Simmons, A.M., and Ward, A.W., 1992, Preliminary geologic map of the Mohon Mountains Volcanic Field, Mohave and Yavapai Counties, Arizona [Scratch Canyon, Burro Mesa, Pilot Knob, Cedar Basin, Mount Hope, Sunrise Peak, Mohon Peak, Gonzales Wash, Anvil Rock, Anvil Rock Ranch, and Devils Hump 7.5 min]: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-0198, 2 sheets, scale 1:50,000.
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Map, Bedrock, Geochemical Survey, Volcanic, Geochronology, rhyodacite of Ferguson Ridge - Miocene, rhyolite of Sherman Spring, (Basin andesite)basaltic andesites of West Mesa (Mohon Mts.), basaltic andesites of West Mesa (Mohon Mts.), andesite of Mount Hope area, (Lake Mary andesite), (Red Hill andesite), [Trout Creek basalt][basalt of Trout Creek], andesitic lava of Mohon Mountain and Red Canyon, andesitic lava of Mohon Mountain, andesitic lava of Red Canyon, basaltic andesite of Red Canyon, Fort Rock Creek rhyodacite(Fort Rock rhyodacite) - [Fort Rock volcanics][volcanic rocks of Fort Rock] - Miocene/Oligocene, rhyodacite of Aquarius Mountains, tuff of Aquarius Mountains, [olivine basalts of Mount Hope area][Mt. Hope basalt], olivine basalt of Juniper Mountains, olivine basalt of Ferguson Ridge, olivine basalt of Kaiser Springs, Burro Creek hawaiite - Pliocene, [Mt. Hope rhyolite][rhyolite dome of Mt. Hope], tuff of Burro Creek - Miocene, rhyolite flows of Mt. Hope, [Orejana Canyon rhyolite dome][volcanic rocks of Orejana Canyon][Orejana Canyon rhyolite flows][Orejana Canyon dome][rhyolite flows of Orejana],