Elston, D.P., 1989, Grand Canyon Supergroup, northern Arizona: Stratigraphic summary and preliminary paleomagnetic correlations with parts of other North American Proterozoic successions, in Jenney, J.P., and Reynolds, S.J., eds., Geologic evolution of Arizona: Arizona Geological Society Digest 17, p. 259-272.
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Paleomagnetism, Sedimentary, Volcanic, Stratigraphy, Biostratigraphy, Paleoenvironment, Correlation, Sedimentary Structure, Geochronology, Plate Tectonics, Unkar Group - Grand Canyon Supergroup - Middle Proterozoic, Nankoweap Fm(Nankoweap Group), Chuar Group - Grand Canyon Supergroup - Late Proterozoic, Sixtymile Fm(Sixty Mile Fm), Bass Limestone, Hotauta Conglomerate Mbr(Hotauta Conglomerate), Hakatai Shale, Shinumo Quartzite, [Dox Fm][Dox Sandstone], [Rama diabase][Rama sills](Rama Fm)(Grand Canyon sills)[Unkar sills], [Cardenas Basalt](Cardenas lava series)[Cardenas Lava][Cardenas Lavas], Nankoweap Fm, Galeros Fm - Chuar Group, Tanner Mbr, Jupiter Mbr, Carbon Canyon Mbr, Duppa Mbr, Kwagunt Fm, Carbon Butte Mbr, Awatubi Mbr, Walcott Mbr, Sixtymile Fm, Vishnu Schist(Vishnu fm) - [Granite Gorge metamorphic suite][Vishnu group][Vishnu metamorphic complex](Vishnu terrane)(Vishnu series)(Vishnu complex) - Early Proterozoic,