Ferguson, C.A., Enders, M.S., Peters, Lisa, and McIntosh, W.C., 2000, Mid-Tertiary geology and geochronology of the Clifton-Morenci area, Greenlee and Graham Counties, Arizona: Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-07, 69 p.
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Areal, Stratigraphy, Structure, Geochronology, Bloodgood Canyon Tuff(Bloodgood Canyon rhyolite) - Mogollon Group - Oligocene, Davis Canyon tuff, Clifton tuff - Oligocene, Cooney Tuff(Cooney quartz latite) - Datil Group, [alluvium of Smuggler Canyon][unit of Smuggler Canyon], [fluviatile deposits of Buzzard Roost Canyon][unit of Buzzard Roost Canyon], [Midnight Canyon conglomerate][conglomerate of Midnight Canyon] (Gila Box), conglomerate of Bonita Creek - Miocene, [Tollgate Wash eruptive center][eruptive center of Tollgate Wash][Tollgate Wash silicic center][Tollgate Wash silicic lava field], rhyolite of Mule Creek, [dacite of Tennessee Creek][porphyritic hornblende dacite of Tennessee Creek], Enebro Mountain Fm(rhyolite of Enebro Mountain)(Enebro Mountain rhyolite), [Peloncillo Mountains silicic lava field][eruptive center of Ash Peak-Rhyolite Peak][rocks of the Ash Peak-Rhyolite Peak eruptive center](rhyolite dome-flow-cone complex of Ash Peak) - Oligocene/Miocene, andesite of Gila River - Oligocene(?)/Miocene(?), [Gila Mountains silicic lava field][volcano of Bear Spring](rocks of the Bear Springs volcano) (GM), [volcanic complex of Bird Canyon][volcanic rocks of Bird Canyon][Bird Canyon silicic complex], [rhyolite of Hells Hole][Hells Hole silicic complex] (Hells Hole area), [Guthrie Peak andesite][andesite of Guthrie Peak-Turtle Mountain](andesite and basaltic andesite of Turtle Mountain-Guthrie Peak), Bearwallow Mountain Andesite - Mogollon Group, volcanic sequence in the Big Lue Mountains, [Gila Conglomerate][Gila Fm][Gila Group] - Miocene/Pliocene/Pleistocene - Gila assemblage,