Pewe, T.L., and Updike, R.G., 1976, Geological history of the San Francisco Peaks with emphasis on the glacial record, in Pewe, T.L., and Updike, R.G., San Francisco Peaks: A Guidebook to the Geology, Second edition, prepared for American Quaternary Association, 4th biennial meeting, Tempe, Arizona, October 7-11, 1976, San Francisco Field Trip: Flagstaff, Museum of Northern Arizona, p. 16-32.
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Areal, Structure, Stratigraphy, Volcanology, Correlation, Glacial, Glacial Sedimentary, Lockett Meadow glaciation, (Sugarloaf glaciation), Core Ridge glaciation, Snowslide Spring glaciation, [Strawberry flow (vent 77)][Strawberry Crater flow][Strawberry Crater volcanics][Strawberry Crater basalt][flow of vent 4920], [East O'Neill flow][O'Neill Crater basaltic andesite][O'Neil Crater basalt][O'Neill Crater flow][flow of vent 2929] - Pleistocene, [S P basalt][SP flow][S.P. flow][basaltic andesite of SP Mountain (vent 5703)], vent 54 basalt (vent 5831), [Tappan Springs basalt][Tappan basalt][Tappan flow], [flow of Shadow Mountain][Shadow Mtn. flow][Shadow Mtn. basalt], [vent 171 flow][vent 171 basalt] (vent 3018), [Woodhouse Mesa basalt][Woodhouse Mesa flow], [Kellam Ranch basalt][Kellam Ranch flow](Kallam Ranch flow), [Wukoki basalt][Wukoki flow], [Lava Point basalt][Lava Point flow], [Amphitheatre basalt][Amphitheatre flow][Amphitheater flow] - Pliocene, [Black Point basalt][basalt flow of Black Point][Black Point flow], [Volunteer Canyon basalt][Volunteer Canyon flow] - Miocene/Pliocene, [Cedar Ranch flow][basalt of Cedar Ranch][Cedar Ranch Mesa basalt][basalt flows and vent deposits of Cedar Ranch Mesa][flow of Cedar Ranch Mesa], [Switzer Mesa basalt flow][basalt of Switzer Mesa][Switzer Mesa flow] - Miocene, (Oak Creek Canyon basal basalt)(Oak Creek Canyon flow)Oak Creek Switchback basalt, [Rio de Flag flow][Rio de Flag fm], [Anderson Mesa basalt][Anderson Mesa flow], [Sugarloaf Mountain rhyolite (San Francisco Volcanic Field)][rhyolite dome of Sugarloaf (San Francisco Volcanic Field)][Sugarloaf rhyolite dome](Sugarloaf rhyolite)(Sugarloaf biotite rhyolite)(South Sugarloaf rhyolite)(South Sugarloaf Hill rhyolite) - rhyolite of Sugarloaf (San Francisco Volcanic Field) - Pleistocene, (Sugarloaf ash (San Francisco Volcanic Field))(Sugarloaf rhyolitic ash)[tephra of Sugarloaf (San Francisco Volcanic Field)][Sugarloaf tephra][Sugarloaf Mountain tephra], [dacite domes of O'Leary Peak][O'Leary Peak rhyolite][O'Leary Peak rhyodacite][rhyodacite porphyry domes of O'Leary Peak](O'Leary rhyodacite) - [volcanic rocks of O'Leary Peak][O'Leary Peak volcanics][O'Leary Peak volcanic center], dacite of Elden Mountain - Pleistocene, [dacite of Dry Lake Hills][dacite domes and flows of Dry Lake Hills][Dry Lake Hills dacite], (Little Elden Mountain dacite)(Little Elden dacite)[middle dacite of Elden Mountain][dacite domes of Elden Mountain](Elden Mountain dacite dome) - dacite of Elden Mountain, [rhyolite dome of White Horse Hills][rhyolite of White Horse Hills][White Horse Hills rhyolite], older dacite of Schultz Peak(Schultz Peak rhyodacite) - dacite of Schultz Peak, [rhyolite dome of Hochderffer Hills][Hochderffer Mountain rhyodacite], [dacite of North Sugarloaf][dacite dome of North Sugarloaf][rhyodacite of North Sugarloaf][North Sugarloaf rhyodacite][North Sugarloaf Mtn. rhyodacite] (San Francisco Volcanic Field), Sinagua Fm - Pleistocene, Orion Mbr, Schultz Creek Mbr, Espil Mbr, Little Elden Mbr, Hochderffer Mbr, White Horse Hills Mbr,