Gregory, H.E., 1917, Geology of the Navajo Country; a reconnaissance of parts of Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 93, 161 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:500,000.
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Mineral District, Map, Bedrock, Climate, Geography, Physiography, Geomorphology, Eolian Feature, Landscape Evolution, Stratigraphy, Sedimentary, Igneous, Diatreme, Volcanic, Structure, Copper, Gold, Coal, Petroleum, Natural Gas, Salines, Gems, Fossil Plant, Locale, Uranium, Vanadium, Building stone, Physical Stratigraphy, (Moencopie beds)(Moencopie Fm)Moenkopi Fm - Triassic, Todilto Limestone Mbr(Todilto Fm)(Todilto Limestone) - Wanakah Fm - San Rafael Group - Jurassic, (Todilto (?) Fm - La Plata group)Kayenta Fm - Glen Canyon Group - Jurassic, Chuska Sandstone - Eocene/Oligocene, De Chelly Sandstone(De Chelly Sandstone Mbr) - Cutler Group - Permian, Chinle Fm - Triassic, (Painted Desert fm)[Morrison Fm/San Rafael Group/Glen Canyon Group], (Leroux fm)(Leroux mbr)Chinle Fm - Triassic, (Lithodendron mbr)(Lithodendron fm)Shinarump Mbr, Shinarump Mbr(Shinarump conglomerate), (La Plata Group)Glen Canyon Group - Jurassic, Wingate Sandstone, Navajo Sandstone, (McElmo Fm)[Morrison Fm/San Rafael Group], [Dakota Sandstone][Dakota Fm] - Cretaceous, Mancos Shale, (Mesa Verde Fm)[Toreva Fm/Wepo Fm/Yale Point Sandstone/Rough Rock Sandstone] - (Mesaverde Group, (Tohatchi shale)(Tohachi shale)(Tohatchi fm)Menefee Fm, Chuska Sandstone - Eocene/Oligocene, Carrizo laccolith - Cretaceous, Fort Defiance quartzite - Early Proterozoic,