Reynolds, S.J., Florence, F.P., Welty, J.W., Roddy, M.S., Currier, D.A., Anderson, A.V., and Keith, S.B., 1986, Compilation of radiometric age determinations in Arizona: Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology Bulletin 197, 258 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:1,000,000.
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Mineral District, Geochronology, 1 Ranch t, Aguila R, son Mine b, pe Peak b, us Mtns. p, us Mtns. q, e A-1 gn, e A-1 gr, Ash Peak C, Aubrey t, Aubrey Peak r, vari peg, Badger D, dad gn, dad m, dad peg, dad por, Baker B, Bartlett Dam an, Bates Mt, ar Spring a, Biery, iams b, iams d, iams Mtns. d, iams Mtns. r, Black Butte basalt (V, ack Canyon bas, Black Mtns. t, Black Rock d, Blanco S, Blue Hou, Blue Rang, Bonita Creek v, Bouse Hills a, Bouse Hills gr, Bowie M, x Canyon a, Bryce M, cket M, skin Mtns. a, skin Mtns. p, skin Mtns. r, ro Creek b, ro Creek gr, Cactus F, cite M, Canyon Creek b, neda m, neda q, neda Hills b, neda Hills r, le Dome d, le Dome v, Cave Creek area b, Cedar W, Cement C, bat Mtns. gr, bat Mtns. gn, bat Mtns. p, Cerro C, Cerro H, leston d, rlie Bell, Shunie p, cahua v, stmas a, stmas b, stmas d, Cienega D, ton Hills v, Clay Spr, Clear Creek g, tor p, ise Head a, llation p, Cooper P, Copper Pen, Cordes l, duroy Cr, n Center gn, rtland a, r 416 b, Cross R, Cunning, Cyclop, Daisy M, te Creek Basin b, te Creek Basin d, man Wash b, Delle, Dineh b, bs Buttes v, bezas a, bezas d, bezas g, bezas l, y Beaver Creek b, Dug Ro, ss dik, tail M, tail v, per Mtns. b, Tiro m, pire Mt, anza d, Esperanza Pit, Estes C, 14-1 gr, 14-1 v, 32-1 gr, 32-1 v, no. 1 d, no. 1 v, rence a, rence basalt, rence basalt d, rence gr, rence l, ance q, Fossil Cr, rina H, mal K, Box r, Gila Mtns. gn, pie g, Rule M, seberry Creek b, year F, Bay b, Wash Cl, o Gulch d, wler v, Gu Achi ph, upe d, ight g, ght or, rie lo, py Valley d, py Valley p, var dio, var gn, ala Mtns. g, ala dio, ll Canyon b, tia gr, tia q, hic v, am lam, rse Mesa b, oe Dam, pai t, ed.-g, i Mtns. p, eau gr, Huer, ys Peak r, Iron Mo, Isabel n, Jackwo, James lavas, Javelina a, hn Ja, Kingman peg, una v, sant d, sant v, iver b, jas an, jas di, ala mon, tar quartz d, e Star quartz m, g Point b, Lookout Mtn, Lyman, pa Mtn, zal Mtn, dle Swit, eed Canyon gran, al Mtn. d, al Mtn. quartz l, al Mtn. s, sion M, Montaz, stone ash, t Delle, Mt. Ajo g, Mt. Ba, Mt. Fl, Mt. Hope b, Mt. Hope rh, Mt. James rh, Mt. McD, sic Mt, Mustang t, anes v, lia peg, New River b, Newman Peak g, ile Pe, Noth, Oak Creek ba, itchb, Owl Head Bu, d Rock b, Palme, rde vo, mas Pl, at Hills a, nia quartz m, cock Mt, rce g, illo v, t Cove b, Picketpost Mtn, Pictu, Pima D, a Mine d, a Mine p, Pinal Mtn, eline b, Pitah, osa me, mosa v, Poach, ole Canyon r, Potts Mtn. rh, ne Pass r, Promp, id Peak b, tals M, hide Mtn, Ray ho, Reeve, ruge Mt, ugh Mt, nd Top r, dle Mtn, Simon r, Francisco rh, vier gr, vier p, Sand Tank v, lina trac, Maria b, Sheridan Mtn, Show Low Cr, Estrella p, ella sc, rrita d, r Bell p, Skull M, de Rock b, Soap C, Soapw, South F, South Mtns. d, st Salt b, Sperry G, Split R, Springerville b, w Peak b, loaf Mesa b, stition gran, stition q, stition v, helm Mtns. b, more Canyon b, Tablelands b, Tappan Spr, pot Mtn. o, Three Po, te Wash r, Tombstone rh, tilla Mtns. a, tilla Mtns. da, tilla Mtns. di, olita Mtn, igo Mtns. granite - gr, igo Mtns. granite p, igo Mtns. grano, igo Mtns. m, igo Mtns. t, igo Mtns. v, Trout Creek v, Tucson Basin gr, Tule Mesa, Tule Wash b, Turkey Mtn, Turtleback, Twin Buttes g, Twin Buttes q, Twin Peaks p, Twin Peaks q, Vaca Hills v, Vernon b, Virgin River b, Vulture d, Vulture mes, Vulture v, Vulture Mtn, Walnut Sp, Warford, Weaver Mtns, West Clear Creek b, West Clear Creek d, West Ranch, Wet Beaver, Whetstone g, White Hills g, White Marb, White Tank gr, White Tank Mtn, Whitetail Canyon gr, Whitetail Canyon l, Whitlock Mtns. v, Whitlock b, Wikieup grani, mson Canyon s, Wilson Wash, Winkelman d, Winkelman r, Wood Canyon r, ey Peak v, Yellow Me, Yuma gr, Gila Mtns.(?) gr, Esperanza Pit,