Hedlund, D.C., 1993, Geologic map of the Tillie Hall Peak quadrangle, Greenlee County, Arizona, and Grant County, New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-1715, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000.
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Mineral District, Map, Bedrock, Surficial, [Gila Conglomerate][Gila Fm][Gila Group] - Miocene/Pliocene/Pleistocene - Gila assemblage, rhyolite dike of Twin Peaks (Duncan area), intrusive andesite of Tillie Hall Canyon - Bearwallow Mountain Andesite - Mogollon Group - Miocene/Oligocene, rhyodacitic to dacitic lava flows of Crookson Peak - lava flows of Crookson Peak, [rhyolite of Hells Hole][Hells Hole silicic complex] (Hells Hole area), andesite dome of Bitter Creek, andesitic lava flows of Pine Cienega Creek, [andesitic rocks of Dark Thunder Canyon][basaltic and andesitic rocks of Dark Thunder Canyon] - volcanic sequence in the Big Lue Mountains - Oligocene(?), rhyodacite rhyolite and basaltic breccia of K-6 Mountain(latitic lava flows of Apache Creek), [andesitic lava flows of Copper Basin][andesitic rocks of Copper Basin] (Hells Hole area), (Noeh Mesa tuff), Bloodgood Canyon Tuff, [basaltic andesite of Apache Creek][andesitic lava flows of Willis Ranch], [dacite porphyry of Summit Mountain][porphyritic lava flows of Summit Mountain],