Eberly, L.D., and Stanley, T.B., Jr., 1978, Cenozoic stratigraphy and geologic history of southwestern Arizona: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 89, no. 6, p. 921-940.
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Mineral District, Stratigraphy, Subsurface, Geochronology, Tectonics, Volcanic, Sedimentary, Luke Salt Mbr(Luke salt body) - Hickey Fm, Antelope Peak basalt - Oligocene/Miocene, Sacaton granite, (Three Peaks monzonite)(Sacaton monzonite porphyry)Sacaton Peak granite - Cretaceous, [San Tan tuff], Oracle Granite - Middle Proterozoic, (Sasco andesite)trachyte of Sasco, [basalt of Cerro Prieto][Cerro Prieto basalt](Cerro Prieta basalt), Samaniego andesite(Samaniego pyroxene andesite), [rhyolite of Ragged Top][Ragged Top rhyolite], Petroglyph Hill andesite, [volcanic rocks of Picacho Peak][Picacho Peak volcanics] - Miocene - mid-Tertiary volcanic assemblage, [Roskruge Mtns. dike][Pictograph dike] - basalt of Brawley Wash(?), [Recortado tuff][Recortado ash flow][Recortado vitrophyre][Recortado welded tuff][welded tuff of Recortado Mountain][tuff of Recortado Mountain](Recortado Mt. vitrophyre)(Recortado Mtn. flow)(Recortado ash flows), [basalt of Brawley Wash][Brawley Wash basalt][basalt in Brawley Wash], (Dobbs Buttes volcanics), (Safford Peak dacite neck)(Safford Peak dacite plug)(Safford dacite neck) (Tucson Mts.) - Safford Dacite, (Safford Tuff)(Safford Peak tuff)(Safford fm)(Safford conglomerate) (Tucson Mts.), (Rillito Andesite), Tumamoc Hill basaltic andesite, A Mtn. gray tuff - volcanics of Tumamoc Hill, Martinez Hill basaltic andesites, Black Mountain basaltic andesites (Del Bac Hills) - Del Bac Hills volcanics, Exxon State 32-1 volcanics, [Exxon State 32-1 granite][Tucson Basin granite] - Cretaceous(?) or Jurassic(?), Sierrita dikes, [Turkey Track Andesite][Turkey Track Porphyry], Helmet Fanglomerate - Oligocene - Whitetail assemblage/mid-Tertiary volcanic assemblage, [Sierrita Granite], Cerro Colorado volcanics, Grosvenor Hills Volcanics, Elephant Head Quartz Monzonite, Box Canyon dike swarm (Santa Rita Mts.), Continental Granodiorite, Pantano Fm(Pantano beds), Pantano tuff, Rincon Valley Granodiorite, [Wrong Mountain Quartz Monzonite], [Happy Valley Granodiorite] - Wilderness suite, Happy Valley pegmatite, Pinal Schist - Early Proterozoic, (Forerange gneiss), [Leatherwood granodiorite][Leatherwood quartz diorite] - Leatherwood suite - Paleocene/Cretaceous, Wilderness granite, [Catalina Granite], Tortilla Mtns. dike, Quiburis Fm - Miocene/Pliocene - Gila assemblage, tuff and conglomerate of Bear Springs Canyon - Galiuro Volcanics, Holy Joe Mbr, Hells Half Acre Tuff Mbr, (Heliograph fm)Picketpost Mtn. dacite, (Superior dacite)Apache Leap Tuff, Superstition volcanics, John Jacobs no. 2 basalt, Goodyear Farms basalt, Isabel no. 1 basalt, Sperry Gyroscope volcanics, Biery No. 1 Federal volcanics, [New River basalt][Lake Pleasant volcanics], Hickey Fm, Cordes latite, Hackberry Mountain tuff - Hackberry Mountain dacite - Thirteenmile Rock volcanics, Black Hills basalt (YA), Mingus Mountain basalt, Verde Fm, Sullivan Buttes Latite, Milk Creek Fm(Milk Creek beds), Burro Creek basalt, Artillery Fm, Cobwebb Basalt, Chapin Wash Fm, [Osborne Wash Fm], Bouse Hills andesite, Plomosa volcanics, Granite Wash granodiorite, Reeves no.1 basalt, [Gillespie basalt] - Pliocene/Pleistocene, Cotton Center gneissic granite, Sil Murk Fm, Painted Rock basalt, Clanton Hills volcanics, Exxon State 14-1 volcanics, Exxon State 14-1 granite, Turtleback Mtn. volcanic, Palomas Plain basalt, [Sentinel basalt], Sneed Andesite, Valentine Well mbr - Ajo Volcanics, [Batamote Andesite], Muggins Mtns. volcanics, [Muggins Mountain tuff][Muggins Mountains beds] - Kinter Fm (?), Gila Mtns. gneiss (YU), Exxon Yuma-Federal no. 1 volcanics, Yuma granitic gneiss, Laguna volcanics, Trigo Mtns. volcanics, Quechan volcanic rocks, basalt of Black Mountain (CA), Bouse Fm,