Emmons, W.H., 1917, The enrichment of ore deposits: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 625, 530 p. Authors Emmons, W.H. Publication Date 1917 Citation U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 625, 530 p. State AZ Province BR County CH PM YA SC PN GI MA Placenames Mule Mts. Silver Bell Mts. Bradshaw Mts. San Cayetano Mts. Morenci area Dragoon Mts. Little Ajo Mts. Globe-Miami area Ray area Jerome area Santa Rita Mts. Tombstone Hills Vulture Mts. Keywords Mineral District Supergene Enrichment Mineralization More Keywords Mineral District, Supergene Enrichment, Mineralization, AzGeoBib RefNum 3072