Blakey, R.C., and Knepp, R., 1989, Pennsylvanian and Permian geology of Arizona, in Jenney, J.P., and Reynolds, S.J., eds., Geologic evolution of Arizona: Arizona Geological Society Digest 17, p. 313-347.
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Paleogeography, Correlation, Paleoenvironment, Sedimentary Petrology, Biostratigraphy, Physical Stratigraphy, Tectonics, Pennsylvanian, Permian, [Supai Fm][Supai Group], Watahomigi Fm, Manakacha Fm, Wescogame Fm, [Black Prince Limestone][Black Prince fm], [Naco Group][Naco Fm](Naco Limestone), [Horquilla Limestone][Horquilla Fm], Earp Fm, [Hermosa Group][Hermosa Fm], Esplanade Sandstone(Esplanade sandstone mbr), Queantoweap Sandstone, (Cedar Mesa Sandstone Mbr - Cutler Fm)[Cedar Mesa Fm][Cedar Mesa Sandstone] - Cutler Group, [Pakoon Limestone][Pakoon Fm], Halgaito Fm(Halgaito Mbr)(Halgaito Tongue), Organ Rock Fm(Organ Rock Tongue)(Organ Rock Shale), De Chelly Sandstone(De Chelly Sandstone Mbr), Glorieta Sandstone, [Fort Defiance Mbr - De Chelly Sandstone - Cutler Group][beds at Fort Defiance], [Hermit Shale][Hermit Fm], [Schnebly Hill Fm], [Bell Rock Mbr - Schnebly Hill Fm]/[Supai Fm][Supai Group], [Rancho Rojo Mbr - Schnebly Hill Fm], Fort Apache Mbr(Fort Apache Limestone Mbr) - [Supai Fm][Schnebly Hill Fm][Corduroy Fm - Supai Group][Yeso Fm], (Big A sand facies)Big A Butte Mbr - [Supai Fm][Schnebly Hill Fm][Amos Wash Fm - Supai Group], Corduroy Mbr(Corduroy sand facies) - [Supai Fm][Schnebly Hill Fm][Corduroy Fm - Supai Group], [Sycamore Pass Mbr - Schnebly Hill Fm]/[Supai Group][Supai Fm], Coconino Sandstone, Toroweap Fm, [Kaibab Fm][Kaibab Limestone], Colina Limestone, [Epitaph Dolomite][Epitaph Fm], Scherrer Fm, Concha Limestone, Rainvalley Fm,