Condon, S.M., 1992, Geologic framework of pre-Cretaceous rocks in the southern Ute Indian Reservation and adjacent areas, southwestern Colorado and northwestern New Mexico, in Zech, R.S., ed., Geology and mineral resources of the southern Ute Indian Reservation: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1505-A, p. A1-A56, 1 sheet, scale 1:100,000.
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Stratigraphy, Correlation, Ignacio Quartzite - Cambrian, Elbert Fm - Devonian, McCracken Sandstone Mbr, [Ouray Limestone][Ouray Fm], Leadville Limestone, Molas Fm - Pennsylvanian, [Hermosa Group][Hermosa Fm], Pinkerton Trail Fm, Paradox Fm(Paradox Mbr), Honaker Trail Fm, (Rico Mbr - Cutler Fm)(Rico transition facies - Cutler Group)Rico Fm - Permian, (Cutler Fm)Cutler Group, Halgaito Fm(Halgaito Mbr)(Halgaito Tongue), (Cedar Mesa Sandstone Mbr - Cutler Fm)[Cedar Mesa Fm][Cedar Mesa Sandstone], Organ Rock Fm(Organ Rock Tongue)(Organ Rock Shale), De Chelly Sandstone(De Chelly Sandstone Mbr), (Dolores Fm)[Chinle Fm - Triassic]/[Wingate Sandstone - Glen Canyon Group - Jurassic], Glen Canyon Group - Jurassic, Entrada Sandstone - San Rafael Group, Wanakah Fm, Todilto Limestone Mbr(Todilto Fm)(Todilto Limestone) - Wanakah Fm, Beclabito Mbr, Horse Mesa Mbr (Redrock Valley), (Junction Creek Sandstone)[Horse Mesa Mbr - Wanakah Fm]/[Bluff Sandstone Mbr - Morrison Fm], Morrison Fm, Salt Wash Mbr(Salt Wash Sandstone Mbr), Recapture Mbr(Recapture shale mbr), Westwater Canyon Mbr(Westwater Canyon Sandstone Mbr), Brushy Basin Mbr(Brushy Basin shale mbr),