Sharp, W.N., 1986, Petrochemistry of igneous rocks, Silver City 1o x 2o quadrangle, New Mexico and Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-1310-H, 7 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:250,000.
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Mineral District, Map, Bedrock, Geochemistry, Geochemical Survey, Geochronology, Granitoid, Igneous Petrology, Volcanic, [Pat Hills granodiorite][Pat Hills pluton] - Oligocene, Whitetail pluton, Rhyolite Canyon Tuff(ash flow tuff of Rhyolite Canyon)(Rhyolite Canyon Fm) - [Turkey Creek eruptive complex and pluton][rocks of the Turkey Creek Caldera], [Nine Mile pluton][Ninemile granodiorite][Ninemile stock], [Silver Camp quartz diorite][Silver Camp pluton][Silver Camp stock][Silver Camp Canyon quartz diorite][Silver Camp Canyon granodiorite] - Paleocene, [Cowboy pluton][Cowboy stock][Cowboy quartz diorite], [Circle I Hills granite][Circle I Hills pluton][Circle I stock], Greasewood Mountain eruptive center - Oligocene/Miocene, [granite of Gillespie Mountain][Gillespie Mountain pluton][Gillespie granite](Gillespie quartz monzonite), [Steins eruptive center][rocks of Steins Volcano], [McKenzie Peak dome][dacite dome of McKenzie Peak], rhyolite plug and dike swarm of Horseshoe Ranch - Horseshoe eruptive center (Northern Peloncillo Mts.), [Horsecamp eruptive center][Horsecamp volcano], [dacite dome of Orange Butte][Orange Butte dome] - Orange Butte eruptive center - Oligocene, [rhyodacite dacite andesite dome-flow-cone complex of Powerline Pass][Powerline Pass eruptive center], [high-silica rhyolite dome-flow complex of Dry Mountain][Dry Mountain eruptive center], Sol pluton - Cretaceous(?) or Paleocene(?), [Tollgate Wash eruptive center][eruptive center of Tollgate Wash][Tollgate Wash silicic center][Tollgate Wash silicic lava field], [eruptive center of Ash Peak-Rhyolite Peak][rocks of the Ash Peak-Rhyolite Peak eruptive center](rhyolite dome-flow-cone complex of Ash Peak), Horseshoe pluton (Gila Mts.(GM)) - Paleocene(?) or Cretaceous(?), [Lone Star pluton][Lone Star stock] - Paleocene, [San Juan pluton][San Juan stock] - Eocene, [volcano of Bear Spring](rocks of the Bear Springs volcano)[Gila Mountains silicic lava field],