Range of the Redwall of Grand Canyon |
Keyes, Charles |
1940 |
Determination of rhenium in molybdenite minerals |
Hiskey, C.F., and Meloch, V.W. |
1940 |
Outlines of Arizona Geology [Part 2 of 3] |
Keyes, Charles |
1940 |
The geology of the Empire Peak area, Pima County, Arizona |
Mayuga, M.N. |
1940 |
Landslides of the Vermilion and Echo Cliffs, Northern Arizona |
Strahler, A.N. |
1940 |
Peneplanal unconformities through the ages in Arizona [abs.] |
Keyes, Charles |
1940 |
Landslides of the Vermilion and Echo cliffs, northern Arizona |
Strahler, A.N. |
1940 |
Outlines of Arizona Geology [Part 1 of 3] |
Keyes, Charles |
1940 |
Geology of the Belmont-Queen Creek area, Superior, Arizona |
Harshman, E.N. |
1940 |
Permian in parts of the Rocky Mountain region and Colorado Plateau regions |
Baker, A.A., and Williams, J.S. |
1940 |
Cambric anomalies in the Southwest |
Keyes, C.R. |
1940 |
Pre-Cambrian igneous complexes and orogenies in western North America [abs.] |
Hinds, N.E.A. |
1940 |
Eparchean interval in Arizona |
Keyes, Charles |
1940 |
Colorado River system in the Grand Canyon [abs.] |
Maxson, J.H. |
1940 |
Pre-Cambrian formations in western North America, in Pacific Science Congress of the Pacific Science Association, Sixth, Proceedings, July 24th to August 12, 1939 |
Hinds, N.E.A. |
1940 |
Mikropalaontologische Untersuchungen an eozoischen und palaozoischen Kieselgesteinen aus Nordamerika (USA. und Kanada) |
Wetzel, Otto |
1940 |
Geology and ore deposits of the Dives and Gold Ridge Groups, Dos Cabezas, Arizona |
Shields, J.C., II |
1940 |
Devonic Ouray limestone of Colorado in Arizona |
Keyes, C.R. |
1940 |
Pegmatity. Tom 1. Granitnye, pegmatity. [Pegmatites. V. 1. Granites, pegmatites.] Moscow and Leningrad |
Fersman, A.E. |
1940 |
Mine operations in the Patagonia district |
Carpenter, M.M. |
1940 |
Gold mines in the River Range of Arizona |
Holt, E.B. |
1940 |
Editorial - Physiographic significance of Proterozoic Cardenas lava-flows of Grand Canyon |
Keyes, C.R. |
1940 |
Three types of cross-lamination in Paleozoic rocks of northern Arizona |
McKee, E.D. |
1940 |
Ep-Archean and Ep-Algonkian erosion surfaces, Grand Canyon, Arizona |
Sharp, R.P. |
1940 |
The rhythm of the ages; earth history in the light of the pulsation and polar control theories |
Grabau, A.W. |
1940 |
Geology of the northern part of the Slate Mountains, Pinal County, Arizona |
Hogue, W.C. |
1940 |
Stratigraphical geology - Tonto Group of Arizona is what? and where? |
Keyes, Charles |
1940 |
Permian deposits of the Arizona-Utah basin |
McKee, E.D. |
1940 |
A Cambrian slide breccia, Grand Canyon, Arizona |
Sharp, R.P. |
1940 |
Great Mazatzal quartzite of Arizona; its horizon and synonymy |
Keyes, C.R. |
1940 |
Report of an investigation of Coconino Caverns, Arizona |
McKee, E.D. |
1940 |
Geology of the Montana mine area, Empire Mountains, Arizona |
Sopp, G.P. |
1940 |
Gypsum |
Galbraith, F.W. |
1940 |
Entitlement of ancient metamorphics in Arizona |
Keyes, C.R. |
1940 |
Mining and milling methods and costs at the Ash Peak mine of the Veta Mines, Inc., Duncan, Arizona |
Lines, H.L. |
1940 |
Studies of the history of Grand Canyon Paleozoic formations, in Merriam, J.C., and associates, Paleontology, early man, and historical geology |
McKee, E.D. |
1940 |
Empire Mountains, southeastern Arizona [abs.] |
Galbraith, F.W. |
1940 |
Geology and ore deposits of the Copper Creek, Arizona, area |
Kuhn, T.H. |
1940 |
Yaquian series of the Grand Canyon |
Keyes, C.R. |
1940 |
Field tests for the common metals (Seventh edition, revised) |
Fansett, G.R. |
1940 |
Geography and geology of the Hopi country, Arizona |
Hack, J.T. |
1940 |
Empire Mountains overthrust |
Galbraith, F.W. |
1940 |
Alunite |
Heineman, R.E., comp. |
1940 |
Quartz |
Heineman, R.E., comp. |
1941 |
Serial relations of Cambric and pre-Cambric sedimentation at Grand Canyon [abs.] |
Keyes, Charles |
1941 |
Ore occurrence at the Iron King mine, an interesting example of replacement in schist in Arizona |
Mills, H.F. |
1941 |
Recent research on major problems of the Grand Canyon area, in Paleontology, early man, and historical Geology |
Merriam, J.C. |
1941 |
Geology of the Potts Canyon mining area near Superior, Arizona |
Wardwell, H.R. |
1941 |
The upper Triassic flora of Arizona, with a discussion of its geologic occurrence by H.R. Stagner |
Daugherty, L.H. |
1941 |
Sparkling gems in the Aquarius Range |
Henderson, R. |
1941 |
Soil survey of the Casa Grande area, Arizona |
Poulson, E.N., Wildermuth, R., and Harper, W.G. |
1941 |
Erosion stages of the Arizona Plateau as reflected in a headwater drainage area |
Reiche, Parry |
1941 |
Quicksilver (mercury) |
Wilson, E.D., comp. |
1941 |
Diaboleite from Mammoth Mine, Tiger, Arizona |
Palache, Charles |
1941 |
Manganese |
Wilson, E.D., comp. |
1941 |
Outlines of Arizona Geology [Part 3 of 3] |
Keyes, C.R. |
1941 |
Geology of the Helvetia mining district, Pima County, Arizona |
Johnson, V.H. |
1941 |
Geology of the fossil leaf beds of the Petrified Forest National Monument |
Stagner, W.L. |
1941 |
Tungsten deposits of Arizona |
Wilson, E.D. |
1941 |
Nagra bidrag till visingsoformationens stratigrafi och tektonik |
Brotzen, F. |
1941 |
Production possibilities of the marginal copper mines in Arizona |
Arizona Department of Mineral Resources |
1941 |
Stratigraphy of the Morrison Formation and related deposits in and adjacent to the Colorado Plateau |
Stokes, W.L. |
1941 |
Tungsten |
Wilson, E.D. |
1941 |
The story of Boulder Dam |
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation |
1941 |
Mapping Lake Mead |
Brown, C.B. |
1941 |
Preliminary study of fauna of Rampart Cave, Arizona [abs.] |
Wilson, R.W. |
1941 |
Seismic investigations in the Boulder Dam area in 1940 |
Mead, T.C., and Carder, D.S. |
1941 |
Alunite resources of the United States |
Thoenen, J.R. |
1941 |
Investigations of ancient Cambrian rocks in the United States, in Explorations and field-work of the Smithsonian Insitution in 1940 |
Resser, C.E. |
1941 |
Cambrian sequence in western Grand Canyon, Arizona [abs.] |
Schenk, E.T., and Wheeler, H.E. |
1941 |
Making a three-metal separation at the Duquesne group |
Huttl, J.B. |
1941 |
Thrust faulting in the Dragoon Mountains, Arizona [abs.] |
Gilluly, James |
1941 |
Progress Reports - Metallurgical Division, 44. Microscopic Studies, Physical characteristics of some low-grade manganese ores |
Head, R.E. |
1941 |
Hunting prehistoric lions in Arizona |
Nininger, H.H. |
1941 |
Geology of the Sycamore Ridge area, Pima County, Arizona |
Jones, W.R. |
1941 |
Dunes of the western Navajo country |
Hack, J.T. |
1941 |
A supposed jellyfish from the pre-Cambrian of the Grand Canyon |
Bassler, R.S. |
1941 |
Preliminary report on the Campbell orebody, Copper Queen Division, Phelps Dodge Corp., Bisbee, Arizona |
Carpenter, R.H. |
1941 |
The Hurricane fault in southwestern Utah and northwestern Arizona |
Gardner, L.S. |
1941 |
Sonsela Mountain manganese |
East, J.H., Jr. |
1941 |
The Boulder Canyon project; historical and economic aspects |
Kleinsorge, P.L. |
1941 |
The use and limitations of the spectrograph in examining prospectors' samples |
Wartman, F.S., and Thompson, A.J. |
1941 |
Metal structures in Odessa, Texas, and Canyon Diablo, Arizona, meteorites |
Lord, J.O. |
1941 |
Examination of proposed concrete aggregate deposits for Davis Dam |
Rhodes, R.F. |
1941 |
Structure of Little Dragoon Mountains, Arizona |
Enlows, H.E. |
1941 |
The Colorado conquest |
Woodbury, D.O. |
1941 |
Derbya arizonensis, new name for D. regularis McKee |
McKee, E.D. |
1941 |
Pipe deposits of the Copper Creek area, Arizona |
Kuhn, T.H. |
1941 |
Ancient peneplanations of Grand Canyon region |
Keyes, Charles |
1941 |
Marginal Paleozoic seas of northern Arizona [abs.] |
McKee, E.D. |
1941 |
Minerals of Arizona |
Galbraith, F.W. |
1941 |
Structure of ore districts in the continental framework [with discussion by E. Wisser], in Mining Geology, 1941 |
Billingsley, Paul, and Locke, Augustus |
1941 |
Age diversity of certain Carbonic limestones of Arizona |
Keyes, C.R. |
1941 |
The Lower Canyon lavas and related features at Toroweap in Grand Canyon |
McKee, E.D., and Schenk, E.T. |
1942 |
Marginal Paleozoic seas of northern Arizona [abs.] |
McKee, E.D. |
1942 |
Climate and accelerated erosion in the arid and semi-arid Southwest |
Thornthwaite, C.W., Sharpe, C.F.S., and Dosch, E.F. |
1942 |
Geology of the Hilton Ranch area, Pima County, Arizona |
Marvin, T.C. |
1942 |
The late Cenozoic vertebrate faunas from the San Pedro Valley, Arizona |
Gazin, C.L. |
1942 |
Triplicity of sub-Aubreyan peneplanation of Grand Canyon |
Keyes, C.R. |
1942 |
Safford Valley, Graham County, Arizona, Records of wells and springs, well logs, water analyses and map showing locations of wells and springs |
Morrison, R.B., McDonald, H.R., and Stuart, W.T. |
1942 |