Naeser, C.W., Duddy, I.R., Elston, D.P., Dumitru, T.A., and Green, P.F., 1989, Fission-track dating: Ages for Cambrian strata and Laramide and post-Middle Eocene cooling events from the Grand Canyon, Arizona, in Elston, D.P., Billingsley, G.H., and Young, R.A., eds., Geology of Grand Canyon, northern Arizona (with Colorado River guides): American Geophysical Union, International Geological Congress, 28th, Field Trip Guidebook T115/315, p. 139-144.
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Geochronology, Tectonics, Geothermometry, Proterozoic, Cretaceous, Tertiary, Laramide, Peach Springs Mbr - Muav Limestone - Tonto Group - Cambrian, Bright Angel Shale, Tapeats Sandstone, Chinle Fm - Triassic, Esplanade Sandstone(Esplanade sandstone mbr) - Supai Group - Permian, [Dox Fm][Dox Sandstone] - Unkar Group - Grand Canyon Supergroup - Middle Proterozoic, Vishnu Schist(Vishnu fm) - [Granite Gorge metamorphic suite][Vishnu group][Vishnu metamorphic complex](Vishnu terrane)(Vishnu series)(Vishnu complex) - Early Proterozoic, [Ruby Creek pluton][Ruby pluton][Ruby granodiorite], [Elves Chasm Gneiss][Elves Chasm pluton][Elves Chasm tonalite], Diamond Creek pluton - Ruby Creek superunit - [Zoroaster Plutonic Complex][Zoroaster Granite][Zoroaster Granite Gneiss][Zoroaster gneiss] - Early Proterozoic,