Witkind, I.J., and Thaden, R.E., 1957, Geology and uranium-vanadium deposits of the Monument Valley area, Apache and Navajo Counties, Arizona, with a section on Serpentine at Garnet Ridge, by H.E. Malde and R.E. Thaden, and a section on Mineralogy and paragenesis of the ore deposit at the Monument No. 2 and Cato Sells mines, by D.H. Johnson: U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Trace Elements Investigation Report TEI-204, 286 p., 11 sheets, scales 1:1,200, 1:2,400, 1:12,000, 1:24,000, 1:31,680 and 1:62,500.
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Map, Bedrock, Surficial, Subsurface, Areal, Structure, Stratigraphy, Physical Stratigraphy, Sedimentary Petrology, Paleontology, Ultramafic, Volcanic, Xenoliths, Diatreme, Igneous Petrology, Folding, Uranium, Vanadium, Exploration, Mineralization, Locale, Minerals, (Cutler Fm)Cutler Group - Permian, Halgaito Fm(Halgaito Mbr)(Halgaito Tongue), [Cedar Mesa Fm][Cedar Mesa Sandstone](Cedar Mesa Sandstone Mbr - Cutler Fm), Organ Rock Fm(Organ Rock Tongue)(Organ Rock Shale), De Chelly Sandstone(De Chelly Sandstone Mbr), Hoskinnini Mbr(Hoskinnini Tongue), Moenkopi Fm, Owl Rock Mbr, Chinle Fm - Triassic, Shinarump Mbr(Shinarump conglomerate), Monitor Butte Mbr, Petrified Forest Mbr, Church Rock Mbr, Kayenta Fm - Glen Canyon Group - Jurassic, Navajo Sandstone, Carmel Fm - San Rafael Group, Entrada Sandstone, (Summerville Fm)Romana Sandstone, Morrison Fm, Salt Wash Mbr(Salt Wash Sandstone Mbr),