Cooley, M.E., 1973, Map showing distribution and estimated thickness of alluvial deposits in the Tucson area, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-844-C, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
Tortolita Mts.
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Map showing distribution and estimated thickness of alluvial deposits in the Tucson area, Arizona
Well location map, Pima and Santa Cruz Co., Arizona
Conley, J.N., and Koester, E.A., 1974, Well location map, Pima and Santa Cruz Co., Arizona: Arizona Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, County Well Location Map 7, 1 sheet, scale 1:500,000 [superseded by Conley, J.N., Koester, E.A., and Rauzi, S.L., 1995, Arizona Geological Survey Oil and Gas Publication OG-9].
Cordilleran metamorphic core complexes and their uranium favorability, Final report and appendices, with contributions by Davis, G.H., Keith, S.B., Trever, P.F., Lingrey, S.H., Kluth, C.F., Ferris, D.C., Dubois, J.F., and Hardy, J.J.
Coney, P.J., and Reynolds, S.J., 1980, Cordilleran metamorphic core complexes and their uranium favorability, Final report and appendices, with contributions by Davis, G.H., Keith, S.B., Trever, P.F., Lingrey, S.H., Kluth, C.F., Ferris, D.C., Dubois, J.F., and Hardy, J.J.: U.S. Department of Energy Report GJBX-258(80), 627 p., 20 sheets.
Cordilleran metamorphic core complexes: An overview, in Crittenden, M.D., Jr., Coney, P.J., and Davis, G.H., eds., Cordilleran metamorphic core complexes
Coney, P.J., 1980, Cordilleran metamorphic core complexes: An overview, in Crittenden, M.D., Jr., Coney, P.J., and Davis, G.H., eds., Cordilleran metamorphic core complexes: Geological Society of America Memoir 153, p. 7-31.
Tertiary evolution of Cordilleran metamorphic core complexes, in Armentrout, J.M., Cole, M.R., and Terbest, H., Jr., eds., Cenozoic Paleogeography of the western United States - Pacific Coast Paleogeography Symposium 3, Los Angeles,...
Coney, P.J., 1979, Tertiary evolution of Cordilleran metamorphic core complexes, in Armentrout, J.M., Cole, M.R., and Terbest, H., Jr., eds., Cenozoic Paleogeography of the western United States - Pacific Coast Paleogeography Symposium 3, Los Angeles, Calif., 1979: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Pacific Section, Los Angeles, Calif., p. 15-28.
The Tortolita-Santa Catalina Mountain complex
Budden, R.T., 1975, The Tortolita-Santa Catalina Mountain complex: Tucson, University of Arizona, M.S. thesis, 133 p., 5 sheets, scale 1:62,500.
Distribution of anomalously high K2O volcanic rocks in Arizona: Metasomatism at the Picacho Peak detachment fault
Brooks, W.E., 1986, Distribution of anomalously high K2O volcanic rocks in Arizona: Metasomatism at the Picacho Peak detachment fault: Geology, v. 14, no. 4, p. 339-342.
Some new occurrences of minerals of Arizona
Bideaux, R.A., and Williams, S.A., 1960, Some new occurrences of minerals of Arizona: Arizona Geological Society Digest, v. 3, p. 53-56.
Radiometric and chemical data for rocks of the Tortolita Mountains 15' quadrangle, Pinal County, Arizona
Banks, N.G., McKee, E.H., Keith, S.B., Shafiqullah, M., and Damon, P.E., 1978, Radiometric and chemical data for rocks of the Tortolita Mountains 15' quadrangle, Pinal County, Arizona: Isochron/West, no. 22, p. 17-22.
Maps showing mines, mineralization, and alteration in the Tortolita Mountains quadrangle, Arizona, map A
Banks, N.G., Dockter, R.D., and Briskey, J.A., 1976, Maps showing mines, mineralization, and alteration in the Tortolita Mountains quadrangle, Arizona, map A: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 76-0764, 3 sheets, scale 1:62,500.