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San Pedro River
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Arizona water resources assessment, V. I, Inventory and analysis
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An overview of Pima County's watersheds and watercourses
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Natural occurrence of arsenic in Southwest ground water
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Occurrence and distribution of pesticides and volatile organic compounds in ground water and surface water in central Arizona basins, 1996-98, and their relation to land use
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Laboratory methods for calculating the hydraulic and physical properties of soil cores, Sierra Vista Subwatershed, Arizona [abs.], in Annual Symposium, 14th, September 12-15, 2001, Proceedings
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Geophysical investigations of shallow structure and lithology to aid in characterization of stream-aquifer interactions in the Upper San Pedro River Basin [abs.], in Annual Symposium, 14th, September 12-15, 2001, Proceedings
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Stream-aquifer interactions in the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation area, Cochise County, Arizona [abs.], in Annual Symposium, 14th, September 12-15, 2001, Proceedings
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Monitoring flow events using diurnal streambed temperature fluctuations in the San Pedro River, Arizona [abs.], in Annual Symposium, 14th, September 12-15, 2001, Proceedings
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Instream temperature-sensor network used to indicate ephemeral streamflow and recharge in the Sierra Vista subwatershed of the Upper San Pedro River Basin, Southeastern Arizona [abs.], in Annual Symposium, 14th, September 12-15, 2001,...
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