Recently described 'bisbeeite' from the Grand Canyon is cyanotrichite |
Gordon, S.G. |
1923 |
Report and supplemental report of Delph E. Carpenter, Commissioner for Colorado, on the Colorado River Commission |
Carpenter, D.E. |
1923 |
Geology of Deception Gulch and the Verde Central mine |
Benedict, P.C. |
1923 |
Study of some mining districts of Arizona and of the structure of some ore specimens |
Legraye, M.P. |
1923 |
Relation between the Paleozoic and Mesozoic of New Mexico and Arizona |
Cole, V.B. |
1923 |
Geology of the El Tiro mine, Silver Bell, Arizona |
Somers, G.B., and Shoemaker, A.H. |
1924 |
The first one hundred years of American geology |
Merrill, G.P. |
1924 |
Kay Copper Corporation starts renewed activity |
Arizona Mining Journal |
1924 |
Plan and profile of Colorado River from Lees Ferry, Ariz., to Black Canyon, Ariz.-Nev., and Virgin River, Nev. |
Birdseye, C.H. |
1924 |
Radium, uranium, and vanadium, in Mineral resources of the United States, 1921, Part I - Metals |
Hess, F.L. |
1924 |
Stratigraphy--northeast Arizona-southeast Utah |
Hager, Dorsey |
1924 |
Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in Arizona, in Mineral resources of the United States, 1921, Part I - Metals |
Heikes, V.C. |
1924 |
A boat voyage through the Grand Canyon of the Colorado |
Birdseye, C.H., and Moore, R.C. |
1924 |
Molybdenum deposits, A short review |
Hess, F.L. |
1924 |
Geological map of the State of Arizona, prepared by the Arizona Bureau of Mines in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey |
Darton, N.H., Lausen, C., and Wilson, E.D. |
1924 |
Kay hits original ore at 1,200 feet depth |
Willis, C.F. |
1924 |
United Eastern report gives future plans |
Arizona Mining Journal |
1924 |
Silver mining in the Tip Top district |
Ensign, O.A. |
1924 |
Soil survey of the Winslow area, Arizona |
Strahorn, A.T., Baldwin, M., and Carpenter, E.J. |
1924 |
The Bannie gold and copper mine |
Burgess, Dean |
1924 |
Stratigraphy of the Hopi Buttes volcanic field, Arizona |
Reagan, A.B. |
1924 |
The discovery of the Silver King mine |
Clark, C.M. |
1924 |
Problems of the lower Colorado River |
Gordon, J.H. |
1924 |
Geological observations on a traverse through the Grand Canyon of the Colorado [abs.] |
Moore, R.C. |
1924 |
Geological observations on a traverse through the Grand Canyon of the Colorado [abs.] |
Moore, R.C. |
1924 |
Stratigraphy of northeast Arizona, southeast Utah |
Hager, Dorsey |
1924 |
Bridal Veil Mines in Cataract Canyon |
Ferris, H.A., and Busch, J.E. |
1924 |
Kay Copper finds new ore body |
Arizona Mining Journal |
1924 |
Surveying the Grand Canyon of the Colorado |
Freeman, L.R. |
1924 |
The Geology of the El Tiro mine, Silver Bell, Arizona |
Shoemaker, A.H., and Somers, G. |
1924 |
Grand Canyon of Colorado River - Geologische Charakterbilder, 30 Heft |
Darton, N.H. |
1924 |
The Colorado River problem |
Kelly, W. |
1924 |
Cambrian geology and paleontology IV; Cambrian and Ozarkian Brachiopoda; Ozarkian Cephalopoda and Notostraca |
Walcott, C.D. |
1924 |
Contributions to the geology of the Navajo Country, Arizona, with notes on the archaeology |
Reagan, A.B. |
1924 |
Die morphologische Analyse. Ein Kapitel der physikalischen Geologie |
Penck, Walther |
1924 |
Soil survey of the San Simon area, Arizona |
Carpenter, E.J. |
1924 |
Cambrian geology and paleontology V, No. 2; Cambrian and Lower Ozarkian trilobites |
Walcott, C.D. |
1924 |
The Silver mining district in Yuma County |
Thompson, A.P. |
1925 |
Identification of two fossil leaves from Iowa, one from Arizona, and a 'tree trunk' from Kansas |
Reagan, A.B. |
1925 |
The King of Arizona region, Yuma County |
Thompson, A.P. |
1925 |
Non-metallic minerals, occurrence - preparation - utilization |
Ladoo, R.B. |
1925 |
Rock formations in the Colorado Plateau of southeastern Utah and northern Arizona, in Shorter contributions to general geology; 1923-24 |
Longwell, C.R., Miser, H.D., Moore, R.C., Bryan, Kirk, and Paige, Sidney |
1925 |
Carnotite discovered near Aguila, Ariz. |
Hewett, D.F. |
1925 |
The Castle Dome lead district of Yuma County |
Thompson, A.P. |
1925 |
The later story of the New Cornelia enterprise |
Rickard, T.A. |
1925 |
The pre-Triassic unconformity in southern Nevada |
Longwell, C.R. |
1925 |
Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in Arizona, in Mineral resources of the United states, 1922, Part I - Metals |
Heikes, V.C. |
1925 |
Investigation of material for the manufacture of cement with prison labor |
Lausen, Carl, and Wilson, E.D. |
1925 |
Origin of certain rich silver ores near Chloride and Kingman, Arizona, in Contributions to economic geology, 1923-1924; Part I--Metals and nonmetals except fuels |
Bastin, E.S. |
1925 |
Gold and copper deposits near Payson, Arizona |
Lausen, Carl, and Wilson, E.D. |
1925 |
A discussion of certain Colorado River problems |
Smith, G.E.P. |
1925 |
Official report of the proceedings of the Colorado River conference between delegates representing California, Nevada, and Arizona, at the State capital, Phoenix, Arizona, Monday, August 17th, 1925 |
Anonymous |
1925 |
Investigation of the zonal arrangement of mineral deposits in southeastern Arizona |
Fosness, J.L. |
1925 |
The Basin Range problem |
Davis, W.M. |
1925 |
Surface water supply of the United States, 1919-1920, Part IX. Colorado River Basin |
Grover, N.C., Follansbee, Robert, Purton, A.B., and McGlashan, H.D. |
1925 |
Water power and flood control of Colorado River below Green River, Utah |
La Rue, E.C. |
1925 |
Water supply, Appendix A, in La Rue, E. C., Water power and flood control of Colorado River below Green River, Utah |
La Rue, E.C., and Holbrook, G.F. |
1925 |
Date of channel trenching (arroyo cutting) in the arid southwest |
Bryan, Kirk |
1925 |
A second season at the Grand Canyon, Arizona |
Edwards, I. |
1925 |
Geologic report on the inner gorge of the Grand Canyon of Colorado River, Appendix B, in LaRue, E.C., Water power and flood control of Colorado River below Green River, Utah |
Moore, R.C. |
1925 |
Geology of the Verde Central mine |
Fearing, J.L., Jr., and Benedict, P.C. |
1925 |
The Papago country, Arizona; A geographic, geologic, and hydrologic reconnaissance with a guide to desert watering places |
Bryan, Kirk |
1925 |
Kay Copper no longer a prospect |
Arizona Mining Journal |
1925 |
Upper Carboniferous stratigraphy of the Galiuro Mountains |
Webber, B.N. |
1925 |
Interesting development at Bill Arp |
Arizona Mining Journal |
1925 |
A resume of Arizona geology |
Darton, N.H. |
1925 |
Mining methods of Verde district, Arizona |
Mills, C.E. |
1925 |
Central Arizona holds deposits of carnotite |
Hewett, D.F. |
1925 |
The Colorado River problem |
Kelly, W. |
1925 |
Ore deposits of the Saddle Mountain and Banner Mining Districts, Arizona |
Ross, C.P. |
1925 |
Kay Copper nearing production |
Southwest Mining News Service |
1925 |
The mill of the Katherine Gold Mining Company |
Thurmond, F.L. |
1925 |
Geology and ore deposits of the Aravaipa and Stanley Mining Districts, Graham County, Arizona |
Ross, C.P. |
1925 |
Late Cretaceous formations of Black Mesa, Arizona |
Reagan, A.B. |
1925 |
Dr. Weed's report on Kay Copper |
Southwest Mining News Service |
1925 |
One more mine [Kay Copper] |
Southwest Mining News Service |
1925 |
Cambrian Geology and paleontology V, No. 3; Cambrian and Ozarkian trilobites |
Walcott, C.D. |
1925 |
Fossil Proboscidea and Edentata of the San Pedro Valley, Arizona |
Gidley, J.W. |
1926 |
Dragon fly |
Sturdevant, G.E. |
1926 |
Notes on the age of the continental Triassic beds of North America, with remarks on some fossil vertebrates |
von Huene, F.R. |
1926 |
Ancient ferns |
Sturdevant, G.E. |
1926 |
Ore deposition and enrichment at the Magma mine, Superior, Arizona |
Short, M.N., and Ettlinger, I.A. |
1926 |
Kay Copper finds ore extension on 1,500 |
Willis, C.F. |
1926 |
Calcite |
Sturdevant, G.E. |
1926 |
Carbonic invertebrates from a Triassic conglomerate in western Arizona [abs.] |
Baily, W.F. |
1926 |
Map of Grand Canyon National Park |
Matthes, F.E., and Evans, R.T. |
1926 |
Stories in stone, telling of some of the wonderlands of western America and some of the curious incidents in the history of geology |
Lee, W.T. |
1926 |
Structural studies in southern Nevada and western Arizona [abs.] |
Longwell, C.R. |
1926 |
Ancient footprints in the Grand Canyon |
Merriam, J.C. |
1926 |
Soil survey of the Salt River Valley area, Arizona |
Harper, W.G., Youngs, F.O., Strahorn, A.T., Armstrong, S.W., and Schwalen, H.C. |
1926 |
Replacement copper deposits in the Warren district |
Mitchell, G.J. |
1926 |
Structural studies in southern Nevada and western Arizona |
Longwell, C.R. |
1926 |
Niznaz Boko--the Great Hole in the Ground |
Burden, D. |
1926 |
Geology and ore deposits of the Twin Buttes district |
Brown, R.L. |
1926 |
Structural studies in southern Nevada and western Arizona [abs.] |
Longwell, C.R. |
1926 |
Character of the ground-water resources of Arizona |
Catlin, C.N. |
1926 |
Notes on recent stratigraphic work in Arizona |
Stoyanow, A.A. |
1926 |
A study of the Colorado River silt |
Breazeale, J.F. |
1926 |
Ancient salt mines of the Indians |
Harrington, M.R. |
1926 |
Prehistoric footprints from the Grand Canyon |
Scientific American |
1926 |