 p.
Geologic map of Yuma County, Arizona
Wilson, E.D., 1960, Geologic map of Yuma County, Arizona: Arizona Bureau of Mines, 1 sheet, scale 1:375,000 [includes La Paz County; now available as Arizona Geological Survey Map M-3-11].
Geology and mineral deposits of southern Yuma County, Arizona
Wilson, E.D., 1933, Geology and mineral deposits of southern Yuma County, Arizona: Arizona Bureau of Mines Bulletin no. 134, 234 p., 4 sheets, scales 1:4,500, 1:14,200, 1:24,000, 1:360,000.
Hydrogeochemical and stream sediment reconnaissance basic data for Phoenix quadrangle, Arizona, National Uranium Resource Evaluation Program
Uranium Resource Evaluation Project, 1982, Hydrogeochemical and stream sediment reconnaissance basic data for Phoenix quadrangle, Arizona, National Uranium Resource Evaluation Program: U.S. Department of Energy Report GJBX-165(82).
Land use and land cover, 1972-74, Phoenix, Arizona
U.S. Geological Survey, 1979, Land use and land cover, 1972-74, Phoenix, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Land Use Series Map L-42, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
Geologic cross sections of western Arizona Basin and Range, with accompanying geologic maps and other information
Scarborough, R.B., 1985, Geologic cross sections of western Arizona Basin and Range, with accompanying geologic maps and other information: Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology Open-File Report 85-02, 10 p., 34 sheets, scales 1:250,000 and 1:500,000.