Fischer, R.P., 1950, Uranium-bearing sandstone deposits of the Colorado Plateau: Economic Geology, v. 45, no. 1, p. 1-11.
Teec Nos Pos area
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Uranium-bearing sandstone deposits of the Colorado Plateau
Grade distribution and relative amounts of vanadium and uranium in the carnotite deposits
Fischer, R.P., 1945, Grade distribution and relative amounts of vanadium and uranium in the carnotite deposits: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Report RMO-67, 22 p.
Memorandum listing the areas in Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico that are geologically favorable for developing large reserves of vanadium ore by prospecting
Fischer, R.P., 1943, Memorandum listing the areas in Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico that are geologically favorable for developing large reserves of vanadium ore by prospecting: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Report RMO-60, 9 p.
Report on reserves and production situation of vanadiferous and related ores in Colorado Plateau region
Fischer, R.P., 1943, Report on reserves and production situation of vanadiferous and related ores in Colorado Plateau region: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Report RMO-59, 22 p.
Oil and gas fields of the Four Corners area, v. 1
Fassett, J.E., ed., 1978, Oil and gas fields of the Four Corners area, v. 1: Four Corners Geological Society, 368 p.
Garnet granulite and associated xenoliths in minette and serpentinite diatremes of the Colorado Plateau
Ehrenberg, S.N., and Griffin, W.L., 1979, Garnet granulite and associated xenoliths in minette and serpentinite diatremes of the Colorado Plateau: Geology, v. 7, no. 10, p. 483-487.
Petrology of potassic volcanic rocks and ultramatic xenoliths from the Navajo volcanic field, New Mexico and Arizona
Ehrenberg, S.N., 1978, Petrology of potassic volcanic rocks and ultramatic xenoliths from the Navajo volcanic field, New Mexico and Arizona: Los Angeles, University of California, Ph.D. dissertation, 259 p.
Terrestrial heat-flow estimates from petroleum bottom-hole temperature data in the Colorado Plateau and eastern Basin and Range Province
Eggleston, R.E., and Reiter, Marshall, 1984, Terrestrial heat-flow estimates from petroleum bottom-hole temperature data in the Colorado Plateau and eastern Basin and Range Province: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 95, no. 9, p. 1027-1034.
Report on Eurida (Toh Atin) district, Carrizo Uplift area, Arizona
Eakland, E.H., Jr., 1946, Report on Eurida (Toh Atin) district, Carrizo Uplift area, Arizona: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Report RMO-444, 39 p.
Boundary Butte, East (gas), in Fassett, J.E., ed., Oil and gas fields of the Four Corners area, v. 1
Dunn, S.S., 1978, Boundary Butte, East (gas), in Fassett, J.E., ed., Oil and gas fields of the Four Corners area, v. 1: Four Corners Geological Society, p. 70-72.