Preliminary report of production of miscellaneous metals in Arizona in year 1954, manganese, mercury, molybdenum, tungsten, uranium |
Arizona Department of Mineral Resources |
1955 |
[Annie Laurie mine, Oro Blanco district] |
Rambosek, A.J., and Miller, R.A. |
1955 |
Mineral resources, Navajo-Hopi Reservations, Arizona-Utah, Volume II, Nonmetallic minerals - Geology, evaluation, and uses, with sections by J.W. Anthony, R.L. DuBois, P.W. Howell, J.C. Haff, W.D.Keller, H.E. Krumlauf, and R.L. Wilson |
Kiersch, G.A. |
1955 |
Palaeomagnetic study of rocks from the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River |
Doell, R.R. |
1955 |
Uranium mining on the Colorado Plateau |
Dare, W.L., Lindblom, R.A., and Soule, J.H. |
1955 |
Arizona production of copper, lead, zinc, gold and silver from 1858-1954 incl, by years since 1900 |
Arizona Department of Mineral Resources |
1955 |
Ground-water conditions between Oracle and Oracle Junction, Pinal County, Arizona: A supplement to Memorandum on geology and ground-water resources in the vicinity of Oracle, Pinal County, Arizona |
Heindl, L.A. |
1955 |
Pliocene and Pleistocene amphibians and reptiles from southeastern Arizona |
Brattstrom, B.H. |
1955 |
Copper deposits of part of the Helvetia mining district, Pima County, Arizona |
Creasey, S.C., and Quick, G.L. |
1955 |
Topaz claims, Oro Fino-Middle Camp district, Yuma County, Arizona |
Ashwill, W.R. |
1955 |
Some thermodynamic relations among the uranium oxides and their relation to the oxidation state of the uranium ores of the Colorado Plateaus |
Garrels, R.M. |
1955 |
Remanent magnetism in sediments |
Doell, R.R. |
1955 |
Bleaching clay deposits, Sanders-Defiance Plateau District, Navajo Country, Arizona |
Kiersch, G.A., and Keller, W.D. |
1955 |
Atlas of paleogeographic maps of North America |
Schuchert, Charles |
1955 |
Geologic and radiometric reconnaissance along the San Juan and Colorado Rivers between Mexican Hat, Utah, and Lees Ferry, Arizona |
Dahl, H.M. |
1955 |
Geology of a portion of the Coyote Mountains, Pima County, Arizona |
Kurtz, W.L. |
1955 |
Mystery mine, Yavapai County, Arizona |
Bryner, L. |
1955 |
Supai Formation (Permian) of eastern Arizona |
Winters, S.S. |
1955 |
Depositional environment of the Navajo Sandstone of the southwestern Colorado Plateau |
Digert, F.E. |
1955 |
Suggested changes in Devonian terminology in the Four Corners area, in Cooper, J.C., ed., Geology of parts of Paradox, Black Mesa, and San Juan Basins, Four Corners Field Conference |
Knight, R.L., and Cooper, J.R. |
1955 |
[King mine, Helvetia district, Arizona] |
Miller, R.A. |
1955 |
Some additional determinations of minerals of the Colorado Plateau, in Annual report for April 1, 1954, to March 31, 1955 |
Gruner, J.W., and Smith, D.K., Jr. |
1955 |
Geology of Bear Creek Canyon, Arizona - New Mexico |
Maise, C.R. |
1955 |
Results of gamma ray logging of Climax Uranium Company wagon drill holes, Martin Mesa, northwest Carrizo area, Apache County, Arizona |
Chenoweth, W.L. |
1955 |
Airborne reconnaissance project, Dripping Spring Quartzite, Arizona |
Magleby, D.N., and Mead, W.E. |
1955 |
Christonson-Lane mine, Helvetia district, Arizona |
Miller, R.A. |
1955 |
Geology of the Mary G. mine area, Pima County, Arizona |
Davis, R.E. |
1955 |
Monument Valley area, Ariz., quadrangle mapping, in Geologic investigations of radioactive deposits - Semiannual progress report, December 1, 1954 to May 31, 1955 |
Witkind, I.J. |
1955 |
Evidence of biochemical heating in Lake Mead mud |
ZoBell, C.E., Sisler, F.D., and Oppenheimer, C.H. |
1955 |
The problem of coffinite, in Gruner, J.W., and Smith, D.K., Jr., Annual report for April 1, 1954 to March 31, 1955 |
Gruner, J.W., and Smith, D.K., Jr. |
1955 |
Revisions in correlation and nomenclature of Triassic and Jurassic formations in southwestern Utah and northern Arizona |
Averitt, Paul, Detterman, J.S., Harshbarger, J.W., Repenning, C.A., and Wilson, R.F. |
1955 |
AEC Four Corners Field Conference, February 17-18, 1955, East Blanding, Oljeto, and Rattlesnake projects |
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission |
1955 |
The geology and the uranium deposits of the northwest Carrizo area, Apache County, Arizona, in Cooper, J.C., ed., Geology of parts of Paradox, Black Mesa, and San Juan Basins, Four Corners Field Conference |
Chenoweth, W.L. |
1955 |
Uranium investigations in Mohave County, Arizona |
Hart, O.M. |
1955 |
[Bluestone mine] |
Miller, R.A. |
1955 |
Channel deposits of the Salt Wash Member, Morrison Formation, Arizona |
Storm, P.V. |
1955 |
Piping and earth cracks--a discussion |
Heindl, L.A., and Feth, S.H. |
1955 |
Stratigraphic studies, in Geologic investigations of radioactive deposits - Semiannual progress report, December 1, 1954 to May 31, 1955 |
Williams, G.A. |
1955 |
Geologic maps of the Ord quicksilver mine, Mazatzal Mountains, Arizona |
McAllister, J.F. |
1955 |
Annual report for April 1, 1954 to March 31, 1955 |
Gruner, J.W., and Smith, D.K., Jr. |
1955 |
Permian Gastropoda of the southwestern United States |
Yochelson, E.L. |
1955 |
Regional tectonics of the Colorado Plateau and relationship to uranium distribution and origin |
Kelley, V.C. |
1955 |
[Alto mine, Tyndall district] |
Miller, R.A., and Robison, R.L. |
1955 |
Age and sedimentary environments of uranium host rocks, Colorado Plateau |
Isachsen, Y.W., Mitcham, T.W., and Wood, H.B. |
1955 |
Ground-water studies, in Geologic investigations of radioactive deposits - Semiannual progress report, December 1, 1954 to May 31, 1955 |
Jobin, D.A. |
1955 |
Stratigraphy of the Upper Mississippian Paradise Formation of southeastern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico |
Packard, F.A. |
1955 |
Characteristics of Triassic and Jurassic uranium-bearing host rocks of the Colorado Plateau |
Cadigan, R.A. |
1955 |
Geology of parts of Paradox, Black Mesa, and San Juan Basins, Four Corners Field Conference |
Cooper, J.C., ed. |
1955 |
Structures at the northern end of the Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona |
Wallace, R.M. |
1955 |
Compilation of flood data in Arizona, 1862-1953 |
Smith, Winchell, and Heckler, W.L. |
1955 |
Methods and costs of uranium exploration and mining costs on the Colorado Plateau |
Hampton, O.W. |
1955 |
Paleomagnetism of sediments from the Colorado Plateau |
Runcorn, S.K. |
1955 |
Selenium samples from the United Verde Branch, Phelps Dodge Corporation, Jerome, Arizona |
Storms, W.R. |
1955 |
Distribution of elements, in Geologic investigations of radioactive deposits - Semiannual progress report, December 1, 1954 to May 31, 1955 |
Shoemaker, E.M. |
1955 |
Permian and Pennsylvanian rocks of the Four Corners area, in Cooper, J.C., ed., Geology of parts of Paradox, Black Mesa, and San Juan Basins, Four Corners Field Conference |
Turnbow, D.R. |
1955 |
Stratigraphic studies, Triassic studies [Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, Utah] |
Stewart, J.H. |
1955 |
Polar wandering; some geological, dynamical, and palaeomagnetic aspects |
Day, A.A., and Runcorn, S.K. |
1955 |
Geology and ore deposits of the Copper Basin mining district, Yavapai County, Arizona |
Johnston, W.P. |
1955 |
[Red Knob claims, Muggins Mountain district, Yuma County, Arizona] |
Reyner, M.L., and Ashwill, W.R. |
1955 |
Stratigraphic analysis of Rico strata in the Four Corners region |
Bailey, J.S. |
1955 |
Memorandum on geology and ground-water resources in the vicinity of Oracle, Pinal County, Arizona |
Heindl, L.A. |
1955 |
Dripping Spring Quartzite, Arizona, in Geologic investigations of radioactive deposits - Semiannual progress report, December 1, 1954 to May 31, 1955 |
Granger, H.C. |
1955 |
Geology of the uranium deposits of the Lukachukai Mountains area, northeastern Arizona |
Masters, J.A. |
1955 |
Cliff retreat in the southwestern United States |
Koons, E.D. |
1955 |
Stratigraphy of the Morrison and related formations, Colorado Plateau region; a preliminary report |
Craig, L.C., Holmes, C.N., Cadigan, R.A., Freeman, V.L., Mullens, T.E., and Weir, G.W. |
1955 |
Chrysotile-asbestos deposits of Arizona |
Stewart, L.A. |
1955 |
Geology of Bear Creek Canyon, Arizona - New Mexico |
Maise, C.R. |
1955 |
Geology, in Davis Dam and powerplant |
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation |
1955 |
History of mining in Arizona |
Tuck, F.J. |
1955 |
Applications of cross-stratification studies to problems of uranium exploration, Chuska Mountains, Arizona |
Lowell, J.D. |
1955 |
Geologic studies and diamond drilling in the East Carrizo area, Apache County, Arizona, and San Juan County, New Mexico |
Masters, J.A., Hatfield, K.G., Clinton, N.J., Dickson, R.E., Maise, C.R., and Roberts, L. |
1955 |
One hundred Arizona minerals |
Moore, R.T. |
1955 |
Regional tectonics of the Colorado Plateau and relationship to the origin and distribution of uranium |
Kelley, V.C. |
1955 |
Photogeologic map of the Short Creek SW [Maroney Well] quadrangle, Mohave County, Arizona |
Marshall, C.H. |
1956 |
Reconnaissance geologic study of the Black Canyon schist belt, Bradshaw Mountains, Yavapai and Maricopa Counties, Arizona |
Jerome, S.E. |
1956 |
Chrysotile-asbestos deposits of Arizona (supplement to Information Circular 7706) |
Stewart, L.A. |
1956 |
Photogeologic map of the House Rock Spring SE [House Rock Spring] quadrangle, Coconino County, Arizona |
McQueen, Kathleen |
1956 |
Occurrence of uranium in Seth-La-Kai diatreme, Hopi Buttes, Arizona |
Lowell, J.D. |
1956 |
Photogeologic map of the Tanner Wash NW [Bitter Springs] quadrangle, Coconino County, Arizona |
Minard, J.P. |
1956 |
Coffinite, a uranous silicate with hydroxyl substitution: A new mineral |
Stieff, L.R., Stern, T.W., and Sherwood, A.M. |
1956 |
Origin of the Chuska Sandstone, Arizona-New Mexico: A structural and petrographic study of a Tertiary eolian sediment |
Wright, H.E., Jr. |
1956 |
Triassic dicynodont reptiles |
Camp, C.L., and Welles, S.P. |
1956 |
Analysis of basic data concerning ground water in the Yuma area, Arizona - Tucson, Arizona, April 20, 1956 |
Brown, R.H., Harshbarger, J.W., and Thomas, H.E. |
1956 |
Photogeologic map of the Emmett Wash NE [Emmett Wash] quadrangle, Coconino County, Arizona |
Detterman, J.S. |
1956 |
General geology of central Cochise County, Arizona, with sections on age and correlation, by A.R. Palmer, J.S. Williamson, and J.B. Reeside, Jr. |
Gilluly, James |
1956 |
Photogeologic map of the Short Creek NW [Colorado City] quadrangle, Mohave County, Arizona |
Marshall, C.H., and Pillmore, C.L. |
1956 |
Uranium and vanadium deposits of the Colorado Plateau that produced more than 1,000 tons of ore through June 30, 1955 |
Chew, R.T., III |
1956 |
Dripping Spring Quartzite, in Geologic investigations of radioactive deposits - Semiannual progress report, June 1 to November 30, 1956 |
Granger, H.C., and Raup, R.B. |
1956 |
Occurrence of uranium in Seth-La-Kai diatreme, Hopi Buttes, Arizona |
Lowell, J.D. |
1956 |
The Cambrian of the Rocky Mountains and southwest deserts of the United States and adjoining Sonora Province, Mexico, in El Sistema Cambrico, su paleogeografia y al problema de su base; Symposium; Segundo Tomo, America del Norte, America... |
Lochman-Balk, C. |
1956 |
Structure and petrology pertaining to a beryl deposit, Baboquivari Mountains, Arizona |
Clark, J.L. |
1956 |
The Horseshoe and other diatremes of the Hopi Buttes volcanic field, northeast Arizona |
Fair, C.L. |
1956 |
Late Cretaceous stratigraphy of Black Mesa, Navajo and Hopi Indian Reservations, Arizona |
Repenning, C.A., and Page, H.G. |
1956 |
East Vermillion Cliffs area, Arizona, in Geologic investigations of radioactive deposits, Semi-annual progress report, December 1, 1955 to May 31, 1956 |
Petersen, R.G., and Wells, J.D. |
1956 |
Diatremes on the Navajo and Hopi Reservations, Arizona, in Geologic investigations of radioactive deposits, semi-annual progress report, December 1, 1955 to May 31, 1956 |
Shoemaker, E.M. |
1956 |
Cenozoic geology of the Colorado Plateau |
Hunt, C.B. |
1956 |
Late Cenozoic stratigraphy and structure of a part of the Walnut Grove Basin, Yavapai County, Arizona |
Hook, D.L. |
1956 |
Gold, in Kiersch, G.A., ed., Mineral resources, Navajo-Hopi Indian Reservations, Arizona-Utah; volume I, metalliferous minerals and mineral fuels |
Haskell, H.S., and Sayner, D.B. |
1956 |
The occurrence of uranium in the Diamond Head Group, Sierrita Mountains, Pima County, Arizona |
Miller, R.A. |
1956 |
Paradox oil in the Four Corners region |
Wengerd, S.A. |
1956 |