Marvin, R.F., Naeser, C.W., Bikerman, M., Mehnert, H.H., and Ratte, J.C., 1987, Isotopic ages of post-Paleocene igneous rocks within and bordering the Clifton 1o x 2o quadrangle, Arizona--New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Bulletin 118, 63 p., 1 sheet.
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Mineral District, Geochronology, Granitoid, Volcanic, Stratigraphy, Correlation, Sheep Crossing Fm - Mount Baldy group - Miocene, Bloodgood Canyon Tuff(Bloodgood Canyon rhyolite) - Mogollon Group - Oligocene, [rhyolite of Hells Hole][Hells Hole silicic complex] (Hells Hole area), [dacite of Tennessee Creek][porphyritic hornblende dacite of Tennessee Creek] - Miocene, rhyolite of Mule Creek, [volcanic complex of Bird Canyon][volcanic rocks of Bird Canyon][Bird Canyon silicic complex], intrusive andesite of Tillie Hall Canyon - Bearwallow Mountain Andesite - Mogollon Group - Miocene/Oligocene, Enebro Mountain Fm(rhyolite of Enebro Mountain)(Enebro Mountain rhyolite), [Gila Conglomerate][Gila Fm][Gila Group] - Miocene/Pliocene/Pleistocene - Gila assemblage, Cooney Tuff(Cooney quartz latite) - Datil Group, Clifton tuff, (andesitic lava flows of Big Lue Mountains) - Bearwallow Mountain Andesite - Mogollon Group - Miocene/Oligocene, (rhyodacite of the Big Lue Mountains) - [andesitic rocks of Dark Thunder Canyon][basaltic and andesitic rocks of Dark Thunder Canyon] - volcanic sequence in the Big Lue Mountains - Oligocene(?),