Dann, J.C., II, 1992, The origin and emplacement of the Early Proterozoic Payson ophiolite, central Arizona: St. Louis, Mo., Washington University, Ph.D. dissertation, 340 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:24,000.
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Ophiolite, Map, Bedrock, Plate Tectonics, Areal, Structure, Stratigraphy, Geochemical Survey, Igneous Petrology, Granitoid, Volcanic, Ultramafic, Geochronology, [Payson ophiolite](Payson diorite)[Gibson Creek batholith][diorite-gabbro of Gibson Creek][Gibson Creek complex](Gibson Creek diorite) - Early Proterozoic, Mazatzal Group - Tonto Basin Supergroup, East Verde River Fm(East Verde River sequence) - Union Hills Group/Tonto Basin Supergroup, Alder Group(Alder Series)(Alder Fm), [Red Rock Rhyolite][Red Rock Fm] - [Tonto Basin Felsic Complex][Red Rock Group] - Tonto Basin Supergroup, Diamond Rim Intrusive Suite, [Deadman Quartzite][Deadman Fm], [Doll Baby layered gabbro][Doll Baby layered intrusion], Round Valley gabbro (Payson area), Snowstorm Mountain gabbro, Alder Creek gabbro and diabase, American Gulch sheeted dike complex, sheeted dikes of American Gulch, sheeted dikes of Rattlesnake Canyon (Tonto Basin), sheeted dikes of St. Johns Creek, Mineral Spring sheeted dikes, Center Creek sheeted dikes, Rock Creek sheeted dikes, Eisenhauer Canyon sheeted dikes, Barnhardt Canyon sheeted dikes, sheeted dikes in Tonto Creek, Larson Spring fm, St. Johns granodiorite, Peace Tank granodiorite, White Mtn. granodiorite,