McKee, E.H., Damon, P.E., Shafiqullah, M., Harris, R.C., and Spencer, J.E., 1998, Compilation of unpublished USGS and University of Arizona K-Ar dates of volcnaic rocks of the San Francisco Volcanic Field, northern Arizona: Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-02, 25 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:100,000.
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Geochronology, Igneous, Volcanic, rhyolite dome of Sugarloaf (San Francisco Volcanic Field) - rhyolite of Sugarloaf (San Francisco Volcanic Field) - Pleistocene, dacite domes of O'Leary Peak, dacite dome of O'Neill Crater, rhyolite dome of Robinson Crater, basalt flow of Government Prairie, basalt of Hochderffer Hills, basalt of Antelope Hill, basalt of Wing Mountain, [dacite of San Francisco Mountain], benmoreite flow of Government Knolls, [middle dacite of Elden Mountain], (dacite flow of south of Government Mountain)dacite k flow and scoria of vent 2506, rhyolite flows of Doyle Saddle(rhyolite of Doyle Saddle), [rhyolite dome of White Horse Hills], benmoreite flow of Fortynine Hill, benmoreite flow of Spring Valley Knolls,