Stuckless, J.S., 1971, The petrology and petrography of the volcanic sequence associated with the Superstition caldera, Superstition Mountains, Arizona: Stanford, Stanford University, Ph.D. dissertation, 113 p., 1 sheet.
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Volcanology, Volcanic, Igneous Petrology, Geochemical Survey, Geochronology, Isotope Geochemistry, Geothermometry, Granitoid, Tectonics, Structure, Precambrian, (Geronimo Head Fm)[Peters Canyon dome complex][Peters Canyon complex] - Miocene, (Superstition Fm)(Superstition Tuff)(Superstition Welded Tuff)Apache Leap Tuff - Miocene, (Siphon Draw Mbr - Superstition Tuff)(Siphon Draw rhyodacite tuff)(Siphon Draw welded tuff)(Siphon Draw tuff)Apache Leap Tuff, (Dogie Spring Mbr - Superstition Tuff)(Dogie Spring Welded Tuff)Apache Leap Tuff, (Canyon Lake Mbr - Superstition Tuff)(Canyon Lake welded tuff)(Canyon Lake vitrophyre)(Canyon Lake tuff)Apache Leap Tuff, [Black Mesa basanite][basanite of Black Mesa][Black Mesa basalt][basalt of Black Mesa][basalt of Hackberry Mesa][Hackberry Mesa basalt] (Superstition Mts.), [Willow Springs basalt][basalt of Willow Springs] (Superstition Mts.), [Canyon Lake basalt][basalt of Canyon Lake], Ruin Granite(Ruin quartz monzonite) - Middle Proterozoic, Madera Diorite(Madera granite)(Madera quartz diorite) - Early Proterozoic, Apache Leap Tuff, [Mesquite Flat breccia][epiclastic breccia of Mesquite Flat][fanglomerate of Mesquite Flat],