Geology of the Grand Canyon: A guide and index to published graphic and tabular material (excluding paleontology); measured stratigraphic sections, cross-sections, correlation diagrams, maps, data presented in figures and tables,... |
Spamer, E.E., comp. |
1990 |
Bibliography of the Grand Canyon and the lower Colorado River from 1540, with contributions by G.H. Billingsley, W.J. Breed, R.C. Euler, D.A. House, G. Keroher, V. Meyer, R. Quartaroli, and L.E. Stevens |
Spamer, E.E., comp. |
1990 |
Stratigraphy and structure of the Payson Basin, in Late Cenozoic stratigraphy and tectonics of the Safford, Tonto, and Payson Basins, southeastern and central Arizona, in Gehrels, G.E., and Spencer, J.E., eds., Geologic excursions... |
Brumbaugh, D.S. |
1990 |
Proterozoic geochronological and isotopic boundary in NW Arizona |
Chamberlain, K.R., and Bowring, S.A. |
1990 |
History of the Grand Canyon and of the Colorado River in Arizona, Chap. 15, in Beus, S.S., and Morales, Michael, eds., Grand Canyon geology |
Lucchitta, Ivo |
1990 |
Geologic map of the Vicksburg quadrangle, La Paz County, Arizona [New Water Well, New Water Mts., Vicksburg, and Bear Hills 7.5 min] |
Sherrod, D.R., Koch, R.D., and Grubensky, M.J. |
1990 |
Some geomorphic models of flood hazards on distributary flow areas in southern Arizona |
Kemna, S.P. |
1990 |
Studies of geology and hydrology in the Basin and Range province, southwestern United States for isolation of high-level radioactive waste - Evaluation of the regions |
Bedinger, M.S., Sargent, K.A., and Langer, W.H. |
1990 |
Tertiary structure and thermal history of the Harquahala and Buckskin Mountains, west central Arizona: Implications for denudation by a major detachment fault system |
Richard, S.M., Fryxell, J.E., and Sutter, J.F. |
1990 |
Mineral resources of the Mohave Wash Wilderness Study Area, Mohave County, Arizona, Chapter A, in Mineral resources of Wilderness Study Areas: Havasu region, Arizona |
Evans, J.G., Sherrod, D.R., Hill, R.H., Jachens, R.C., and McDonnell, J.R., Jr. |
1990 |
Estimates of ground-water flow components for Lyman Lake, Apache County, Arizona, with a section on Geochemistry of surface water and ground water in the Lyman Lake area, by F.N. Robertson |
Bills, D.J., and Hjalmarson, H.W. |
1990 |
Geology of the Grand Canyon: An annotated bibliography, with an annotated catalogue of Grand Canyon type fossils. v. 4. Third supplement (to 1989), with supplement to the annotated bibliography of the world literature on the Grand Canyon... |
Spamer, E.E., comp. |
1990 |
Water source potential for the Chloride Water Corporation, Community of Chloride, Mohave County, Arizona |
Arizona Department of Water Resources |
1990 |
Radon-222 in drinking water: Liquid scintillation detection methods and estimated doses to the lungs |
Barnett, J.M. |
1990 |
Structural evolution of the southern Baboquivari Mountains, south-central Arizona and north-central Sonora |
Goodwin, L.B., and Haxel, G.B. |
1990 |
Springerville volcanic field, Arizona, in Wood, C.A., and Kienle, J., eds., Volcanoes of North America |
Crumpler, L.S., Aubele, J.C., and Condit, C.D. |
1990 |
Geometry, kinematics and timing of the Early Proterozoic Shylock fault zone in the Hieroglyphic Mountains, central Arizona [abs.] |
Burr, J.L. |
1990 |
Preliminary hydrographic survey report for the San Pedro River watershed, Volume 1: General assessment, In re The general adjudication of the Gila River system and source |
Arizona Department of Water Resources |
1990 |
Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action project, in EPA workshop on radioactively contaminated sites, May 3-5, 1989, Albuquerque, New Mexico |
Dubois, Donald |
1990 |
Geology of the Big Bug Metallic Mineral District, Arizona |
O'Hara, P.F. |
1990 |
Hydraulics and geomorphology of the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon, Chap. 16, in Beus, S.S., and Morales, Michael, eds., Grand Canyon geology |
Kieffer, S.W. |
1990 |
The late Proterozoic acritarch Chuaria circularis (Walcott) Vidal and Ford |
Vidal, Gonzalo |
1990 |
Geologic map of the Buell Park quadrangle, Apache County, Arizona and McKinley County, New Mexico |
Thaden, R.E. |
1990 |
The use of soil-gas CO2 in the exploration for sulfide-bearing breccia pipes in northern Arizona |
Reid, A.R., and Rasmussen, J.D. |
1990 |
Miocene calc-alkaline magmatism, calderas, and crustal extension in the Kofa and Castle Dome Mountains, southwestern Arizona |
Grubensky, M.J., and Bagby, W.C. |
1990 |
Mineral resources of the Gibralter Mountain and Planet Peak Wilderness Study Areas, La Paz County, Arizona, Chapter B, in Mineral resources of Wilderness Study Areas: Havasu region, Arizona |
Eppinger, R.G., Peterson, J.A., Blank, H.R., Jr., Livo, K.E., Knepper, D.H., Jr., Pitkin, J.A., Spencer, J.E., Reynolds, S.J., Grubensky, M.J., Kreidler, T.J., and Scott, D.C. |
1990 |
Kingman Resource Area, Resource management plan and environmental impact statement - Draft |
U.S. Bureau of Land Management |
1990 |
Cretaceous caldera systems: Tucson and Sierrita Mountains, in Gehrels, G.E., and Spencer, J.E., eds., Geologic excursions through the Sonoran Desert Region, Arizona and Sonora, Geological Society of America, Cordilleran section, 86th... |
Lipman, P.W., and Fridrich, C.J. |
1990 |
Determination of radon-222 in ground water using liquid scintillation counting - Survey of Carefree-Cave Creek water basin in Arizona, in Cross, F.T., ed., Indoor radon and lung cancer: Reality or myth? |
Barnett, J.M., McKlveen, J.W., and Hood, W.K., III |
1990 |
Reconstruction of past desert vegetation along the Colorado River using packrat middens |
Cole, K.L. |
1990 |
Mid-Tertiary silicic volcanic successions of the Atascosa and Tumacacori Mountains, southern Arizona [abs.] |
Seaman, S.J., and Foss, D.J.P. |
1990 |
Preliminary geologic map of the Pilot Knob quadrangle, Mohave and Yavapai Counties, Arizona |
Ward, A.W., and Nealey, L.D. |
1990 |
New K-Ar age determinations from syntectonic deposits (Oligocene and Miocene), southern Nevada and northwest Arizona |
Carpenter, D.G., and Carpenter, J.G. |
1990 |
Economic geology of the White Cliffs diatomite deposit, Mammoth, Arizona |
Shenk, J.D. |
1990 |
Geological map of the Black Rock detachment, Santa Teresa Mountains, SE Arizona |
Toro, J., Gehrels, G.E., Johnson, R.A., Biggs, T.H., Centeno-Garcia, E., Colburn, N.I., Jackson, J.L., Kruger, J.M., Meader, N.M., Pitts, G.S., Restrepo, P.A., and Skirvin, S.M. |
1990 |
Late Cenozoic lava dams in the western Grand Canyon, Chap. 17, in Beus, S.S., and Morales, Michael, eds., Grand Canyon geology |
Hamblin, W.K. |
1990 |
Arizona well location map and report |
Arizona Oil and Gas Conservation Commission |
1990 |
Genesis and distribution of uraninite in solution-collapse breccia pipes, northwestern Arizona, in Carter, L.M.H., ed., USGS research on energy resources--1990, Program and abstracts, Sixth V.E. McKelvey Forum on mineral and energy... |
Wenrich, K.J., Van Gosen, B.S., and Sutphin, H.B. |
1990 |
The Triassic-Jurassic magmatic arc in the Mohave-Sonoran deserts and the Sierran-Klamath region: Similarities and differences in paleogeographic evolution, in Harwood, D., and Miller, M., eds., Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic paleogeographic... |
Busby-Spera, C.J., Mattinson, J.M., Riggs, N.R., and Schermer, E.R. |
1990 |
A hydrogeologic resource assessment of the lower Babocomari Watershed, Arizona |
Schwartzman, P.N. |
1990 |
Geology, geochemistry, and mineralogy of the Ridenour Mine breccia pipe, Arizona |
Wenrich, K.J., Verbeek, E.R., Sutphin, H.B., Modreski, P.J., Van Gosen, B.S., and Detra, D.E. |
1990 |
Constraints on the tectonics of the Mule Mountains thrust system, southeast California and southwest Arizona |
Tosdal, R.M. |
1990 |
Mineral resources of the Swansea Wilderness Study Areas, La Paz and Mohave Counties, Arizona, Chapter C, in Mineral resources of Wilderness Study Areas: Havasu region, Arizona |
Tosdal, R.M., Eppinger, R.G., Blank, H.R., Jr., Knepper, D.H., Jr., Gallagher, A.G., Pitkin, J.A., Jones, S.L., and Ryan, G.S. |
1990 |
Outcrop of the Transition Zone Reflection Sequence in the Weaver Mountains, west-central Arizona [abs.] |
Clayton, R.W. |
1990 |
Arizona's Coconino Plateau seeks wildcats |
Heylmun, E.B. |
1990 |
Mesozoic thrusting, synplutonic deformation, and Miocene overprinting, Harcuvar complex: A section through the pre-Tertiary crust of west-central Arizona, in Gehrels, G.E., and Spencer, J.E., eds., Geologic excursions through the Sonoran... |
Richard, S.M., Laubach, S.E., Reynolds, S.J., and Spencer, J.E. |
1990 |
Geohydrology and water resources of alluvial basins in south-central Arizona and parts of adjacent states |
Anderson, T.W., Freethey, G.W., and Tucci, Patrick |
1990 |
Annual static water level basic data report, Tucson Basin and Avra Valley, Pima County, Arizona, 1989 |
Hess, Greg, and Elder, A.N. |
1990 |
Preliminary mineral resource assessment of the Tucson and Nogales 1o by 2o quadrangles, Arizona |
Peterson, J.A., ed. |
1990 |
New K-Ar age determinations from the Colorado Plateau - Basin and Range Transition Zone, east-central Arizona |
Cooper, J.L., Aronson, J.L., Condit, C.D., Hart, W.K. |
1990 |
Generalized geologic map of the Kaiser Spring Volcanic Field, Mohave County, Arizona |
Moyer, T.C. |
1990 |
Earthquakes and seismicity of the Grand Canyon region, Chap. 18, in Beus, S.S., and Morales, Michael, eds., Grand Canyon geology |
Brumbaugh, D.S. |
1990 |
Geologic map of the Window Rock quadrangle, Apache County, Arizona and McKinley County, New Mexico |
Thaden, R.E. |
1990 |
The recreational impact of reducing the "Laughing Waters" of Aravaipa Creek, Arizona |
Moore, S.D., Wilkosz, M.E., and Brickler, S.K. |
1990 |
Flow characteristics of streams that drain the Fort Apache and San Carlos Indian Reservations, East-Central Arizona, 1930-86 |
Baldys, Stanley, III, and Bayles, J.A. |
1990 |
Thermal history of crystalline nappes of the Maria Fold and Thrust Belt, west central Arizona |
Knapp, J.H., and Heizler, M.T. |
1990 |
Mineral resources of the Cactus Plain and East Cactus Plain Wilderness Study Areas, La Paz County, Arizona, Chapter D, in Mineral resources of Wilderness Study Areas: Havasu region, Arizona |
Tosdal, R.M., Eppinger, R.G., Erdman, J.A., Hanna, W.F., Pitkin, J.A., Blank, H.R., Jr., O'Leary, R.M., Watterson, J.R., and Kreidler, T.J. |
1990 |
Trend analysis of selected water-quality constituents in the Verde River Basin, central Arizona |
Baldys, Stanley, III |
1990 |
Highlights of Jurassic, Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary, and Middle Tertiary tectonics, south-central Arizona and north-central Sonora, in Gehrels, G.E., and Spencer, J.E., eds., Geologic excursions through the Sonoran Desert Region,... |
Tosdal, R.M., Haxel, G.B., Anderson, T.H., Connors, C.D., May, D.J., and Wright, J.E. |
1990 |
Manganese, in Metals and minerals, Volume I |
Jones, T.S. |
1990 |
Preliminary geologic map of the Mohave Mountains area, Mohave County, western Arizona [Mohave Springs, Standard Wash, Lake Havasu City South, Buck Mountains SE, Crossman Peak, Lake Havasu City North, Buck Mountains NE, Buck Mountains,... |
Howard, K.A., Nielson, J.E., Wilshire, H.G., Nakata, J.K., Goodge, J.W., Reneau, S.L., John, B.E., and Hansen, V.L. |
1990 |
Geology, in Peterson, J.A., ed., Preliminary mineral resource assessment of the Tucson and Nogales 1o by 2o quadrangles, Arizona |
Peterson, J.A., Bergquist, J.R., Reynolds, S.J., and Page-Nedell, S.S. |
1990 |
Possible effects of residential development on streamflow, riparian plant communities, and fisheries on small mountain streams in central Arizona |
Medina, A.L. |
1990 |
Rock movement and mass wastage in the Grand Canyon, Chap. 19, in Beus, S.S., and Morales, Michael, eds., Grand Canyon geology |
Hereford, Richard, and Huntoon, P.W. |
1990 |
The Toroweap Fault: One of the most active faults in Arizona |
Jackson, G.W. |
1990 |
Breccia pipe and geologic map of the southwestern Hualapai Indian Reservation and vicinity, Arizona |
Billingsley, G.H., Wenrich, K.J., Huntoon, P.W., and Young, R.A. |
1990 |
Age of the Peach Springs Tuff, southeastern California and western Arizona |
Nielson, J.E., Lux, D.R., Dalrymple, G.B., and Glazner, A.F. |
1990 |
The nature and possible significance of the Batamote copper-bismuth-silver anomaly, Pima County, Arizona |
Huston, D.L., and Theobald, P.K. |
1990 |
Isotopic, field and micropaleontologic study of the Proterozoic Beck Spring (CA.) and Mescal (AZ.) Formations: Evidence for Precambrian terrestrial photosynthetic communities [abs.] |
Kenny, Ray, Knauth, L.P., and Horodyski, R.J. |
1990 |
Geological highway map of the southern Rocky Mountain region; Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico |
Bennison, A.P., comp. |
1990 |
Folding of mylonitic zones in Cordilleran metamorphic core complexes: Evidence from near the mylonitic front |
Reynolds, S.J., and Lister, G.S. |
1990 |
The Lakeshore porphyry copper deposit, Pinal County, Arizona: Geologic setting and physical controls of mineralization |
Huyck, H.L.O. |
1990 |
The Early to Middle Jurassic magmatic arc in southern Arizona: Plutons to sand dunes, in Gehrels, G.E., and Spencer, J.E., eds., Geologic excursions through the Sonoran Desert Region, Arizona and Sonora, Geological Society of America,... |
Riggs, N.R., and Haxel, G.B. |
1990 |
Land subsidence and earth-fissure formation caused by groundwater withdrawal in Arizona; A review, in Higgins, C.G., and Coates, D.R., eds., Groundwater geomorphology; The role of subsurface water in earth-surface processes and landforms |
Pewe, T.L. |
1990 |
The indoor radon problem |
Brookins, D.G. |
1990 |
Geologic map of the Wolf Hole Mountain West quadrangle, northern Mohave County, Arizona [Wolf Hole Mtn. West 7.5 min] |
Billingsley, G.H. |
1990 |
Tectonic geomorphology of the Toroweap Fault, western Grand Canyon, Arizona: Implications for transgression of faulting on the Colorado Plateau |
Jackson, G.W. |
1990 |
Geochemistry, in Peterson, J.A., ed., Preliminary mineral resource assessment of the Tucson and Nogales 1o by 2o quadrangles, Arizona |
Chaffee, M.A. |
1990 |
Structural evolution of the northeastern Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona: A glimpse of the pre-extension history of the Catalina complex |
Bykerk-Kauffman, Ann |
1990 |
Controlling factors in the distribution and development of incised meanders in the central Colorado Plateau |
Harden, D.R. |
1990 |
Side canyons of the Colorado River, Grand Canyon, Chap. 20, in Beus, S.S., and Morales, Michael, eds., Grand Canyon geology |
Potochnik, A.R., and Reynolds, S.J. |
1990 |
Temporal and spatial development patterns of earth fissures in the lower Santa Cruz River basin, Pinal County, Arizona from 1959 to 1989 [abs.] |
Slaff, Steven, Jackson, G.W., and Pearthree, P.A. |
1990 |
Mineral resources of the Kofa Unit 4 North Wilderness Study Area, Yuma County, Arizona, Chapter K, in Mineral resources of Wilderness Study Areas: Southwestern and south-central Arizona |
Sherrod, D.R., Smith, D.B., Kleinkopf, M.D., and Gese, D.D. |
1990 |
Rotation of the Colorado Plateau: An updated analysis of paleomagnetic poles |
Bryan, Phillip, and Gordon, R.G. |
1990 |
Tertiary basin development and tectonic implications, Whipple detachment system, Colorado River extensional corridor, California and Arizona |
Nielson, J.E., and Beratan, K.K. |
1990 |
State of Arizona water quality assessment report |
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality |
1990 |
Hydrogeology of the Morrison Formation in the San Juan structural basin, New Mexico, Colorado Arizona, and Utah |
Dam, W.L., Kernodle, J.M., and Levings, G.W., and Craigg, S.D. |
1990 |
Presence of fish in irrigation diversions from the Verde River and Wet Beaver Creek, Arizona |
Roy, R.R. |
1989 |
A transmission electron microscope study of the alteration of biotite to chlorite associated with porphyry copper systems |
Ristich, A.M. |
1989 |
Mid-Tertiary ore deposits in Arizona |
Spencer, J.E., and Welty, J.W. |
1989 |
Geology of the North Muddy Mountains, Clark County, Nevada, and regional structural synthesis: Fold-thrust and basin-range structure in southern Nevada, southwest Utah, and northwest Arizona |
Carpenter, D.G. |
1989 |
Satellite photo map of Arizona |
Kistler Graphics, Inc. |
1989 |
Field guide to the Late Cretaceous Silver Bell caldera and porphyry copper deposits in the Silver Bell Mountains, in Pallister, J.S., comp., Excursion 7A: From silicic calderas to mantle nodules: Cretaceous to Quaternary volcanism,... |
Sawyer, D.A. |
1989 |
Paleozoic strata of the Grand Canyon, Arizona, in Elston, D.P., Billingsley, G.H., and Young, R.A., eds., Geology of Grand Canyon, northern Arizona (with Colorado River guides) |
Beus, S.S., and Billingsley, G.H. |
1989 |
COCORP deep reflections: Moho at 50 km (16 s) beneath the Colorado Plateau |
Hauser, E.C., and Lundy, J. |
1989 |
Geologic log of the Colorado River from Lees Ferry to Temple Bar, Lake Mead, Arizona, in Elston, D.P., Billingsley, G.H., and Young, R.A., eds., Geology of Grand Canyon, northern Arizona (with Colorado River guides) |
Billingsley, G.H., and Elston, D.P. |
1989 |
Santa Cruz County water issues report, Tucson Active Management Area |
Arizona Department of Water Resources |
1989 |
Geologic map of Quaternary and upper Tertiary alluvium in the Phoenix South 30' x 60' quadrangle, Arizona (revised August, 1990) |
Demsey, K.A. |
1989 |
A comparison of duration magnitude to local magnitude for seismic events recorded in northern Arizona |
Brumbaugh, D.S. |
1989 |
Fission-track dating: Ages for Cambrian strata and Laramide and post-Middle Eocene cooling events from the Grand Canyon, Arizona, in Elston, D.P., Billingsley, G.H., and Young, R.A., eds., Geology of Grand Canyon, northern Arizona (with... |
Naeser, C.W., Duddy, I.R., Elston, D.P., Dumitru, T.A., and Green, P.F. |
1989 |