Scarborough, R.B., 1989, Cenozoic erosion and sedimentation in Arizona, in Jenney, J.P., and Reynolds, S.J., eds., Geologic evolution of Arizona: Arizona Geological Society Digest 17, p. 515-537.
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More Keywords
Tectonics, Fluvial Sedimentary, Lacustrine Sedimentary, Fanglomerate, Volcaniclastic Sedimentary, Volcanic, Geochronology, Alluvial Fan, Cenozoic, Pediment, Tertiary, Playa, River Terrace, Paleoenvironment, Paleogeography, Stratigraphy, Paleontology, Correlation, Structure, Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, Pliocene, Quaternary, Pleistocene, Holocene, Baca Fm, [Rim gravels][Mogollon Rim fm][Mogollon Rim gravels], Eagar Fm, [Datil Group][Datil Fm], (Rose Well gravels)Music Mountain Fm - Paleocene/Eocene, Chuska Sandstone, Deza Fm, (Frazier Well gravels)(Frazier Wells gravel)Music Mountain Fm - Paleocene/Eocene, (Blue Mountain gravels)Music Mountain Fm (Hualapai Plateau) - Paleocene/Eocene, Shivwits gravel, [Wildcat Ranch flow][Wildcat Ranch basalt flow](Grassy Mountain basalt) - [Shivwits basalt][Shivwits lavas][Shivwits flows] - Miocene, Muddy Creek Fm - sedimentary rocks of the Grand Wash Trough and Mesquite Basin - Pleistocene and Miocene, rocks of the Grand Wash trough, Sheep Crossing Fm - Mount Baldy group, Bidahochi Fm, Richville fm, Naha Fm, Jeddito Fm, Tsegi Fm, Gila assemblage, Whitetail assemblage, mid-Tertiary volcanic assemblage, San Manuel assemblage, Whitetail Conglomerate(Whitetail Fm), Mineta Fm, Pantano Fm(Pantano beds), (Teran Basin beds)(Teran Basin sequence)(sediments of Teran Basin)Mineta Fm, Threelinks Conglomerate, Helmet Fanglomerate, [Locomotive Fanglomerate][Locomotive conglomerate], Sil Murk Fm, Nipper Fm, [Bonita Park Fm][sedimentary rocks of Bonita Park] - [Faraway Ranch Fm][andesite of Silver Spur Ranch] - rocks of the Cochise Head eruptive center, [Babocomari Ranch sediments][redbeds of Babocomari Ranch], Cloudburst Fm, (Rillito fm)(Rillito beds)[Pantano Fm/Tinaja beds] - Oligocene/Miocene - Whitetail assemblage/San Manuel assemblage, Apsey Conglomerate Mbr - Galiuro Volcanics, Daniels Conglomerate, [Papago Park sediments][Papago Park mbr - Camels Head fm], San Manuel Fm, [Big Dome Fm](Big Dome Conglomerate), Nogales Fm(gravel at Nogales), Hell Hole Conglomerate(conglomerate of Hell Hole), [Mesquite Flat breccia][epiclastic breccia of Mesquite Flat][fanglomerate of Mesquite Flat](Geronimo Head Fm), [Anderson Mine fm][Anderson Mine sediments](Anderson Mine mbr - Chapin Wash Fm), Lincoln Ranch redbeds, Copper Basin Fm (Parker area), Baker Peaks redbeds, [Mesquite Flat breccia][epiclastic breccia of Mesquite Flat][fanglomerate of Mesquite Flat] - (Geronimo Head Fm), [Gila Conglomerate][Gila Fm][Gila Group], St. David fm(fm of St. David area), Big Sandy Fm, Verde Fm, [Hualapai Limestone][Hualapai Limestone Mbr - Muddy Creek Fm - sedimentary rocks of the Grand Wash Trough and Mesquite Basin] - Miocene, Bouse Fm, [Fortification Basalt Mbr][Fortification Hill basalt][basalt of Fortification Hill] - Muddy Creek Fm - Miocene/Pliocene, Palo Verde clay, Quiburis Fm, lakebeds near San Carlos,