Uranium procurement and geologic investigations of the Manhattan Project in Arizona |
Chenoweth, W.L. |
1988 |
General hydrogeology of the aquifers of Mesozoic age, upper Colorado River basin - excluding the San Juan Basin - Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, and Arizona |
Freethey, G.W., Kimball, B.A., Wilberg, D.E., and Hood, J.W. |
1988 |
Hydraulic map of Lava Falls Rapids, Grand Canyon, Arizona |
Kieffer, S.W. |
1988 |
Geometry and kinematics of a Miocene 'accommodation zone' in the central Black and southern Eldorado Mountains, Arizona and Nevada, in Weide, D.L., and Faber, M.L., eds., This extended land, geological journeys in the southern Basin and... |
Faulds, J.E., Hillemeyer, F.L., and Smith, E.I. |
1988 |
Paleomagnetic constraints on late Proterozoic-Cambrian continental reconstruction [abs.] |
Elston, D.P. |
1988 |
Potential for aquifer compaction, land subsidence, and earth fissures in Avra Valley, Pima and Pinal Counties, Arizona |
Anderson, S.R. |
1988 |
Characterization of water interaction with the Apache Leap Tuff, Superior, Arizona, using stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen |
Rogoff, E.B. |
1988 |
Index to published geologic maps of Arizona - 1987 |
McGarvin, T.G., comp. |
1988 |
Controls on late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eolian deposition of the western United States |
Marzolf, J.E. |
1988 |
Reconnaissance assessment of Quaternary faulting in the Gila region from San Carlos Reservoir to Coolidge, Arizona |
Scarborough, R.B., and Pearthree, P.A. |
1988 |
The seismically reflective crust beneath highly extended terranes: Evidence for its origin in extension |
Goodwin, E.B., and Thompson, G.A. |
1988 |
Geologic map of the Ajo and Lukeville 1o by 2o quadrangles, southwest Arizona |
Gray, Floyd, Miller, R.J., Grubensky, M.J., Tosdal, R.M., Haxel, G.B., Peterson, D.W., May, D.J., and Silver, L.T. |
1988 |
Paleofloods on the Salt and Verde Rivers, in Anderson, Larry, and Piety, Lucy, eds., Field-Trip guidebook to the Tonto Basin: Geomorphology, Quaternary geology, Tertiary basin development, archeology, and engineering geology |
Ely, L.L., and O'Connor, J.E. |
1988 |
Characteristics and implications of Triassic and Jurassic granitoids in the San Gabriel, Mule, and Trigo Mountains, southern California and southwestern Arizona [abs.] |
Barth, A.P., Tosdal, R.M., and Wooden, J.L. |
1988 |
Distribution of fluoride in ground water in the alluvial basins of Arizona and adjacent parts of California, Nevada, and New Mexico |
Robertson, F.N., and Garrett, W.B. |
1988 |
Arizona ground-water quality, in Moody, D.W., Carr, Jerry, Chase, E.B., and Paulson, R.W., compilers, National Water Summary, 1986, Hydrologic Events and Ground-Water Quality |
Kister, L.R., Radtke, D.B., and Graf, C. |
1988 |
Geochemistry of Laramide and Middle Tertiary plutons in the Ajo mining district, Pima County, Arizona |
Cox, D.P. |
1988 |
Determination of evaporation and seepage losses, Upper Lake Mary near Flagstaff, Arizona |
Blee, J.W.H. |
1988 |
Trace-element and isotopic constraints on the origin of the Mormon Mountain volcanic field, central Arizona [abs.] |
Unruh, D.J., Nealey, L.D., and Holm, R.F. |
1988 |
Potential for aquifer compaction, land subsidence, and earth fissures in the Tucson Basin, Pima County, Arizona |
Anderson, S.R. |
1988 |
The production history and geology of the Hacks, Ridenour, Riverview, and Chapel breccia pipes, northwestern Arizona |
Chenoweth, W.L. |
1988 |
Bed forms in layer 1 of the Peach Springs Tuff ignimbrite: Transport processes during the blast phase of the eruption [abs.] |
Valentine, G.A. |
1988 |
Ductile to brittle structural evolution at Mesquite Mountain, west-central Arizona [abs.] |
Knapp, J.H. |
1988 |
Hydraulic map of Horn Creek Rapids, Grand Canyon, Arizona |
Kieffer, S.W. |
1988 |
Mineral resources of the Aravaipa study area, Graham and Pinal Counties, Arizona |
Scott, D.C. |
1988 |
Illite K-Ar dating and the Catalina detachment fault [abs.] |
Shafiqullah, Muhammed, Pierce, H.W., and Damon, P.E. |
1988 |
A chronology of episodic Laramide tectonism in northwestern Arizona [abs.] |
Young, R.A. |
1988 |
Trace element and isotopic characteristics of eclogites and other xenoliths derived from the lower continental crust of southeastern Australia and southwestern Colorado Plateau, U.S.A., in Smith, D.C., ed., Eclogites and eclogite-facies... |
Arculus, R.J., Ferguson, J., Chappell, B.W., Smith D., McCulloch, M.T., Jackson, I., Hensel, H.D., Taylor, S.R., Knutson, J., and Gust, D.A. |
1988 |
The Colorado Plateau uranium province, USA, with contributions by C.S. Bromfield, J.S. Duval, V.J. Grauch, M.W. Green, F.A. Hills, Fred Peterson, C.T. Pierson, R.F. Sanford, C.S. Spirakis, and R.R. Wahl, in Recognition of uranium... |
Granger, H.C., and Finch, W.I. |
1988 |
Preliminary evidence for fractionation of stable chlorine isotopes in Mississippi Valley-type and porphyry copper hydrothermal systems [abs.] |
Eastoe, C.J., Guilbert, J.M., and Kaufmann, R.S. |
1988 |
Additional geotechnical engineering investigations for Arizona's Maricopa SSC site |
Nowatzki, E.A., Muller, Eugene, DeNatale, J.S., Ibarra-Encinas, G.A., Al-Ghanem, A.M.F., and Welty, J.W. |
1988 |
Basin tectonics and erg response |
Blakey, R.C. |
1988 |
Geologic map of the southern Hieroglyphic Mountains, central Arizona [Baldy Mtn., and Hieroglyphic Mts. SW 7.5 min] |
Wahl, D.E., Jr., Reynolds, S.J., Capps, R.C., Kortemeier, C.P., Grubensky, M.J., Scott, E.A., and Stimac, J.A. |
1988 |
The formation of continental crust: Part 1. A review of some principales; Part 2. An application to the Proterozoic evolution of southern North America |
Bickford, M.E. |
1988 |
Latest Proterozoic and Paleozoic margin of North America and the accretion of Mexico |
Stewart, J.H. |
1988 |
Modification of Theodore Roosevelt Dam, in Anderson, Larry, and Piety, Lucy, eds., Field-Trip guidebook to the Tonto Basin: Geomorphology, Quaternary geology, Tertiary basin development, archeology, and engineering geology |
Sturm, J.F. |
1988 |
Pages of stone; geology of western National Parks and Monuments. 4 - Grand Canyon and the Plateau country |
Chronic, H. |
1988 |
Rotation of the Colorado Plateau: An updated analysis of paleomagnetic data [abs.] |
Bryan, Phillip, and Gordon, R.G. |
1988 |
Gold mineralization in porphyry copper deposits |
Lowell, J.D. |
1988 |
Recognition of breccia pipes in northern Arizona |
Wenrich, K.J., and Sutphin, H.B. |
1988 |
Data report for the PACE 1987 seismic refraction survey, west-central Arizona |
Larkin, S.P., McCarthy, Jill, and Fuis, G.S. |
1988 |
Trace-element (including REE) mobility during hydrothermal alteration of the Sierrita porphyry copper deposit, Arizona [abs.] |
Anthony, E.Y., and Titley, S.R. |
1988 |
The geology and production history of the uranium-vanadium deposits in the Lukachukai Mountains, Apache County Arizona |
Chenoweth, W.L. |
1988 |
Paleoflood hydrology of the Salt and Verde rivers, central Arizona, in A Reclamation Project: The Changing Times |
Ely, L.L., O'Connor, J.E., and Baker, V.R. |
1988 |
The Buckeye pluton; a Proterozoic(?) peraluminous two-mica granite [abs.] |
Miller, E.J., and Annis, D.R. |
1988 |
Hydraulic map of Crystal Rapids, Grand Canyon, Arizona |
Kieffer, S.W. |
1988 |
Hydrogeology of the basins encompassing the Maricopa Superconducting Super Collider site |
Brooks, S.J. |
1988 |
On the role of isostasy in the evolution of normal fault systems |
Wernicke, Brian, and Axen, G.J. |
1988 |
Stratigraphy and tectonic significance of Cenozoic basin-fill sediments, Tonto Basin, Arizona, in Anderson, Larry, and Piety, Lucy, eds., Field-Trip guidebook to the Tonto Basin: Geomorphology, Quaternary geology, Tertiary basin... |
Nations, Dale |
1988 |
Mineral resources of the Warm Springs Wilderness Study Area (AZ-020-028/029), Mohave County, Arizona |
Korzeb, S.L. |
1988 |
Geologic map of the Poachie Range, Yavapai and Mohave Counties, Arizona |
Bryant, Bruce |
1988 |
Gold mineralization in porphyry copper deposits discussed |
Lowell, J.D. |
1988 |
U.S. Geological Survey ground-water studies in Arizona |
Schumann, H.H. |
1988 |
A review of the genus Chasmaporthetes Hay, 1921 (Carnivora, Hyaenidae) |
Kurten, B., and Werdelin, L. |
1988 |
Geochemical sampling in arid environments by the U.S. Geological Survey |
Hinkle, M.E. |
1988 |
Joint orientations in the Santa Cruz porphyry copper deposit, Pinal County, Arizona [abs.] |
Dahl, L.J. |
1988 |
Progressive mixing of isotopic reservoirs during magma genesis at the Sierrita porphyry copper deposit, Arizona; inverse solutions |
Anthony, E.Y., and Titley, S.R. |
1988 |
Mesozoic rock units along the Late Cretaceous Mule Mountains thrust system, southeastern California and southwestern Arizona |
Tosdal, R.M. |
1988 |
Proterozoic high-grade metamorphism in the Colorado River region, Nevada, Arizona, and California, in Ernst, W.G., ed., Metamorphism and crustal evolution of the western United States (Rubey Volume 7) |
Thomas, W.M., Clarke, H.S., Young, E.D., Orrell, S.E., and Anderson, J.L. |
1988 |
40Ar/39Ar geochronology of crystalline thrust nappes of the Late Cretaceous Maria fold and thrust belt, west-central Arizona [abs.] |
Knapp, J.H., and Heizler, M.T. |
1988 |
Analytical results and sample locality map of stream-sediment and panned-concentrate samples from the Baboquivari Peak Wilderness Study Area, Pima County, Arizona |
Adrian, B.M., Hageman, P.L., Sharkey, J.D., and Nowlan, G.A. |
1988 |
Hydraulic map of 24.5 Mile Rapids, Grand Canyon, Arizona |
Kieffer, S.W. |
1988 |
Pre-mineralization igneous processes at the Sierrita porphyry copper deposit, Arizona, USA, in Zachrisson, E., ed., Proceedings of the Seventh Quadrennial IAGOD Symposium |
Anthony, E.Y., and Titley, S.R. |
1988 |
Geologic history of the House Mountain area, Yavapai County, Arizona |
Ranney, W.D.R. |
1988 |
Fossilium catalogus. II. Plantae (S.J. Dijkstra, ed.), Pars 93. Filicales, Pteridospermae, Cycadales, incertae sedis. 2. Supplement. 48. Sph. nystroemii-Z. |
Dijkstra, S.J., and van Amerom, H.W.J. |
1988 |
Formation of the Rocky Mountains, western United States: A continuum computer model |
Bird, Peter |
1988 |
Basin and Range extensional tectonics at the latitude of Las Vegas, Nevada |
Wernicke, B.P., Axen, G.J., and Snow, J.K. |
1988 |
Volume 3, Geology and tunneling of the Maricopa Superconducting Super Collider site proposal |
Welty, J.W. |
1988 |
Representative uranium deposits and occurrences exclusive of sandstone impregnations and quartz conglomerates |
Gabelman, J.W. |
1988 |
Annual static water level basic data report, Tucson Basin and Avra Valley, Pima County, Arizona, 1987 |
Babcock, J.A., Heidenreich, L.K., and Katz, L.T. |
1988 |
Feldspar-influenced rock rheologies |
Janecke, S.U., and Evans, J.P. |
1988 |
Analytical results and sample locality map for stream-sediment, panned-concentrate, and rock samples from the Ragged Top Wilderness Study Area, Pima County, Arizona |
McHugh, J.B., Nowlan, G.A., Sawyer, D.A., and Bullock, J.H., Jr. |
1988 |
Geologic map of the Vulture mine area, Vulture Mountains, west-central Arizona |
Reynolds, S.J., Spencer, J.E., DeWitt, Ed, White, D.C., and Grubensky, M.J. |
1988 |
Petrologic studies of the supergene copper mineralization at the Santa Cruz porphyry copper deposit, Pinal County, Arizona [abs.] |
Cook, S.S. |
1988 |
USGS finds gold in the Silver Bell Mountains |
Spencer, J.E., and Sawyer, D.A. |
1988 |
Aeromagnetic maps of the Colorado River region including the Kingman, Needles, Salton Sea, and El Centro 1o x 2o quadrangles, California, Arizona, and Nevada |
Mariano, John, and Grauch, V.J.S. |
1988 |
Recognition and geologic implications of potassium metasomatism in upper-plate volcanic rocks at the detachment fault at the Harcuvar Mountains, Yavapai County, Arizona |
Brooks, W.E. |
1988 |
An estimation of the water resources for water planning and management in Fort Valley, Coconino County, Arizona |
Hazlehurst, W.M. |
1988 |
Mineral resources of a part of the Muggins Mountains Wilderness Study Area (AZ-050-053A), Yuma County, Arizona |
Wood, R.H., II |
1988 |
Geologic map of San Francisco Mountain, Elden Mountain, and Dry Lake Hills, Coconino County, Arizona [Flagstaff East, Flagstaff West, Sunset Crater West, Humphreys Peak, O'Leary Peak, and White Horse Hills 7.5 min.] |
Holm, R.F. |
1988 |
Hydraulic map of Hermit Rapids, Grand Canyon, Arizona |
Kieffer, S.W. |
1988 |
Progress in U/Pb isotope studies of collapse-breccia pipes in the Grand Canyon region, northern Arizona [abs.] |
Ludwig, K.R., and Simmons, K.R. |
1988 |
Speculative tectonic model for the early Mesozoic arc of the southwest Cordilleran United States |
Busby-Spera, C.J. |
1988 |
Significance of gold and silver in drainage samples from the vicinity of the Baboquivari Peak Wilderness Study Area, Pima County, Arizona |
Nowlan, G.A. |
1988 |
Bibliography of Arizona landslide maps and reports |
Welty, J.W., Roddy, M.S., Alger, C.S., and Brabb, E.E. |
1988 |
Regional geochemical studies of the Ajo and Lukeville 1o x 2o quadrangles, Arizona, [abs.], in Schindler, K.S., ed., USGS research on mineral resources -- 1989; Fifth annual V.E. McKelvey forum on mineral and energy resources |
Barton, H.N., and Theobald, P.K. |
1988 |
Laramide events in the Colorado Plateau transition zone and the adjacent part of the Basin and Range, west-central Arizona [abs.] |
Bryant, Bruce, and Naeser, C.W. |
1988 |
Supergene copper mineralization at the Lakeshore mine, Pinal County, Arizona |
Cook, S.S. |
1988 |
Land-subsidence measurements and aquifer-compaction monitoring in Tucson basin and Avra Valley, Arizona |
Schumann, H.H., and Anderson, S.R. |
1988 |
Remote sensing applied to the exploration for uranium-mineralized breccia pipes in northwestern Arizona |
Kwarteng, A.M.Y. |
1988 |
Aggradation and degradation of alluvial sand deposits, 1965 to 1986, Colorado River, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona; executive summary |
Schmidt, J.C., and Graf, J.B. |
1988 |
Quaternary geologic map of the Salome 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, west-central Arizona |
Demsey, K.A. |
1988 |
Composition and geologic setting of stratiform manganese deposits in the southern Basin and Range Province, Arizona and Nevada, [abs.], in Schindler, K.S., ed., USGS research on mineral resources - 1989, Program and abstracts, Fifth... |
Koski, R.A., Bouse, R.M., Hein, J.R., and DeRosa, M.L. |
1988 |
Hydrologic and sediment responses to simulated rainfall on desert hillslopes in southern Arizona |
Abrahams, A.D., Parsons, A.J., and Luk, Shiu-Hung |
1988 |
A review of the association of petroliferous materials with uranium and other metal deposits in sedimentary rocks in the United States |
Schmitt, L.J. |
1988 |
Hydraulic map of Bright Angel Rapids, Grand Canyon, Arizona |
Kieffer, S.W. |
1988 |
Lower crustal evolution under central Arizona: Isotopic and geochemical evidence from the mafic xenoliths of Camp Creek |
Esperanca, S., Carlson, R.W., and Shirey, S.B. |
1988 |
Paleodrainage patterns along an ancestral Colorado Plateau margin as inferred from distribution of modern fishes [abs.] |
Demarais, B.D. |
1988 |
Surficial geologic maps of the Tucson metropolitan area [Avra, Brown Mountain, Cat Mountain, Jaynes, Marana, Mt. Lemmon, Oro Valley, Ruelas Canyon, Sabino Canyon, Tucson, Tucson East, and Tucson North 7.5 min] |
McKittrick, M.A. |
1988 |
Mesozoic igneous activity in the southern Cordillera of North America: Implication for tectonics and magma genesis |
Asmerom, Yemane |
1988 |