Pewe, T.L., and Updike, R.G., 1970, Resume of glacial geology and related Quaternary events of the San Francisco Peaks, in Guidebook to the Geology of the San Francisco Peaks, Arizona, prepared for Friends of the Pleistocene, Rocky Mountain Section, 15th Field Conference, October 2-4, 1970: Plateau, v. 43, no. 2, p. 50-60.
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Volcanology, Glacial, Glacial Sedimentary, Volcanic, Paleoclimatology, Pliocene, Sinagua Fm - Pleistocene, [tephra of Sugarloaf (San Francisco Volcanic Field)][Sugarloaf tephra][Sugarloaf Mountain tephra](Sugarloaf ash)(Sugarloaf rhyolitic ash), [Sugarloaf Mountain rhyolite (San Francisco Volcanic Field)][rhyolite dome of Sugarloaf (San Francisco Volcanic Field)][Sugarloaf rhyolite dome](Sugarloaf rhyolite)(Sugarloaf biotite rhyolite)(South Sugarloaf rhyolite)(South Sugarloaf Hill rhyolite) - rhyolite of Sugarloaf (San Francisco Volcanic Field) - Pleistocene, [dacite of North Sugarloaf][dacite dome of North Sugarloaf][rhyodacite of North Sugarloaf][North Sugarloaf rhyodacite][North Sugarloaf Mtn. rhyodacite][Sugarloaf North rhyolite] (San Francisco Volcanic Field) - Pliocene, [Black Point basalt][basalt flow of Black Point][Black Point flow], [Anderson Mesa basalt][Anderson Mesa flow] - Miocene, (Sugarloaf glaciation)Lockett Meadow glaciation, Core Ridge glaciation, Snowslide Spring glaciation,