Arizona's leading gold mine a dividend-payer in spite of costs (United Eastern Mining Company) |
Burgess, J.A. |
1920 |
Kay Copper Company |
Willis, C.F. |
1920 |
Mining methods of United Verde Extension Mining Co. |
Mitke, C.A. |
1920 |
A geological reconnaissance of the Tucson and Amole Mountains, with Notes on the southern section of the Amole mining district, by M.A. Allen |
Jenkins, O.P., and Wilson, E.D. |
1920 |
World's Fair silver mine |
Arizona Mining Journal |
1920 |
Prince of Arizona |
Willis, C.F. |
1920 |
A brief report on the Holbrook oil field |
Hager, Dorsey |
1921 |
History of Tom Reed mines is story of success after failure |
Arizona Mining Journal |
1921 |
Vanadium |
Allen, M.A., and Butler, G.M. |
1921 |
United Eastern Company pushing development work |
Arizona Mining Journal |
1921 |
Fluorspar |
Allen, M.A., and Butler, G.M. |
1921 |
Recalling the days of the great Oatman boom in 1915 |
Arizona Mining Journal |
1921 |
Dardinelles [sic] strike gives Chloride more assurance |
Willis, C.F. |
1921 |
Activity in Oatman at Highland Chief mines |
Willis, C.F. |
1921 |
Report on the Carriso Uranium Co's. claims in the San Juan Indian Reservation |
Staver, W.H. |
1921 |
Tom Reed gold mines vs. United Eastern Company |
Rickard, T.A. |
1921 |
The Vulture mine |
Hutchinson, W.S. |
1921 |
Asbestos |
Allen, M.A., and Butler, G.M. |
1921 |
Oil possibilities of the Holbrook area in northeast Arizona |
Hager, Dorsey |
1921 |
Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in Arizona, in Mineral resources of the United States, 1917, Part I - Metals |
Heikes, V.C. |
1921 |
Geology of the Muddy Mountains, Nevada, with a section to the Grand Wash Cliffs in western Arizona |
Longwell, C.R. |
1921 |
Molybdenum, in Mineral resources of the United States, 1918, Part I - Metals |
Hess, F.L. |
1921 |
Developments at Kay Copper property, 49 miles north of Phoenix, described by a company engineer |
Engineering and Mining Journal |
1921 |
Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in Arizona, in Mineral resources of the United States, 1918, Part I - Metals |
Heikes, V.C. |
1921 |
Descriptions of species of Pleistocene Vertebrata, types or specimens of most of which are preserved in the United States National Museum |
Hay, O.P. |
1921 |
Steam-shovel operations at the United Verde mine |
Parsons, L.A. |
1921 |
Contact-metamorphic tungsten deposits of the United States, in Contributions to economic geology, 1921; Part I - Metals and nonmetals except fuels |
Hess, F.L., and Larsen, E.S. |
1921 |
Surface water supply of the United States, 1917, Part IX. Colorado River Basin |
Grover, N.C., Follansbee, Robert, Jacob, C.C., and Ellsworth, C.E. |
1921 |
Uranium and radium |
Butler, G.M., and Allen, M.A. |
1921 |
Lower California and its natural resources |
Nelson, E.W. |
1921 |
Petroleum |
Butler, G.M., and Allen, M.A. |
1921 |
Notes on textures and relationships in the Globe copper ores |
Schwartz, G.M. |
1921 |
Arizona gold placers |
Allen, M.A. |
1922 |
Sketch of the geology of the Dos Cabezas Mountains of southeastern Arizona [abs.] |
Sarle, C.J. |
1922 |
Geology of the lower Gila region, Arizona, in Shorter contributions to general geology, 1921 |
Ross, C.P. |
1922 |
Gold properties at Oatman preparing for development |
O'Brien, J.F. |
1922 |
A section of the Paleozoic formations of the Grand Canyon at the Bass Trail, Chap. B, in Shorter contributions to general geology, 1922 |
Noble, L.F. |
1922 |
Diamond drilling operations increasing in Oatman district |
O'Brien, J.F. |
1922 |
Concentrated mining activities from Arizona, New Mexico and old Mexico - Yavapai - Big Dome |
Arizona Mining Journal |
1922 |
Natural bridging in the high plateaus |
Pack, F.J. |
1922 |
The Sinian System |
Grabau, A.W. |
1922 |
The optical properties and morphology of bisbeeite |
Rogers, A.F. |
1922 |
Verde Chief property in south section of district |
Willis, C.F. |
1922 |
Outstanding geologic features of the Colorado River basin |
Pack, F.J. |
1922 |
Ore deposits of the Sierrita Mountains, Pima County, Arizona, in Contributions to Economic Geology (Short Papers and Preliminary Reports), 1921 - Part I.--Metals and Nonmetals except Fuels |
Ransome, F.L. |
1922 |
Jerome Grande copper between Verde Central and United Verde |
Willis, C.F. |
1922 |
Delimitations of sundry Arizona terranes |
Keyes, Charles |
1922 |
The lure of Arizona gold was inspiration for Oatman |
Doman, R.S. |
1922 |
Permian rocks of Grand Canyon |
Keyes, Charles |
1922 |
Erosion and sedimentation in the Papago country, Arizona, with a sketch of the geology |
Bryan, Kirk |
1922 |
Preliminary report on fossil vertebrates of the San Pedro Valley, Arizona, with descriptions of new species of rodentia and lagomorpha |
Gidley, J.W. |
1922 |
International and interstate aspects of the Colorado River problem |
Grunsky, C.E. |
1922 |
Handbuch der Palaeogeographie. Band II. Palaeogeographie |
Arldt, Theodor |
1922 |
Framework of Arizona geology |
Keyes, Charles |
1922 |
Routes to desert watering places in the Papago country, Arizona |
Bryan, Kirk |
1922 |
Oatman today |
Boericke, W.F. |
1922 |
Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in Arizona, in Mineral resources of the United States, 1919, Part I - Metals |
Heikes, V.C. |
1922 |
Ajo enterprise of the New Cornelia Copper Company [two parts] |
Allen, A.W. |
1922 |
Geology and ore deposits of Jerome district |
Reber, L.E., Jr. |
1922 |
Grand Canyon's palacial section |
Keyes, Charles |
1922 |
Discussion on rock-fill dam, Lees Ferry, Arizona |
Bryan, Kirk |
1922 |
The Colorado River and Arizona's interest in its development |
Smith, G.E.P. |
1922 |
Geology at site of proposed diversion works [at Headgate Rock, near Parker, Arizona], in Engle, C.A., Proposed irrigation project, Colorado River Indian Reservation |
Strahorn, A.T. |
1922 |
Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in Arizona, in Mineral resources of the United States, 1920, Part I - Metals |
Heikes, V.C. |
1922 |
Discussion on the stratigraphy of northeastern Arizona [discussion of Hager, Dorsey, 1921, Oil Possibilities of the Holbrook area...] |
Moore, R.C. |
1922 |
Oil possibilities - Holbrook area - Arizona |
Hager, Dorsey |
1922 |
Surface water supply of the United States, 1918, Part IX. Colorado River Basin |
Grover, N.C., Follansbee, Robert, Jacob, C.C., Purton, A.B., and Ellsworth, C.E. |
1922 |
Stratigraphic sections in southwestern Utah and northwestern Arizona, in Shorter contributions to general geology, 1921 |
Reeside, J.B., Jr., and Bassler, H. |
1922 |
Stratigraphy of a part of southern Utah |
Moore, R.C. |
1922 |
Geology of the Twin Buttes mining district |
Gordon, E.R. |
1922 |
The Mazatzal Quartzite, a new pre-Cambrian formation of central Arizona |
Wilson, E.D. |
1922 |
Primary native-silver ores near Wickenburg, Arizona, and their bearing on the genesis of the silver ores of Cobalt, Ontario, in Contributions to economic geology, 1922, Part I. - Metals and nonmetals except fuels |
Bastin, E.S. |
1922 |
Mining methods and costs at the United Verde mine |
Smith, H.D., and Sirdevan, W.H. |
1922 |
Proterozoic Mazatzal Quartzite of central Arizona |
Wilson, E.D. |
1922 |
Geology of the Boulder Canyon and Black Canyon dam sites and reservoir sites on the Colorado River, A report to the Director of the U.S. Geological Survey |
Ransome, F.L. |
1923 |
Geology of the Old Dominion mine, Globe, Arizona |
Lausen, Carl |
1923 |
Report and supplemental report of Delph E. Carpenter, Commissioner for Colorado, on the Colorado River Commission |
Carpenter, D.E. |
1923 |
Study of some mining districts of Arizona and of the structure of some ore specimens |
Legraye, M.P. |
1923 |
Relation between the Paleozoic and Mesozoic of New Mexico and Arizona |
Cole, V.B. |
1923 |
Recently described 'bisbeeite' from the Grand Canyon is cyanotrichite |
Gordon, S.G. |
1923 |
Deep-level chalcocite at Superior, Arizona, and at Butte, Montana |
Short, M.N. |
1923 |
Photographing the Grand Canyon |
Barrett, S.A. |
1923 |
The story of the New Cornelia |
Rickard, T.A. |
1923 |
Geology of the Oatman gold district, Arizona - A preliminary report |
Ransome, F.L. |
1923 |
Romances of some of Arizona's mines |
Willis, C.F. |
1923 |
Ancient high-level potholes near the Colorado River [abs.] |
Ransome, F.L. |
1923 |
Report based on reconnaissance investigation of Arizona land irrigable from the Colorado River |
Arizona Engineering Commission |
1923 |
Notes on a geological traverse from Mohave, California, to the mouth of the San Juan River, Utah |
Gregory, H.E., and Noble, L.F. |
1923 |
Ray folio, Arizona |
Ransome, F.L. |
1923 |
The lower Gila region, Arizona, A geographic, geologic, and hydrologic reconnaissance, with a guide to desert watering places |
Ross, C.P. |
1923 |
Geology of Deception Gulch and the Verde Central mine |
Benedict, P.C. |
1923 |
Devonic unconformity in Arizona |
Keyes, Charles |
1923 |
Geologic features of the Lees Ferry, Arizona, dam site |
Bryan, Kirk |
1923 |
Biotic resolution of Red Wall Limestone of Grand Canyon |
Keyes, Charles |
1923 |
Pedestal rocks in the arid Southwest |
Bryan, Kirk |
1923 |
Wind erosion near Lees Ferry, Arizona |
Bryan, Kirk |
1923 |
The Colorado River problem |
Corthell, N.E. |
1923 |
A river diversion of Colorado River in relation to Imperial Valley, California |
Rothery, S.L. |
1923 |
Verde River lake beds near Clarkdale, Arizona |
Jenkins, O.P. |
1923 |
Structural features of the Colorado Plateau and their origin [abs.] |
Moore, R.C. |
1923 |