Catanach, C.B., Moran, E.F., Porter, D.D., Rudershaysen, C.G., and Sommers, R.W., 1977, Copper leaching from an orebody blasted in place: In Situ, no. 4 , p. 283-303. Authors Catanach, C.B., Moran, E.F., Porter, D.D., Rudershaysen, C.G., and Sommers, R.W. Publication Date 1977 Citation In Situ, no. 4 , p. 283-303. State AZ Province BR County PN Placenames Galiuro Mts. Keywords Mineral District Copper Leach Extraction More Keywords Mineral District, Copper, Leach Extraction, AzGeoBib RefNum 1695