Lipman, P.W., and Sawyer, D.A., 1985, Mesozoic ash-flow caldera fragments in southeastern Arizona and their relation to porphyry copper deposits: Geology, v. 13, no. 9, p. 652-656.
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Mineral District, Figure, Bedrock, Metallogeny, Porphyry Copper, Volcanology, Volcanic, Megabreccia, Structure, Faulting, Granitoid, (Silver Bell dacite)[tuff of Confidence Peak][Confidence Peak tuff] - Cretaceous, Claflin Ranch Fm, [Silver Bell andesite][Silver Bell Fm][Silver Bell volcanics][Silver Bell welded tuff], (Mount Lord Ignimbrite), Ruby Star Granodiorite - Paleocene, Red Boy Rhyolite, [Demetrie Fm][Demetrie Volcanics](Demetrie andesite), Salero Fm, Josephine Canyon Diorite, Elephant Head Quartz Monzonite, Uncle Sam Tuff(Uncle Sam Porphyry), Schieffelin Granodiorite, (Tucson Mountain Chaos), Cat Mountain Tuff(Cat Mountain Rhyolite), [Amole pluton][Amole granitic pluton] - Cretaceous, (Sugarloaf Quartz Latite) (Dragoon Mts.) [Courtland andesite - Oligocene]/[Sugarloaf Tuff - Cretaceous]/[tuff of Courtland - Jurassic], [Cornelia Quartz Monzonite][Cornelia pluton](Cornelia monzonite)[New Cornelia pluton][New Cornelia stock], Concentrator Volcanics, Glory Hole Volcanics(volcanics of Glory Hole Mine) - Paleocene, Copper Creek Granodiorite(granodiorite of Copper Creek) (Galiuro Mts.),