Holm, R.F., 1988, Geologic map of San Francisco Mountain, Elden Mountain, and Dry Lake Hills, Coconino County, Arizona [Flagstaff East, Flagstaff West, Sunset Crater West, Humphreys Peak, O'Leary Peak, and White Horse Hills 7.5 min.]: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-1663, 12 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000.
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Map, Bedrock, landslide breccia of Elden Mountain - Holocene/Pleistocene, basalt flows and cinder cones of Hart Prairie, central complex of San Francisco Mountain, andesite of Doyle Peak, [younger andesite of San Francisco Mountain][younger andesite flows of San Francisco Mountain][younger andesite flows and flow breccias of San Francisco Mountain], andesite of Agassiz Peak, [andesite of Core Ridge][andesite flows and vent deposits of Core Ridge], pumice of Agassiz Peak, [older andesite of San Francisco Mountain][older andesite flow of San Francisco Mountain][older andesite flows breccias and tuffs of San Francisco Mountain], dacite of Lockett Meadow, dacite of Doyle Peak, younger dacite of Elden Mountain - dacite of Elden Mountain, [middle dacite of Elden Mountain][dacite domes of Elden Mountain](Elden Mountain dacite dome), older dacite of Elden Mountain, pumice of Reese Peak, [dacite of San Francisco Mountain][dacite flows and autoclastic flow breccias of San Francisco Mountain](dacite flow of San Francisco Mountain), dacite of Fremont Peak, pumice of Fremont Peak, dacite of Reese Peak, dacite of Humphreys Peak, dacite of Aubineau Peak, dacite of Agassiz Peak, [dacite of Dry Lake Hills][dacite domes and flows of Dry Lake Hills][Dry Lake Hills dacite], younger dacite of Schultz Peak, older dacite of Schultz Peak(Schultz Peak rhyodacite) - dacite of Schultz Peak, dacite of Hart Prairie - Pleistocene/Pliocene, tephra of North Sugarloaf (San Francisco Volcanic Field), [dacite of North Sugarloaf][dacite dome of North Sugarloaf][rhyodacite of North Sugarloaf][North Sugarloaf rhyodacite][North Sugarloaf Mtn. rhyodacite][Sugarloaf North rhyolite] (San Francisco Volcanic Field), [rhyolite dome of Sugarloaf (San Francisco Volcanic Field)][Sugarloaf rhyolite dome](Sugarloaf rhyolite)(Sugarloaf biotite rhyolite)(Sugarloaf Mountain rhyolite)(South Sugarloaf rhyolite)(South Sugarloaf Hill rhyolite) - rhyolite of Sugarloaf (San Francisco Volcanic Field) - Pleistocene, [tephra of Sugarloaf (San Francisco Volcanic Field)][Sugarloaf tephra][Sugarloaf Mountain tephra](Sugarloaf ash)(Sugarloaf rhyolitic ash), rhyolite flows of Doyle Saddle(rhyolite of Doyle Saddle), rhyolite of Fremont Peak, rhyolite of Core Ridge, rhyolite of Raspberry Spring, [intrusive dome of Humphreys Peak][dacite pluton of Humphreys Peak], andesite dikes and sill of San Francisco Mountain, quartz-monzodiorite dike of Core Ridge, dacite intrusions and tuffisite of Elden Mountain, vitrophyre plug of Reese Peak, andesite dike of Snowslide Spring, diorite plug of Core Ridge, dacite dike of Schultz Peak, microgranite plug of Core Ridge, [Temple Butte Limestone][Temple Butte Fm] - Devonian, [Switzer Mesa basalt flow][basalt of Switzer Mesa][Switzer Mesa flow] - Miocene, Humphreys Peak rhyolite,