Westward extension of Seboyeta Bay, Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) of west-central New Mexico, in Chamberlin, R.M., Kues, B.S., Cather, S.M., Barker, J.M., and McIntosh, W.C., eds., Mogollon Slope, west-central New Mexico and east-central... |
Anderson, O.J., and Lucas, S.G. |
1994 |
Geology and production history of the Alma - Seegan uranium mine, Navajo County, Arizona |
Chenoweth, W.L. |
1994 |
Verde Valley mammalian ichnofauna: Preliminary survey of a site, in Boaz, Debra, Dornan, Michael, and Bolander, Susan, eds., Proceedings of the Fossils of Arizona Symposium, Volume II, November 19, 1994 |
McGeorge, Rose, and Schur, Chris |
1994 |
Structural and sedimentological analysis of mid-Tertiary extension, Mohawk Mountains, southwestern Arizona [abs.] |
Ridgway, K.D., Pridmore, C.L., and Scheevel, J. |
1994 |
The hydrogeochemical evolution of the groundwater of the Tucson Basin with application to 3-dimensional groundwater flow modelling |
Kalin, R.M. |
1994 |
Paleomagnetism, stratigraphy, and petrology of the upper Cretaceous Roskruge Volcanics at Bell Mountain, southeast Arizona |
Hagstrum, J.T., Lipman, P.W., and Sawyer, D.A. |
1994 |
Bedrock geology of the eastern and central Tank Mountains, Yuma County area, Arizona [Palomas Mts. SE, Palomas Mts. SW, Palomas Mts. NE, and Palomas Mts. NW 7.5 min] |
Ferguson, C.A., Skotnicki, S.J., and Spencer, J.E. |
1994 |
Abundant ichnofaunas from the Permian DeChelly Sandstone, NE Arizona: Implications for dunefield paleoecology [abs.] |
Lockley, M.G., Hunt, A.P., and Lucas, S.G. |
1994 |
Continuous Holocene record of diatom stratigraphy, paleohydrology, and anthropogenic activity in a spring-mound in Southwestern United States |
Blinn, D.W., Hevly, R.H., and Davis, O.K. |
1994 |
Three-dimensional seismic crustal structure of metamorphic core complexes, detachment faults and accomodation zones in western and central Arizona [abs.], in 1994 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, December 5-9, San Francisco,... |
Kruger, J.M., Okaya, D.A., Reynolds, S.J., and Faulds, J.E. |
1994 |
Geologic map of the Signal quadrangle, Mohave County, Arizona |
Lucchitta, Ivo, and Suneson, N.H. |
1994 |
K-Ar ages of late Cenozoic basaltic rocks in the northern part of the Mormon Volcanic Field, north-central Arizona |
Holm, R.F., and Shafiqullah, M. |
1994 |
Alpine 1/Federal, Final report, Executive summary |
Witcher, J.C. |
1994 |
Arizona water resources assessment, V. II, Hydrologic summary |
Arizona Department of Water Resources |
1994 |
Chemical, geologic, and hydrologic data from the Little Colorado River Basin, Arizona and New Mexico, 1988-91 |
Fisk, G.G., Ferguson, S.A., Rankin, D.R., and Wirt, L. |
1994 |
Geology of the Phoenix Mountains, Maricopa County, Arizona, 1973 |
Shank, D.C., and Pewe, T.L. |
1994 |
Geologic map of the Formaster Well quadrangle, northern Mohave County, Arizona |
Billingsley, G.H. |
1994 |
Historic mining camps of southeastern Arizona - A road log with geologic and historic highlights, in Thorman, C.H., and Lane, D.E., eds., USGS Research on Mineral Resources - 1994, Part B - Guidebook for Field Trips, Ninth V.E. McKelvey... |
Houser, B.B., Farrell, M.M., Force, E.R., Briscoe, J.A., Cox, L.J., and Wiens, John |
1994 |
The Plio-Pleistocene Quemado Formation of west-central New Mexico, in Chamberlin, R.M., Kues, B.S., Cather, S.M., Barker, J.M., and McIntosh, W.C., eds., Mogollon Slope, west-central New Mexico and east-central Arizona |
Cather, S.M., and McIntosh, W.C. |
1994 |
Geology and production history of the Big Four No. 2 uranium mine Navajo County, Arizona |
Chenoweth, W.L. |
1994 |
Geologic map of the Long Valley quadrangle, Coconino County, Arizona |
Weir, G.W., Ulrich, G.E., and Nealey, L.D. |
1994 |
Water resources data, Arizona, Water year 1993 |
Smith, C.F., Rigas, P.D., Ham, L.K., Duet, N.R., and Anning, D.W. |
1994 |
Late Cenozoic half-graben evolution, detachment faulting and late stage core complex uplift from reflection seismic data in the Safford Basin of SE Arizona [abs.] |
Kruger, J.M., Johnson, R.A., and Houser, B.B. |
1994 |
Arizona |
Oil and Gas Journal |
1994 |
Remagnetization of Jurassic volcanic rocks in the Santa Rita and Patagonia Mountains, Arizona: Implications for North American polar wander |
Hagstrum, J.T. |
1994 |
Modeling fluvial erosion on regional to continental scales |
Howard, A.D., Dietrich, W.E., and Seidl, M.A. |
1994 |
Geologic map of the Palomas Mountains, Yuma County, Arizona [Palomas Mts. SE, Palomas Mts. SW, Kofa, and Horn 7.5 min] |
Skotnicki, S.J., and Ferguson, C.A. |
1994 |
Constraints on timing of early Proterozoic deformation and metamorphism in the Hieroglyphic Mountains, central Arizona [abs.] |
Burr, J.L. |
1994 |
Preliminary geologic map of the New River quadrangle, Maricopa and Yavapai Counties, Arizona |
Bryant, Bruce |
1994 |
Surface features indicative of subsurface evaporite dissolution: Implications for storage and mining |
Neal, J.T. |
1994 |
Geologic map of the Centennial Wash quadrangle, Mohave and La Paz Counties, Arizona |
Lucchitta, Ivo, and Suneson, N.H. |
1994 |
Oil show in geothermal test |
Fellows, L.D. |
1994 |
Geologic map of Star Flat - Willow Springs area, Pinal County, Arizona |
Dickinson, W.R. |
1994 |
Thermal regime of Alpine divide and petroleum implications, in Cather, S.M., and others, Second-day road log from Quemado Lake to Mangas Mountains, Omega, Quemado, Tejana Mesa and Red Hill, New Mexico, and Springerville and Alpine,... |
Witcher, J.C., Swanberg, C.A., and Hahman, W.R. |
1994 |
Reconnaissance environmental geology of northern Scottsdale, Maricopa County, Arizona, 1983 |
Pewe, T.L., Bales, Jim, and Montz, Melissa |
1994 |
Geology of the gold placers in the Greaterville District, Arizona, in Thorman, C.H., and Lane, D.E., eds., USGS Research on Mineral Resources - 1994, Part B - Guidebook for Field Trips, Ninth V.E. McKelvey Forum on Mineral and Energy... |
Cox, L.J. |
1994 |
Volcanic-epithermal deposits in the Mogollon-Datil Volcanic Field, west-central New Mexico, in Chamberlin, R.M., Kues, B.S., Cather, S.M., Barker, J.M., and McIntosh, W.C., eds., Mogollon Slope, west-central New Mexico and east-central... |
McLemore, V.T. |
1994 |
Geology and production history of the Fern No. 1 uranium mine, Navajo County, Arizona |
Chenoweth, W.L. |
1994 |
Proceedings of the Fossils of Arizona Symposium, Volume II, November 19, 1994 |
Boaz, Debra, Dornan, Michael, and Bolander, Susan, eds. |
1994 |
Implications of live oil shows in eastern Arizona geothermal test |
Rauzi, S.L. |
1994 |
Geologic map of the Rustler Park quadrangle, Cochise County, Arizona |
Pallister, J.S., du Bray, E.A., and Latta, J.S., IV |
1994 |
Controls on hydraulic geometry in a flood-dominated, ephemeral river system: Examples from the Paria River, Utah and Arizona [abs.] |
Topping, D.J., and Smith, J.D. |
1994 |
More drilling due near Arizona CO2/helium strike |
Oil and Gas Journal |
1994 |
Methods to identify wells that yield water that will be replaced by Colorado River water in Arizona, California, Nevada, and Utah |
Wilson, R.P., and Owen-Joyce, S.J. |
1994 |
Surficial geology of the Apache Junction area, northern Pinal and eastern Maricopa Counties, Arizona [Apache Junction and Desert Well 7.5 min] |
Huckleberry, Gary |
1994 |
Crustal extension and magmatism: Interpretation from the Colorado River Gravity High, SE California [abs.], in 1994 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, December 5-9, San Francisco, California |
Campbell, E.A., and John, B.E. |
1994 |
A comparison of mineralization styles in the Oro Blanco Mining District, Santa Cruz County, Arizona |
Weiskopf, T.A. |
1994 |
Indoor radon maps pf the United States |
Cohen, B.L., Stone, C.A., and Schilken, C.A. |
1994 |
Geologic map of the Castaneda Hills SW quadrangle, Mohave and La Paz Counties, Arizona |
Lucchitta, Ivo, and Suneson, N.H. |
1994 |
Alpine 1/Federal final report - Part 1, drilling report |
Witcher, J.C., Pisto, Larry, Hahman, W.R., and Swanberg, C.A. |
1994 |
Methods for estimating magnitude and frequency of floods in the southwestern United States |
Thomas, B.E., Hjalmarson, H.W., and Waltemeyer, S.D. |
1994 |
Geothermal potential of the Alpine divide area, in Cather, S.M., and others, Second-day road log from Quemado Lake to Mangas Mountains, Omega, Quemado, Tejana Mesa and Red Hill, New Mexico, and Springerville and Alpine, Arizona, in... |
Witcher, J.C., Swanberg, C.A., and Hahman, W.R. |
1994 |
Reconnaissance environmental geology of the Tonto Foothills, Scottsdale, Maricopa County, Arizona, 1985 |
Pewe, T.L., Kenny, Ray, and Bales, Jim |
1994 |
Relationship of mineralization to key rock types and structural features of southeastern Arizona, in Thorman, C.H., and Lane, D.E., eds., USGS Research on Mineral Resources - 1994, Part B - Guidebook for Field Trips, Ninth V.E. McKelvey... |
Drewes, Harald |
1994 |
Life on land in the Precambrian -- The Arizona connection, in Boaz, Debra, Dornan, Michael, and Bolander, Susan, eds., Proceedings of the Fossils of Arizona Symposium, Volume II, November 19, 1994 |
Knauth, L.P. |
1994 |
Summary by year and permit number of oil, gas and helium production in Arizona, 1954-1993 |
Rauzi, S.L. |
1994 |
Geologic map of the Chiricahua Peak quadrangle, Cochise County, Arizona |
du Bray, E.A., and Pallister, J.S. |
1994 |
Age of segmented debris fans and the pools-and-rapids of the Colorado River, eastern Grand Canyon, Arizona [abs.] |
Hereford, Richard, Thompson, K.S., Burke, K.J., and Fairley, H.C. |
1994 |
Geothermal test hints at oil potential in eastern Arizona volcanic field |
Rauzi, S.L. |
1994 |
Surficial processes on two fluvially dominated alluvial fans in Arizona |
Field, J.J. |
1994 |
Petrology of Laramide plutons from Arizona [abs.], in 1994 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, December 5-9, San Francisco, California |
Lang, J.R., Titley, S.R., and Anthony, E.Y. |
1994 |
Presevation and evolution of quartz phenocrysts in deformed rhyolites from the Proterozoic of southwestern North America |
Williams, M.L., and Burr, J.L. |
1994 |
Geologic map of the Castaneda Hills quadrangle, Mohave County, Arizona |
Lucchitta, Ivo, and Suneson, N.H. |
1994 |
Alpine 1/Federal final report - Part 2, temperature gradients, geothermal potential, and geology |
Witcher, J.C., Hahman, W.R., and Swanberg, C.A. |
1994 |
Third-day road log, from Alpine, Arizona, to Luna, Reserve, Apache Creek, Horse Springs and Datil, New Mexico, in Chamberlin, R.M., Kues, B.S., Cather, S.M., Barker, J.M., and McIntosh, W.C., eds., Mogollon Slope, west-central New Mexico... |
Ratte, J.C., Bove, D.J., Cather, S.M., Chamberlin, R.M., Crews, S.G., and McIntosh, W.C. |
1994 |
Silver Bell porphyry copper deposit, Silver Bell Mountains, Pima County, Arizona, in Thorman, C.H., and Lane, D.E., eds., USGS Research on Mineral Resources - 1994, Part B - Guidebook for Field Trips, Ninth V.E. McKelvey Forum on Mineral... |
Titley, S.R. |
1994 |
Life on land in the Precambrian |
Horodyski, R.J., and Knauth, L.P. |
1994 |
Simulation of ground-water flow and potential land subsidence, upper Santa Cruz Basin, Arizona |
Hanson, R.T., and Benedict, J.F. |
1994 |
Limestone concretion morphology as an indicator of sea level-dependent variations in sedimentation rate, in Boaz, Debra, Dornan, Michael, and Bolander, Susan, eds., Proceedings of the Fossils of Arizona Symposium, Volume II, November 19,... |
Wolfe, D.G. |
1994 |
Hydraulic and geomorphic re-evaluation of an extraordinary flood discharge estimate: Bronco Creek, Arizona [abs.] |
House, P.K., and Pearthree, P.A. |
1994 |
Arizona |
Oil and Gas Journal |
1994 |
Confusion where ground and surface waters meet: Gila River General Adjudication, Arizona and the search for subflow |
Sobczak, R.V. |
1994 |
Processes of channel migration on fluvially dominated alluvial fans in Arizona |
Field, J.J. |
1994 |
Tectonic setting of ca. 1.4 GA 'anorogenic' plutons, central Arizona: A record of mesoproterozoic contraction and reactivation [abs.] |
Nyman, M.W., and Karlstrom, K.E. |
1994 |
An assessment of the Verde River Corridor Project in Arizona |
Averitt, Elaine, Steiner, Frederick, Yabes, R.A., and Patten, Duncan |
1994 |
Trip 6: Globe-Miami and Superior Districts: Thornton, Live Oak, Pinto Valley, Old Dominion-Magma, Carlota, October 1994 - Bootprints Along the Cordillera, Porphyry Copper Deposits from Alaska to Chile |
Bingham, Brent, and Lenzi, Gary |
1994 |
Deformational styles in the Proterozoic Pinal Schist, Pinal Peak, Arizona: Microstructural and quartz c[-]axis analyses |
Keep, Myra, and Hansen, V.L. |
1994 |
Geology of the late Cenozoic Alma Basin, New Mexico and Arizona, in Chamberlin, R.M., Kues, B.S., Cather, S.M., Barker, J.M., and McIntosh, W.C., eds., Mogollon Slope, west-central New Mexico and east-central Arizona |
Houser, B.B. |
1994 |
Structural analysis of the Hurricane Fault in the transition zone between the Basin and Range Province and the Colorado Plateau, Washington County, Utah |
Schramm, M.E. |
1994 |
Tucson Mountains caldera - A Cretaceous ash-flow caldera in southern Arizona, in Thorman, C.H., and Lane, D.E., eds., USGS Research on Mineral Resources - 1994, Part B - Guidebook for Field Trips, Ninth V.E. McKelvey Forum on Mineral and... |
Lipman, P.W. |
1994 |
Photointerpretation of Late Pleistocene-Holocene rock glaciers on Sacaton Mountain and Escudilla Mountain, west-central New Mexico and east-central Arizona, in Chamberlin, R.M., Kues, B.S., Cather, S.M., Barker, J.M., and McIntosh, W.C.,... |
Blagbrough, J.W. |
1994 |
A reconnaissance of earth fissures near Apache Junction, Chandler Heights, and southwestern Picacho Basin |
Harris, R.C. |
1994 |
The 1983 and 1993 floods in southern Arizona: Implications for high-frequency climate change and channel dynamics [abs.] |
Huckleberry, Gary |
1994 |
Composition changes in an ash-flow cooling unit during K metasomatism, west-central Arizona |
Hollocher, Kurt, Spencer, Jon, and Ruiz, Joaquin |
1994 |
Detailed geologic map and cross sections of the Ramsay Mine area, southeastern Plomosa Mountains, west-central Arizona |
Richard, S.M., and Spencer, J.E. |
1994 |
Stratigraphic relations and U-Pb geochronology of the Upper Cretaceous upper McCoy Mountains Formation, southwestern Arizona |
Tosdal, R.M., and Stone, Paul |
1994 |
On-site capabilities allow the adaptive remedial investigation of the Marine Corps Air Station in Yuma, Arizona [abs.] |
Batty, T.F., and Mangold, Davis |
1994 |
Trip 7: Ray, Poston Butte, Sacaton, Santa Cruz, Cyprus Tohono, October 1994 - Bootprints Along the Cordillera, Porphyry Copper Deposits from Alaska to Chile |
John, Ed, Kreis, Henry, and Hoag, Corolla |
1994 |
Hydrologic, social and legal impacts of summary judgment of stockwatering ponds (stockponds) in the General Stream Adjudications in Arizona |
Young, D.W. |
1994 |
Geology of the Enebro Mountain area, Greenlee County, Arizona |
Melchiorre, E.B. |
1994 |
Volcanoes and neotectonic characteristics of the Springerville volcanic field, Arizona, in Chamberlin, R.M., Kues, B.S., Cather, S.M., Barker, J.M., and McIntosh, W.C., eds., Mogollon Slope, west-central New Mexico and east-central Arizona |
Crumpler, L.S., Aubele, J.C., and Condit, C.D. |
1994 |
Geologic map of the White Pockets quadrangle, northern Mohave County, Arizona |
Billingsley, G.H. |
1994 |
Tucson Wash - An introduction to new work in the San Manuel and Mammoth Districts, Pinal County, Arizona, in Thorman, C.H., and Lane, D.E., eds., USGS Research on Mineral Resources - 1994, Part B - Guidebook for Field Trips, Ninth V.E.... |
Force, E.R., and Dickinson, W.R. |
1994 |
A 4500-year record of large floods on the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon, Arizona |
O'Connor, J.E., Ely, L.L., Wohl, E.E., Stevens, L.E., Melis, T.E., Kale, V.S., and Baker, V.R. |
1994 |
Regional geology of the Morenci area [abs.], in SME, 1994 Annual Meeting and Exhibit, February 14-17, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Program and abstracts |
Pawlowski, M.R. |
1994 |
Spatial variability of small-basin paleoflood magnitudes for a southeastern Arizona mountain range |
Martinez-Goytre, Juan, House, P.K., and Baker, V.R. |
1994 |
Late Cenozoic lava dams in the western Grand Canyon |
Hamblin, W.K. |
1994 |
A geomorphologic and hydraulic evaluation of an extraordinary flood discharge estimate: Bronco Creek, Arizona |
House, P.K., and Pearthree, P.A. |
1994 |
Tertiary sedimentary rocks associated with the Harcuvar core complex in Arizona (U.S.A.): Insights into paleogeographic evolution during displacement along a major detachment fault system |
Yarnold, J.C. |
1994 |
A quantitative model of ground-water flow during formation of tabular sandstone uranium deposits |
Sanford, R.F. |
1994 |